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讓我們玩剪紙(單頁打印,3-6歲的學齡前兒童 平裝本,共分2冊) 學齡前剪刀練習和著色書, 其中包含獅子,松鼠,海馬等動物以及熱氣球和貝殼等小物體, 從簡單的外觀到不規則的外觀, 適合3-6歲。頁面打印,共48種圖案(96頁) Lets play paper cutting!(Animals & small items): Single page printing, 3-6 years old preschool use { 部分內容 } 48種圖案(總共96頁), 單頁打印。可用於著色或練習剪刀技巧, 從簡單的圓形到不規則的形狀,逐步進行, 適用於學齡前兒童。 內容包括:蔬菜和水果,蛋糕,帽子...等圖案。 Lets play paper cutting (cute patterns):3-5 years old,coloring scissors practice picture book for preschool children,cute graphics, single-sided printing.{ 部分內容 } ........... 這2本書與108種可愛圖案的著色書 的內容是一樣的, 只是,剪刀系列是單頁印刷,有虛線輔助 "108種可愛圖案的著色書"是雙面印刷。 ........... These 2 books are the same as "108 cute patterns coloring book", However, the scissors series is printed on a single page, with a dotted line to assist "108 cute patterns coloring book" is double-sided printing.
以下提供免費試用下載 (版權所有,勿作商業用途) Lets play paper cutting (cute patterns)-部分內容....Lets play paper cutting!(Animals & small items)-部分內容 |
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