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In the Land Where We Never Grow Old
2010/07/30 22:09:43瀏覽289|回應1|推薦0

In the Land Where We Never Grow Old

by cAmilla Wu

" The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we've lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we've found each other. And maybe each time, we've been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this good-bye is both a good-bye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come.

When I look at you, I see your beauty and grace and know they have grown stronger with every life you have lived. And I know I have spent every life before this one searching for you. Not someone like you, but you, for your soul and mine must always come together. And then, for a reason neither of us understands, we've been forced to say good-bye.

I would love to tell you that everything will work out for us, and I promis to do all I can to make sure it does. But if we never meet again and this is truly good-bye, I know we will see each other again in another life. We will find each other again, and maybe the stars will have changed, and we will not only love each other in that time, but for all the times we've had before."

The horse read the note from "The Notebook" to the sheep.

"Why do you read this to me?" asked sheep trying to find a clue.

"Just so you know how I feel." The horse answered.

"What does that mean? Are we separating?" The sheep did not find the note quite romantic under this situation.

"Yes and no and that's not what I really want to tell you." The horse took a deep breath and continued, "It only means that I care about you very much and you..."

"Then keep it straight. I can't handle this uncertainty especially while you try to soften and sweeten the hard and bitter truth. What is this all about?" The sheep was a bit lost and did not like this feeling at all. Uncertainty was never her favorate word.

The horse cast a glance at distant mountains. "There is no hard and bitter truth. Would you like to talk about us now?"

"I have always wanted to talk about us with you. I am the one who wants to talk more and you are the one who is eager to hang up the phone. You don't even praise my glamorous fleece anymore." The tears welled up in the sheep's eyes. 

"I have always loved you. I have always remembered how beautiful your fleece is and how it makes me suffer from its beauty while you are away from me." Drawing his brows together in a frown, collecting his thoughts, the horse confessed. He knew the reason why he hung up the phone that fast. As long as he could hang up the phone before she did then it meant that he did not have to care about her that much. Sometimes, he just felt a bit tired that the sheep seemed to live in the world that revolved around her only. Everything she talked on the phone was all about her. Her study, her work, her life, and her dream... Once in a while she would remember that there was a word called "us." Then she would say something like "What's the plan for us to do when we meet?" Right. What could they do when they see each other? That should not even be a question. Why couldn't the sheep just enjoy the moment being with him no matter what they were doing? Why was there always a plan for doing things? Couldn't the life be relaxing? Maybe he should start to make his life busy so that the sheep knew exactly how it felt when he had to squeeze time for her as well. The horse had heard so many things about the sheep and put too much attention and spent so much time on her that he almost forgot that he was the horse. He needed to find himself back. 

"Yes, you have. But have you ever thought about that the love you have given me is actually the way you want but not the one I truly need?" The sheep tried to be reasonable. She knew how much time the horse used to spend on driving just to see her. She also knew that every time after driving for more than three hours, the horse would definately feel tired and exhausted and spend more time sleeping instead of being awake and talking to her. She needed the conversation, an open-minded and heart to heart chat, to build up the relationship. "I know how much you care about me and I cherish our relationship a lot since it is already hard because of the distance and that's why I want to show you the right way to love me." The sheep's heart was almost broken while uttering these words.  She used to have the strong belief to help her through the difficult times, especially those deep dark nights without his kisses and hugs to keep her going. But the creed of love seemed to become shaky... She was a sheep. Should she be in love with a horse?

A gentle breeze caressed a blossomy garden making the greeny leaves bow. Butterflies and bees were dancing gracefully enjoying this serenity. "Sheepola, hey, it's been a long time. Finally, you are here. I haven't received any phone calls or text messages from you for ages since last time we talked."

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2010/07/31 22:56
In space and time at which thoughts have not been formed.