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In Love
2009/10/20 14:23:02瀏覽412|回應0|推薦3

In Love

by cAmilla Wu

"I know that we both love each other but please stay away from me if you are not madly in love with me," says the sheep. The sheep continues reluctantly, "And I will stay away from you as well if I am not madly in love with you."

"Define 'love' then," asks the horse.

"You must be true to your heart. True love never dies," the sheep asnwers firmly.

"True love lives forever," adds the horse. "Why do you always look at the dark side of life?" The horse tries to cheer the sheep up. 

"I'm not looking at the dark side of life. I just need to feel secure." The sheep defends herself.

"It takes courage to make things work. All you need now is bravery." Floating in the blue lagoon, the horse quite enjoys the sheep's company except for their conversation.

"I am ready for the marriage. Am I not brave enough?" the sheep feels confused.

"When the time comes, we will know. We will know it right away. Without hesitation." The horse dives into the water and catches a fish then shows it to the sheep. More fish leap out of water. Their scales shine beautifully in the sunlight. "Would you like to relax your mind a bit? Come have fun with me and the fish."  

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