I remembered there is a store called " House of Fabric" in 1996, then they changed the store name to JOAN STORE in 2001, you can buy some printed fabric swatches there, but their price is really high. I don't know what city you lived in, like my school in downtown LA, FIDM, it's store sometimes sell some fabric swatches, or California Mart in Downtown LA, or you can find some colleague which has the fashion design or textile design department, then you could find some fabrics there.
事實上, 美國很少產你要的布, 大都是東南亞國家進口的, 如台灣, 韓國, 中國, 泰國及印度, 其中以印度, 中國為最大宗! 我手上每季處理成千上萬的布塊 ,很可惜不然拿給你, 還可以多加利用, 我想你要的大多是 woven printed or dobby or jacquard 100% cotton, T/C, or CVC, 100% Linen or Linen blends, few silk or polyester or rayon. 我個人是很喜歡印度的布, 設計開發都很強, 韓國的也更棒,日本的太精緻,失去布的精神,台灣的布風雨飄搖中,大陸的布蓄勢待發!