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[ AwesomePlanning ] 維他命蒸餾器 [ Relaxtick ] Jasmine _
2017/07/28 04:06:32瀏覽51|回應0|推薦0

[ AwesomePlanning ] 維他命蒸餾器 [ Relaxtick ] Jasmine _

[ AwesomePlanning ] 維他命蒸餾器 [ Relaxtick ] Jasmine _, Korean, 生活用品與家電 , AwesomePlanning, RELAXTICK_Jasmine, Battery Volume 280mah, Tar Free,Nicotine Free, Contains vitamins A,B, and C, 500 Puff, Button Action, koreanmall

Popular for customers of all ages, this product vaporized liquid vitamins with rich flavors.

  • Battery Volume 280mah
  • Tar Free,Nicotine Free
  • Contains vitamins A,B, and C
  • 500 Puff
  • Button Action


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    [ AwesomePlanning ] 維他命蒸餾器 [ Relaxtick ] Jasmine _

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