1. Sahrmann S. Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes. 2002. Mosby
給一些很不同的觀念. 表格很實用
2. Greenman PE. Principles of Manual Medicine
technique與照片都很詳細 很容易上手
3. Kinser and Colby. Theraputic Exercise Foundations and Techniques. 4th ed.
1.Laurie Lundy-Ekman. Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation
1. Watchie J. Cardiaopulmonary Physical Therapy-A clinical Manual. 1995. WB Saunder Company
2. Hillegass EA, Sadowsky HS. Essentails of cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. 2001. Saunders
臨床資料很好找的一本書 疾病.用藥部分也滿詳細的.
3. American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. 2001.Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
4. 吳英黛 呼吸循環系統物理治療. 4th 金名圖書.
很多資料都滿好找到的 但是很多資料都沒有圖 加上是中文的 有時候會有點難適應
[小兒物理治療] 皆為台北榮總指定閱讀文章
1. Irma J. Wilhelm. Physical Therapy Assessment in Early Infancy. Chapter 8 Theoretical Issues in Assessing Postual Control pp161-169
這篇文章對思考main problem, 幫助很大
2. Hall, David M.B. The Child with a Disability. 2nd ed 1996 pp21-29, 36-44, 131-138
3. Scholz JP. Dynamic Pattern Theory: some implication for therapeutics. Phys Ther. 1990;70:827-843
很難的review article, 提供一個新的思考概念
4. Stephen Tecklin. Pediatric Physical Therapy. Chapter 3 The High-risk Infant. 1994
接觸high-risk infant的入門文章