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2021/01/05 00:02:17瀏覽1327|回應0|推薦0 | |
燈火闌珊處絕不放棄…那人卻在迎向勝利… 李祖杰(@toponepen) | Twitter
Not only encouraging British people in the lower house of parliament of England, Winston Churchill also made an important speech in January 1942 at the Congress of the United States when Donald Trump was yet to be born in New York just like what he has reiterated again and again in TRUMP2020 campaign that the steadfast belief he always trusts in as “the best is yet to come”! And now, exactly 78 years later, what will happen on this Wednesday, January 6, 2021? A triumphant destined miracle blessed by all GODS in HEAVEN, or finally a doomed devastating tragedy triggered by the dems inevitably to take place?
大敵當前團結對外,兄弟之邦休戚與共,英美同盟勢在必行,義無反顧並肩作戰,但die fühler Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler有比支那一尊小學博士袁二習特勒更不仁嗎? 半斤八兩伯仲之間吧?The worst has already come to dominate the ignorant world? 一山還有一山高,「人外有人,天外有天」,只怕不識貨,不怕貨比貨! 什麼叫「現在,咱是自我命運的主人」?邱吉爾的名言日積月累經穿越後,被川普翻譯成See you in DC!,空間還是沒變,依然在華府,意思也一樣:命運掌握在自己手裡!市井小民街坊見!Follow me!Let’s go! Whether hearing one of the most inspiring messages ever addressed publicly by the leading political figures during the wartimes or not, they the people supporting their best president ever in the history of the United States of America will take to the street to back TRUMP defeating the fraudulent election results and electoral college outcome till the stolen victory is returned to him as the most honorable and humble winner in US presidential election contests!
不須戒嚴不用軍管,沒必要師法林肯,採取非常手段,達成救亡圖存目標,只消柔性動員為數眾多鐵桿部隊,大做「反舞弊,揭真相」文章,訴求民意支持就夠了… 因為時代背景完全不同,川普容或受盡section230鳥氣,橫遭mic大外宣產業鏈轄下美國左媒醜化及羞辱,可畢竟現已是無遠弗屆3C時代,他自己就是一部身形龐然自媒體,嚴陣以待粉絲何其多?師出既有名,欲發號施令再簡單也不過,哪犯得著開倒車臨,鐵腕摹解放黑奴大英雄?
三權分立民主世界領頭羊,當然要遵循體制規定,打擊不法「盜竊」集團,尋求翻盤機會,這才是硬道理,也才有正當性,不至於落人口實… 即使司法救濟途徑頻頻受阻,連SCOTUS也閉關不出,高掛免戰牌,致愚公移山川普一再被下作的為惡者譏笑,但他依舊不改其志,神態自若信心十足朝無可搖撼勝選目標舉步邁進! 這需要多強大的自制力,和多堅韌的耐性? 因「皇帝不急,急死太監」!川普是人民一票一票間接選出國家最高領導人,本來就不是朕即天下,幹到死的獨夫,然則雖反對者不少,民間聲望卻勢如破竹沖沖滾,誰也招架不住,若論及此皮相,其實與唯我獨尊習包子已所差無幾! 只不過,前線壞消息不斷,後防軍心浮動在所難免,有人擋未著,開始面露憂色唱衰他,亦合情合理之至!
一股濃濃的失敗主義氛圍,非但一直盤桓周遭,老是揮之不去,甚且日漸擴散,壯哉川普始終不為所動,堅持不輕言放棄平和解決「被敗選」的紛爭,總算等到參眾兩院部分清流之士揭竿而起的反撲良機… 對堅守體制,不為名不為利不為己,老僧入定如斯的他而言,議會路線永遠是一條不可偏廢的必要選項…
然而,外在形勢確實很險惡,川普不能只有一套劇本,猶須保留別的替代方案… 為了贏得原本即歸屬他的勝果,川普親自發起眾運動,號召千軍萬馬進京護盤,唯一「上訪」對象不是總統本尊,係劍指迄今尚無作為的最高法院! 他不是聖人,也不是強人,只是一個平凡無奇,熱愛美國的偉人罷了! 何以見得呢? Just listen to what an inspirational motivational speech he has made to his beloved nation! |
( 時事評論|兩岸 ) |