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2020/11/01 22:59:26瀏覽1263|回應0|推薦1 | |
幾個川普?各自表述… 李祖杰(@toponepen) | Twitter
To love or hate him, you just have to pick up either one of the two options as a human being currently existing in this planet… There is definitely no ambiguity over the controversial Trumpology called the third way, It’s absolutely impossible! It’s hard to imagine what a global hero like Donald Trump has done is almost single-handedly to divide the world into two different parts, or even two hostile camps who are against each other in the wake of pro or anti the authoritative ruling party in China! He is, however, just too lucky not to be prosecuted or arrested as a fugitive abroad by CCP when referring to the Anti-Secession Law enacted and originally aimed to threaten the Taiwan Independence Movement in 2005! China, by far, might feel very regretful not to strictly make and carry out another domestic law named the International Security Act which could allow the leader of the oriental mafia xinjiang to successfully catch the POTUS Donald Trump as soon as possible at any time, in any place, by any way and at, no doubt, whatever any cost! He seemingly is automatically made to commit a serious crime like treason and therefore claimed as so called a traitor to his main enemy, a brutal dictatorship actually less powerful in every perspective than the super country he himself now governs! A wanted criminal who is quietly convicted of an incredible felony and thus the first absurd label of Trump’s multiple identities has been tagged on him? 哈!這只是惡魔黨「辱川」起手式,算個毛!下面還有哩,名堂可多著呢: 全世界最大尾分離主義運動聖戰士,偉光正「該廝」不勝枚舉滔滔罪行一籮筐: 激化左傾和右翼兩大陣營,使其更加對立=最反動最頑固保守派 分割CCP與支那韭菜=帝國主義殭屍復活重返大陸,再次侵略神州 將美利堅合眾國分裂成川粉及川黑此勢不兩立敵對集團=散播仇恨製造內亂種族主義者 把地球村切成兩大半,非反共,即親中=國際反華勢力總舵手 分化臺灣藍綠,擴大兩岸矛盾,挑起鬼島與美建交意識=反統促獨汲汲營營牟利投機分子 瞧!被中共內控轉外銷主導的全球大外宣,一口氣安這麼多罪名,真難為他老人家了! 而其包山包海「惡形惡狀」,不就是堂堂正正屈膝下跪,當了五千年專制政體奴隸,猶嫌不過癮,還引以自豪中國人最痛恨的反分裂法「亟須嚴懲首要對象」嗎?但天啊,除了美帝頭號愛國者,嫉惡如仇川普,誰有這能耐和本事,可來個七十二變,一次到位集其大成,完整蒐藏上述剿共勳章? 在地表最野蠻匪徒橫行無阻,如入無人之境的一個中國政策恐攻氣焰底下,這樣子的勇者無懼,尤其難能可貴! 「歲月靜好,現世安穩」的太平日子已過,大疫降臨人心浮動,經濟困頓前景黯淡,勒緊褲帶在所難免,接下來的時局將怎麼演變?委實無從逆料,也沒人說得準!四國同盟攜手布局印太戰略,會否擦槍走火意外失控,催生World War III驀地爆發? 凡此種種都需要能力特強,決策果斷,行動迅速,意志堅定的超級領袖,橫空出世旋乾轉坤,而受盡自家媒體奚落,被假民調從頭到尾壓著打的川普,正是唯一不貳人選! 「習」於捧臭腳狂聞猛嗅,被豢養慣了美國左媒,不妨繼續運用黑白二分法,詆毀你們勤政愛民的好總統,因為同樣也是愛恨分明的選民,定將集體護送川普安返華府,助其連任成功後,馬不停蹄加緊內政外交改革腳步!他不會莫名其妙白白遭欺侮,道理很簡單: 川普只有一個本尊,且是言而有信,說話算話說到做到,絕不跟人客套,打哈哈虛與委蛇,天生直腸子真性情,親和力十足,沒什麼架子的政治家,一如他誠心誠意自評I am not a politician那樣,除此之外別無分身,有的話,統統是假議題,保證是426阿共仔的陰ㄇ啦,XD!
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