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How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay Outline
2021/08/04 14:01:50瀏覽2289|回應169|推薦0

To know how to craft an effective problem-solution essay, first,as an essay writer it is important to know what kind of essay it is. In case you’re still facing difficulty in writing, it’s better to contact companies that will cater all your ‘write my essay’ requests instead of risking your grade. Problem-solution essay is a method used to analyze and write about a specific topic. The main aim of this essay is to identify a problem and providing one or more solutions to it. 


These are commonly short essays that aim to convince the reader to take on a problem and address it in a particular way. It usually includes three parts; Introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. One thing you should survey is that paying little notification to how long or short your essay writing service remarked on book reference is, it should be done on brief regions. If you follow a proper essay outline it help you write your essay much easier, while ensuring a logical flow.

The introduction identifies the main problem, explains why it is an important issue and what are the consequences if it is not addressed. The body paragraphs will contain the problem(s) and solution(s) parts. The problem section highlights why the problem is genuine and how it will affect the general public. In this way, it will appeal more to the reader. 

The solution section offers a possible one or more solution to the highlighted problem. It should include why this solution is best among the others. If multiple problems are addressed then these have to be presented in a logical manner along with their solutions. Otherwise, it will confuse the reader and defeat the purpose of the essay itself. The standard length of an explained summary can shift and depend on an essay writer with your writing piece.

The conclusion is the section that summarizes the main topic by emphasizing the importance of the problem and why it should immediately be addressed. In this part, the writer convinces the reader to act on before it gets worsens. 

Problem-Solution Essay Outline

There are two ways that can be used to outline a problem solution essay: either a chain structure or through a block. 

In a chain structure, each problem is followed by its immediate solution. It will look something like this:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
    1. Problem 1
    2. Solution 1
    3. Problem 2
    4. Solution 2
  3. Conclusion 

In block structure, all the problems are listed first and then their solutions are written afterward. Prewriting is as important as writing itself in any write my paper task. It will look like this:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
    1. Problem 1 
    2. Problem 2
    3. Solution 1
    4. Solution 2
  3. Conclusion

Each outline has its own merits and there are a number of factors that are important to consider including the number of problems to be addressed. Lastly, there are various reasons that come into mind when students are unable to write a problem-solution essay for themselves. It could be a lack of resources, time or anything else. In any case, there are many online essay writing service that provides high-quality essays at an affordable price. They are sometimes formulated with an open-ended questionnaire to make room for extensive knowledge along with the facts and figures of a paper writing service.

Related Resources:

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