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【CP值爆表】CYBEX Stroller Balios S 經典產品網路人氣產品top10
2019/01/15 20:52:00瀏覽2|回應0|推薦0


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Cybex Stroller Balios S 設計式樣: Manhattan Grey - mid grey · 2019

The Cybex Balios S is a stylish and reliable stroller that accompanies you and your child right from birth and up. Its all-terrain wheels that feature a soft all-wheel suspension make the Balios S simply perfect for driving on any terrain. If necessary, you can also lock the swivel front wheels.

The 3 in 1 travel system can be assembled and adapted according to your wishes and needs. If you want to use the Balios S right from birth, you can do so by combining it with an infant car seat by Cybex or gb. A spacious and comfortable bed for on the go can be created with the Cot S. The carrycot that features a memory-foam mattress provides a flat and healthy lying position without constricting your child. The carrying handle on the canopy ensures a comfortable handling - perfect for carrying and attaching the carrycot to the chassis.

The push bar that can be adjusted in four different levels adapts perfectly to the size of the one pushing the stroller and thus ensures high driving comfort.

At the age of 6 months, your child can take a seat in the reversible comfort seat. Memory poppers make reversing the seat unit super simple and quick, and even allow you to do so with only one hand. The Balios S also features a one-hand adjustment of the sitting and lying position in three different levels. In connection with the adjustable footrest, you can create a full recline position for your little one. The stroller XXL sun canopy comes with an additional sun visor which protects your child from direct sunlight while the built-in mesh insert supplies him with optimum air circulation.

The seat unit coordinates with all common table heights - that way, you can always resort to your own mobile high chair when being out and about in a café or restaurant.

Due to its innovative one-hand folding mechanism, you can easily fold the Balios S while you can hold your child in your other arm. The compact free standing unit can be stored and transported in a space-saving way.


  • 3-in-1 travel system to combine with Cybex Infant Car Seat and Carrycot (both not included in the delivery!)

  • When combined with carrycot Cot S (not included in delivery) the stroller can be used right from birth

  • Age suitability: from birth up to 17 kg (approx. 4 years)

  • One-hand folding mechanism; compact free standing unit when folded

  • Reversible seat unit with full recline position

  • Large, all-terrain wheels with all-wheels suspension

  • Lockable swivel front wheels

  • One-hand adjustment of sitting and lying position

  • Push bar can be adjusted in four different levels

  • XXL sun canopy with additional sun visor and mesh insert

  • Spacious shopping basket; max. capacity: 5 kg

  • Adjustable footrest

  • High chair seat height - coordinated with all common table heights

  • Weight: 11,2 kg

  • Dimensions folded: L 41 x W 60 x H 75 cm

  • Dimensions unfolded: L 79 - 92,5 x W 60 x H 99 - 110 cm




CYBEX Stroller Balios S









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CYBEX Stroller Balios S

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