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2010/08/31 21:30:40瀏覽403|回應0|推薦2 | |
相思樹+林投樹、、,還有颱風天! 明明是颱風天,、、她不等他來接她=她提早下班+開車去找他….,、、她說想看海,硬要他陪她去海邊! 阿樂=比麗娜…活潑多了=小翡喜歡牽牠在海邊亂跑,、、颱風雨=斷斷續續的、、,余翡也不在乎風大+雨大、、硬要去北海岸=看大浪! 「嘻、、快來啊=我們去你奶奶老家=看海浪…今年=第一個颱風!」 「哈哈=颱風…應該呆在屋子裡=比較安全。」 「唉呦=輕度颱風而已、、,還要上班上學=很安全啦!、、我們先去買一些零食=然後…去你奶奶家、、今天=我不玩電動了=我要你陪我睡!」 「呵呵…好啊,、、妳心情好了!?」 「嗯=好多了~~~不氣了啦。」 都交往八年了=還氣他是個,…死瞎子+大白痴,、、還不如=先氣自己…幹麻愛上他。 他的手=還是好大+好溫暖…,他的眼睛=還是好漂亮、、,他的態度=好溫柔、、聲音=好好聽。 我與你 翩翩起舞 海洋女孩 我的愛 @@@ 「吃吃看=很好吃對不對=藍霉乳酪,…很配這種小甜餅=很好吃,…你吃吃看!好餓…好想吃泡麵…!」 「哈=嗯…還不錯,、、那就回我奶奶屋裡、、吃泡麵,颱風…外頭冷。」 認識這個男人=那麼多年,…他還是一樣,吸引她所有的眼光;兩個人總是獨處…余翡對他的愛慕=不曾變少、、。 慢慢愛上你 一點一滴 越來越多 @@@ 相思樹=會開滿毛絨絨的黃色小花,、、被風雨=打落一地、、;林投樹…把邊邊的刺拔掉…可以編風車+小籃子玩。 她每次到海邊,、、他就編給她玩,、、綠葉的清香,、、小小的玩具。 @@@ 風好大+雨好大,…浪好大,、、她全身都被雨打濕了,、、還想跑去接近大海浪、、,把一切煩惱=全都忘掉。 「阿翡…妳這樣會感冒+著涼、、快進屋裡、、。」 「好好玩=聽說有衝浪選手、、就是選擇颱風玩水!」 「發瘋了嗎!?、、快進屋裡、、不然=我要抱妳進去了、、。」 「嘻=好啊、、你抱我進屋裡。」 盲人按摩師手臂鍛鍊得很有力氣、、抱她不難=可是風雨中走路很難啊、、。 @@@ 「你們店裡=好多盲人…都醜醜的,、、有的眼睛=都快沒了、、,還好=你看起來不醜!」 「??哇=哈…妳歧視盲胞喔、、快去洗澡=免的著涼了。」 「你陪我洗、、。」 「不要=小色鬼…哈,我好怕妳、、亂摸+亂舔的=恶心死了!」 「咚、、隨便你=人在福中=不知福啦…哈!好癢…豬頭靜。」 男歡女愛 人之常情 莫棄莫離 偕汝共老 @@@ 小白菜=一下子就睡著了、、,小傻瓜=兩個人…交往=早就過了…熱戀期,、、本文是國中版的程度啦=想寫色情也寫不出來~~~哈! 嘗試寫一小段=國中版 親親我我! 颱風天=外頭風大+雨大,屋子裡、、溫暖+乾燥,洗完澡、、好舒服;、、她爬進被子裡…等他去洗澡;她一不小心,、、就睡著了、、!還好…睡得淺、、她習慣一個人睡,、、所以=等他躺下時,、、她也醒了! 他雖然高大=但是動作…很輕緩,剛洗過澡,、、身上好香、、,小白菜=也很香…很柔軟、、兩個人…一起睡著了=手牽手…好暖和的體溫。 讓我們在愛中…彼此體諒吧 原諒我吧 如果 我曾經 傷害過你 @@@ 晚安+下次見!!! Let Love Lead The Way What makes this world go round Will the answer let her down She is so sweet and young And her life has just begun What does her future hold That's a story left unknown Will she make it through her days Let our love lead the way Part of me laughs, (oooh) part of me cries Part of me wants to question why (question why) Why is there joy, why is there pain Why is there sunshine and the rain (one day) One day you're here, next you are gone No matter what we must go on Just keep the faith and let love lead the way Everything will work out fine If you let love, love lead the way Sitting there all alone In the window of her room Watching the world go by Brings tears to her eyes All she sees is hurt and pain She wants to break the chains She'll keep pressing everyday And she'll find her own sweet way Part of me laughs (me laughs and) Part of me cries (I cry) Part of me wants to question why (wants to question why) Why is there joy Why is there pain (so much pain) Why is there sunshine and the rain (sunshine and the rain) One day you're here (you're here) Next you are gone (you're gone) No matter what we must go on (I will go on) Just keep the faith and (keep your faith) Let love lead the way (I know, I know, I know, o-oh) You can be all bad And still can be who you are You've gotta know for sure That it isn't make believe You may feel weak But you are strong Don't you give up, girl If you keep holding on You'll never be wrong Just close your eyes Cause it lies deep in your heart, yeah Part of me laughs Part of me cries (I cry) Part of me wants to question why (question why) Why is there joy (so much joy) Why is there pain (so much pain) Why is there sunshine and the rain (shine and the rain) One day you're here (you're here) Next you are gone (you're gone) No matter what we must go on (I will) Just keep the faith and Let love lead the way (lead the way) Everything will work out fine If you let love, love lead the way Love lead the way Love lead the way |
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