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The long legs uncle
2010/07/23 05:37:20瀏覽291|回應0|推薦1

  Who have ever seen my long legs uncle? I want to look for him.

  I think that you have heard the story of the long legs uncle.

  Judy was an orphan. She has accepted a man’s help when she was a little girl.

  She called him long legs uncle.

  He has kept an eye on her. He always knew what things she needed.

  He sent her a lot of gifts. She deeply has appreciated him.

  When she grew up, she loved a man who was her classmate’s uncle.

  Actually, the man was her long legs uncle. He has stayed next to her.


  I had a long legs uncle as well.

  My father passed away when I was twelve years old.

  I’m the elder child in my family. We really needed someone to give us a hand.

  Finally, the long legs uncle appeared in my life.

  We met each other once every year. He total helped me for six years.

  When I got something from him, I always must write a letter to thank him.

  I felt unhappy though he gave me a lot of help.

  I didn’t understand why I have to have a strange uncle.

  However, I have kept his kindness in my mind.

  I didn’t know where he is. I’m just able to do something to repay him.

  I have learnt from him to help someone.

  Now, I’m a long legs uncle.

  When I met the child, I always recalled my long legs uncle.

  I deeply appreciate you, long legs uncle.

  I hope that you’re happy forever.

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