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习近平李克强重要 policy and my experiences
2016/12/16 22:03:58瀏覽153|回應13|推薦0


--very good. base my bad experiences in taiwan and in usa, I am highly support china government, indeed with over 5000 history IQ could do jobs right, good to people.

in usa my husband really doesn't want a house for renting(I agree with him after we have 2 renters caused damges and now scary the 3rd unstable job) but my fear for property tax higher and higher in the end can't keep our living house so my plan is:

a. SSR+company pensions for living expenses

b. a renting house to pay 2 houses property taxes and this and that maintainance.

c. savings for trips, inflation and hope any left donate to china to maintain and continue our ancestors over 5000 history--that can help the whole world people by china government doing the right jobs.

my deeply fear for china is never become taiwan 2nd which blindly worship japanbastards/usa master and terminate itself over 5000 history IQ for their filthy political benefits because of that did many bad things to taiwan people and killing their kids future.

However china government should study well what happened in taiwan so can avoid japanbastards/usa/europe union manipulated and turn china into taiwan 2nd.

certainly knowing well abou usa ways also can help china people don't blindly worship usa or our peaceful chinese society would be ruined... more and more a. unmarried couple with kids, divorced to get free meals, b. co-sexsual/abuser..., c. druggers, killers with guns, d. this and that free meals in the end middle class drowned.

when I knew my husband bad situations(broken) I really forced him living $1/day for 3 years(he still could eat what he wanted as he was working) till paied off his all credits cards debts. before he applied and got SSR at 70 we still strictly living with budget like beggar.

Now basically we don't worry our retiring life and I can do more, talk more without fear. I wish china people can learn from me and don't sacrified your life for to be rich. I didn't work except few times as election judges but spent time reading chinanews to save pennies, and I'm not greedy type already stop invest money at least 5(?) years.

( 時事評論政治 )
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2016/12/17 23:44

外媒称中国艰难推进禁烟令:最根深蒂固的吸烟文化 ..中国3亿烟民的香烟消耗量占世界的1/3,吸烟问题泛滥成灾。..禁烟令本身不足以改变像交换名片那样互递香烟和不愿“无礼地”拒绝吸烟而有可能做不成生意的文化。

--as I said don't sacrify your life to be rich, and have to learn to say "拒绝", another way you can advise the other for his healthy sake and could get friendship. in 1983(?) when I studied in USC, I got 2 female roomates from German(?) and american (the black), whenever they request me be companion(陪伴) I hardly "拒绝".  and one day I need help they both  "拒绝" . Since then I also  "拒绝" their request. I knew our chinese culture always willing to help others and can't say "NO", it took me a long while learning "拒绝" after I married in usa. Recently the old house across street woman from taiwan requested my husband help her dig a deeply hole, he wanted her talk to me and I already told her because his back nerve pain even hardly can help me clean out the old house mess. when she came I still told her "NO". Later I complained to my husband that he should say NO right in the beginning for himself in stead of let me be the "bad" person. And he always wants to be "good" guy that I'm really tired of.

I hope china teachers can teach kids how to say "NO" to 烟, 毒品... even abnormal sex-touching. kids can change their parents believe me.

2016/12/17 11:44

my deeply fear for china is never become taiwan 2nd which blindly worship japanbastards/usa master and terminate itself over 5000 history IQ for their filthy political benefits because of that did many bad things to taiwan people and killing their kids future.

vs 台媒:“台独”三怪 是可忍孰不可忍.. 《旺报》今日刊载美国中美论坛社评论员范湘涛的文章..




--I'm glad 《旺报》刊载美国中美论坛社评论员范湘涛的文章, and hope waking up more and more taiwan people don't be used to been humiliated by dirty LDW type. many years ago china movie star wearing japanbastards army uniform and very quickly china people irriatated so it didn't happen again. I don't know why taiwan people can't stop dirty LDW type right in the beginning but I do knew usa master/japanbastards behind supporting dirty LDW type caused it. and maybe many taiwan people tried to immigrate have no guts "irritate" usa master.  when one of my classmate against me post political-related in "同學會園地" I did suggest  問券調查 including whether greencards, usa citizens, MJD/KMD woud impact 同學s answers. I bet those have greencards, usa citizens would try hard not "against" usa or they would suffer unknown threatons.

2016/12/16 22:37

...before he applied and got SSR at 70 we still strictly living with budget like beggar.

--in usa there is few good things such as I can visit china websites, and we can living as beggar...wearing old clothing with holes, bad shape shoes, cutting hairs by myself... before 2014 I also cut hairs for my husband, I have to hold my breath not laughing what I done to his hair. when he got Senior V.P. position I insist him visiting barber shop.

if I live in taiwan, my sister already kills me to lose her face. she invited me moving to Seattle so can visit each other frequently, but I don't want to live in the hell by her critical me in front of her friends.

20 years we hardly buy cloting, shoes except my husband needs as employee. the only thing I can't stop my husband strongly desiring to buy is computer-related(including TVs) and tools-related. so we have many junks in the house. next year I'm going clean out before too late. in here you have to pay dump TV $30 now.

the most I hate usa is the crook medical/health insurance system can eat all our hard working savings very quickly. Can Trump solve it 100% usa made? I don't think so.

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