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感觉很快我的博客又被关闭 噩梦又发生在害怕美国政客?; File Explorer serious bugs 问题都解决了
2022/05/02 13:45:47瀏覽582|回應0|推薦0
ps i would say it might udn blog made a change, so it became: login click 會員中心 click 我的部落格 click any "your paper", on the top click 管理中心 click 管理选单 then ....
--5/2/2022 5:xx am after i restart my notebook, my udn blog back to what it was before. that much better and easy.

im not sure because att-yahoo email got trouble(it already fixed 5/1/2022) the same happened to udn blog that cant open another udn my blog which i use for copy/paste some chinese words or verify whether duplicate posting the same news... that didnt request log-in in the past but 5/1/2022 the function disable and even i login wont find my blog. so i began copy my papers save in my hardisk. And tried hard not to close original udn my blog window until i cant but closed.
5/2/2022 when i open my udn blog it did give me a lot trouble that cant find my blog, in the end i only could reading my papers.
finally found a way ....
if i were not IT background then definitely cant post my opinions. why?

ps i posted in 360 mylib
"普京点名!俄破获的这起阴谋,比想象的还蹊跷?--the actor 杀害反对派政客与记者 直接威胁俄罗斯索洛维约夫 美英乌转向恐怖活动".....4/30/2022
(Sorry, i have to copy my udn blog papers to 360 mylib because udn might have to shut down my account, it happened in the past since 1999(or 2000?) when i sensed master controlled taiwan election then started post my politic opinions in udn, world journal both tried to kill my voice frequently when disputed with 真假台独 especially election period)
最新Windows 11预览版修复了一些严重的文件资源管理器错误 来源:cnBeta.COM 2022-05-02 08:40
微软宣布在最新的Windows 11预览版中对文件资源管理器进行了一系列修复,包括导致该应用程序有时崩溃的故障。微软声称它已经解决了文件资源管理器崩溃和卡死的问题。微软对此表示:"在文件资源管理器或桌面上使用重命名、复制、粘贴、删除和其他选项的上下文菜单选项,应该不会再导致explorer.exe在上下文菜单解散时崩溃。"
Windows 11 build 22610现在可供开发和测试渠道的内部人员使用。 责编:李文瑶
--my notebook is win 10(cant updated to win 11), is it mistake(assume mine were win11) or 碰巧 the same period both bugs burst out and fixed?

This month(April-May) more and more problems happens even File Explorer which always got this and that deadly problems one by one.....
A. the 1st caught my eyes is view layout select option disabled
B. green bars kept searching without ending
so i google searched "what happens my file explore keeps search engine"?
some one recommand how to fix it so i did but problem still there that select date to search my data files wont work. it happened to me a week(s) earlier.

ps Original Title: Windows 10 File Explorer
File explorer has started going into search mode when I open it instead of bringing up my folder tree. A green bar works its way across the screen and says "Working on it". It started doing that in Quick Access Mode and now it does it in This PC mode as well. Any suggestions?
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from MS Morris Subba

from Morris Subba Support Engineer replied :
....Method 2: Run System File Checker (SFC) to check your files
Use System File Checker to scan your PC for missing or corrupt files. To do this, follow these steps:
Click Start, and then type cmd in the Search box.
In the results area, right-click cmd.exe, and then click Run as administrator. You may be prompted to type the password for an administrator account.
Click Continue if you are the administrator or type the administrator password and then, click Continue.
At the command prompt, type Sfc /scannow and then press ENTER.
The scan may take some time, so be patient. Windows will repair any corrupted or missing files that are found. If information from the installation CD is needed to repair the problem, you may be prompted to insert your Windows CD.
For more information about System File Checker (SFC) see the following KB article on the Microsoft website:
-- which i did and the result as :
Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.
Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.
Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
For online repairs, details are included in the CBS log file located at
windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For example C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For offline
repairs, details are included in the log file provided by the /OFFLOGFILE flag.
obviously this solution is not 100% solve problems because cant search data files by date.
so i tried again and it shows:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>Sfc /scannow
Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.
Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.
Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
--however the problem still same, either i have to one by one verify data file or i have to remember what is my data file name so can use left side "A green bar", type file name(partially) then click -> to search.
in the past clcik date it popped up calendar and select options, now it showing "computing filters..." endless looping.

i google searched and found another user complaint as:
from ElleTea "File Explorer - unable to filter by some headings (name, type, folder path)" Oct 17, 2018
Searched the forums for hours and see that others have the same issue, but I didnt find any solution.
I want to find all files that were modified in the last year contained within a folder and all its sub-folders. I want to then filter by folder path by unchecking the folders for which I do not want any search results returned. Then I want to sort by date.
File Explorer used to allow all this to be possible, but filtering doesnt seem to work anymore in Windows 10 (except filter by date, which does still work). Using "View", "Group by", is not a useful workaround in my case.
Steps to recreate the problem:
- open File Explorer
- type "*" in the top right search box
- list of files is returned
- it is possible to filter by "date modified"; PROBLEM: it is not possible to filter by "name", "type", "folder path"
I tried the two suggested solutions and they did not work.
Method 1: Run DISM
Method 2: Run System File Checker
As reported by others, occasionally "computing filters..." pops up when I click on the drop down arrow of one of the problematic headings, but not always, and it either closes within seconds or never finishes.
Here is a screenshot posted by somebody else asking the same question:
Thanks for any further suggestions!
Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134 System model XPS 13 9360
BIOS Dell Inc. 2.9.0, 7/9/2018 *NOTE: Im very reluctant to update the BIOS because of problems I have with connecting to an external monitor and the current set up is actually working.
--however this time even date is not working but can serach by file names. i really hate usa politicians didnt know IT jobs is not for native americans whose mathematics quite poor.

ps i tried to backup my notebook HD to external HD, the system backup function also not working, so i manualy copy the whole HD except some system directory disallow, some need autorized adm. password but no way. i only can pray no bad things happen.
before that i also did reset default apps. even i didnt change at all but google searched some one suggest.
then restart the file explorere back to normal.
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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