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无法访问我的att雅虎@sbcglobal.net,自动的重新路由到att.com,然后无限循环 噩梦再次发生 这是惩罚吗 ?
2022/04/30 10:25:29瀏覽89|回應0|推薦0
美移民和海关执法局被曝建高效监控网络!可访问74%美国人驾照数据 来源:环球时报-环球网 2022-07-19 15:03
【环球时报-环球网报道 特约记者袁宏】对全球实施网络攻击的美国正对本国民众布下一张无形的“天罗地网”进行全方位监控,美国国内组织发布的一篇报告对此进行了真实揭露,并曝光了此前不为大众所注意的幕后机构:美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)。专业人士认为,类似ICE这样公然越权滥用公民个人隐私数据的“隐形”政府机构到底还有多少也是一个“细思极恐”的问题。
除了利用各州和地方警察的资源,ICE开始着手建立来自执法部门之外的数据库,并大力投资于追踪大量普通人群的项目。报告显示,2008 年至2021 年间,ICE花费约28亿美元进行新的监控、数据收集和数据共享计划,在监控项目上的年度支出在此期间增长了五倍以上,从每年约 7100 万美元飙升至约 3.88 亿美元。此外,在地理定位提供商上花费了超过 13 亿美元,在面部扫描等生物识别技术上也花费了大约 9600 万美元,还有2.52亿美元用于访问国际公共安全和司法网络(Nlets)等关键政府数据库。

报告称,目前已知ICE掌握的权限可以访问高达74%美国人的驾照数据,跟踪城市中七成汽车的移动情况,且已使用人脸识别技术搜索了32%的美国成年人的驾照照片。当74%的美国人在自己的新家中连接天然气、电力、电话或互联网时,ICE 能够第一时间自动获取他们的新地址。
通过从每个可用来源获取数据,ICE 的监视计划如一张天网将大多数美国人笼罩。而这一切跟踪和监视行动全都无需理由,在不为大多数美国人所知的静默中顺利进行。
报告揭发ICE种种越线监控行为后,多个美国媒体也加入曝光行列。美国技术新闻网站《边缘》(The Verge)呼吁相关私营企业停止和ICE的合作,要求政府加强对此类合作的监管。美国独立新闻组织网站《水井新闻》(The Well News)则证实一起发生于2020年的无证移民在申请驾照后被带走的事件,批评ICE在滥用移民对美国的信任。美国《国会山报》(The Hill)在一篇报道中指出,疫情期间ICE开发了一款名为Smartlink的GPS手机软件用于追踪移民,并声称只是为了确保他们出席移民法庭的听证会,但该软件已经被用于大量没有犯罪记录和没有被拘留的移民身上,是否有其他隐蔽用途尚未可知。
多年以来,美国国内隐私法专家、民权活动家和律师一直指责ICE 针对移民的监视策略过度扩张,已经影响到大多数普通美国公民,然而ICE的官员却对相关报道视若无睹,依旧我行我素。而导致ICE长期有恃无恐、肆无忌惮编造监视天网的根源,正是美国法律系统的不健全。
第二大渠道是通过政府数据库访问相关信息,同时购买人脸识别等服务协助分析相关数据。ICE部署了更广泛的数据共享和数据收集程序,直接通过美国各州车管局等州和地方官僚机构的数据系统获取几乎每个美国人的数据信息。当 ICE 拥有的关于某人的唯一可靠信息是照片时,它们准备已久的人脸识别技术就派上了用场,在美国很少有法规限制执法部门使用人脸识别技术。与此同时,当ICE绕过城市和州颁布的庇护政策,从国际公共安全和司法网络(Nlets)等政府数据库继续获取个人信息后,没有机构声称能对接下来的数据跟踪行为负责。提供驾驶者信息的爱达华州交通部员工表示“我们只是将这些信息提供给州警察”,州警察部门却很少保留 ICE 的 Nlets数据库查询记录,这导致ICE的无下限查询行为显得尤为公开而隐秘。
一直从事网络安全行业专业人士向《环球时报》记者表示,“美国政府是名副其实的 ‘黑客帝国’‘窃密帝国’,它不但无差别对全球实施网络攻击获取情报,而且对本国民众也同样实施全方位的监控措施。”
--i wont surprised. that exactly what usa is--once master ordered will never stop. same as Afghen,Iran,乌克兰, Russia(China could be theb next)... wars until master gets what it wants.
ps 2022/07/19 i can login my email account after very patient not vent my anger out in att forum, not every day login, when it can be allowed that only work for short time i didnt angry but stop for couple days then one(sometimes two) week ...repeatedly then finaly it seemed back normal(still once per day not frequently to reduce their job load). i did try to post in att forum but decided keep silent in case irritate hackers or else.
some one did pay to solve by "SYNC" solution. i dont want to be hated as a stone.
ps after email accout, my keyoard got certain keys not working problems. am i upgrade higher level(恐怖主义者) or i was selected to be online keyboard driver new version tester?
after my final posted on att forum, other users still tried to solve the login problems....
gary419 (a month ago): While I am having the same problem with one ATT email account , the other 5 ATT email accounts work fine.
The one I am having a problem with has been identified as being exposed on the dark web recently and has in the past been involved with numerous data breeches over the years.
My concern is that a bot is really trying to log into the account numerous times until the account locks. Im still looking into another solution, thus my interest into this thread.
Perhaps others in this thread have seen a pattern with their email being exposed.
Good luck to us all.
FYI: I only have problem with web mail. POP and IMAP service works fine.
NOT A SOLUTION but a work around, get an email client like Thunderbird and use it.
Works for me, but I would like to see a proper solution.

tonydi (a month ago):@gary419 Ive been suggesting that people use https://haveibeenpwned.com/ to check their email accounts to see if theres a correlation. So far, nobody seems to have followed up. --ps i might verify mine if happen again
My sbcglobal account has never been "pwned" and Im not experiencing this issue.
Agreed that the "bad actors" that ATTHelp began mentioning a few weeks ago could be the issue. The scenario you put out is exactly what would happen in that case. What makes no sense is that this has been happening since late October. Now I realize that Yahoo/AT&T engineers are slow on the uptake, but how long does it take to see this sort of attack? And now thats its been weeks, why havent the simple mitigation procedures every big company employs when faced with this situation are still not in place?
The email clients work because they dont go through the same login procedure as the website. Plus, if youre using Thunderbird, it has OAuth2 authorization built in so it completely avoids anything to do with passwords.

Lollymiss (a month ago): @tonydi and @gary419 I just checked the link and 1 of my 2 ATT emails has been effected.
Interestingly, I have 2 yahoo/att emails...
1 is an sbcglobal.net email and that has been consistently troubled since 10/2021. I have contacted everyone I can find to contact including Eric "at the office of the president".
I have to reset my password every 3-4 weeks without fail and have to jump all kinds of hoops that I have discovered over the last 9 months.
My other email is an att.net email and I only started having troubles with it this week. The link showed that this email was not effected. So I dont think it seems related.
I have had the first email almost 20 years and the second one 7 years. I really really really do not want to have to change addresses, but this is maddening!!
I dont get how this hasnt being fixed already.
At one time we had our internet, home phone, cell phones, and cable with ATT. Due to ongoing issues, we dropped the home phone and cable, and are currently considering dropping the internet.
These issues make me want to drop it all!

tonydi (a month ago):@Lollymiss Thanks for checking and reporting your results. Actually, given that Yahoo has had major data breaches over the last 5-6 yrs, exposing the info for 3 BILLION accounts, Im shocked that there are any accounts not listed on that website.
Just curious, for the one that shows up as "pwned" are any of the sources Yahoo or are they from other sites?

Lollymiss (a month ago):@tonydi youre welcome. I am not sure what you mean ..
"Just curious, for the one that shows up as "pwned" are any of the sources Yahoo or are they from other sites?"
The email that showed as "pwned" is my sbcglobal.net account, Does that help answer your question?

tonydi (a month ago):Sorry, I meant that in the bottom section of that page it shows you in which of the various breaches that sbc email account was discovered. For instance, my wifes Yahoo account was in a lot of data breaches....
Anti Public Combo List; Cit0day; Collection #1; Evite; Gravatar; MindJolt;
MyFitnessPal; MySpace; Pemiblanc; River City Media Spam List;
Special K Data Feed Spam List; Verifications.io; Zynga
But none of these were direct breaches of Yahoo. I was just curious to see if theres any correlation to this problem.

gary419 (a month ago): @tonydi and @Lollymiss My problem email (bellsouth.net) has been reported by pwned numerous times in the past few years, so I kind of expect some issues. In my case the problem email was recently reported on the dark web by another security monitor I use, maybe several months ago. This is when my problem started. No difference in brand of browser, still happens about once every 8 days.
My other email accounts have not shown up on pwned yet and no problems with web mail.
I primarily use Thunderbird (POP) on one pc and Thunderbird (IMAP) on another and no problems.
This problem is just a small bump in the road for me. If the reason for problem is sound, then I suspect it will go away after a period of time when the hacker moves the bots to other low hanging fruit.
I suggest any one with this problem change the password to a very complex set. Dont forget to add the passcode to your ATT account if you havent done so.
@tonydi I think your correlation is correct, surprised no one else picked up on it earlier.
Happy Trails.

tonydi (a month ago):@gary419 Just curious as to the name of the other security monitor. Sounds like it gives different results from HIBP.

Lollymiss(a month ago):@tonydi @gary419 Oohhh.. I gotcha, and I didnt see what the sources were.
I dont even know what Thunderbird is... sounds waaaay too tech savvy for me!
I just want the silly problem fixed!

gary419 (a month ago):@tonydi I try not to speak to personally about security issues. (my Fobia) but several examples.
One would be FireFox Monitor.
The others: remember all the breaches weve seen and the subsequent monitoring features available to you if you just followed up. Those will come to play some times.

tonydi(a month ago):Thunderbird is an email client (program) that runs on your computer and fetches and sends emails. Im sure youve heard of Outlook, same sort of client.

Lollymiss(a month ago): @tonydi I have heard of Outlook, but never understood the purpose.. seems like another hurdle to jump

tonydi(a month ago):Heh, yeah, to me its mostly about whether I want to have control over my email, that I know its stored on my computer and available no matter what happens at Yahoo (because nothing ever goes wrong there!) or if I trust a third party to keep them safe and available.
.....Terri10(a day ago ie 7/182022)I cant even get to changing the password. When I fill out my username and last name to change it, it says it doesnt recognize. But I eventually do get in when they re-synch it on chat. And they bill me, so I HAVE an account.
I dont want to make any changes to my AT&T account until I can easily get into my account.
--haaaa sooner or later happes to more more people. i did see the same bug last for many years.
美媒:FBI一年搜查美国民众电子数据高达340万次 来源:中国新闻网 2022-05-01 14:24
中新网5月1日电 综合报道,当地时间4月29日,美国国家情报总监办公室(DNI)发布年度报告,显示在过去一年中美国联邦调查局(FBI)在没有搜查令的情况下,对美国民众的电子数据进行了多达340万次搜查。
据报道,情报报告通常会屏蔽个人的身份,将其称他们为“个人 1”等。但官方可以在必要时候要求提供具体人员的真实姓名,以了解所获信息的重要性。
美国民权团体“美国公民自由联盟” 国家安全项目的高级律师阿什利·戈尔斯基将这种搜查形容为“大规模”的侵犯隐私,“报告揭示了这些违宪‘后门搜查’的程度,并强调了这一问题的紧迫性。”
在情报委员会任职的民主党参议员罗恩·怀登则警告称,如果联邦调查局和其他机构想要保留自己的权威,就必须更加坦诚地提供准确的信息。“如果联邦政府想要拥有如此广泛的监视权力,底线的透明度至关重要。” 责编:杨阳
ps The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is a senior, cabinet-level United States government official, required by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 to serve as executive head of the United States Intelligence Community (IC) and to direct and oversee the National Intelligence Program (NIP). The DNI also serves, upon invitation, as an advisor to the President of the United States and the executive offices of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council about all intelligence matters.

AT&T Community Forums Community clubhouse Community lounge yahoo sent email about "thi...

yahoo sent email about "third party application on Mail and Calendar"
yahoo keeps sending email as:
Your Yahoo account xxx@sbcglobal.net was used to sign in to a new third party application on Mail and Calendar.
If this wasn’t you, please use this link to revoke third party access to your account, and change your password. You can also revoke access to Mail and Calendar by going to yahoo.com and navigating to the Recent Activity tab under Account Info.
If this was you, you’re all set.
We recommend using the Yahoo Mail app to access xxx@sbcglobal.net or your other email accounts including Gmail, Outlook, or AOL.

-- i am confused as retired and out of date that after i logged in, the screen showing Currently, from at&t Yahoo! mail.
A. am i using Yahoo Mail or Currently from at&t?
B. i dont understand why my account was used to sign in to a new third party application on Mail and Calendar? ps 5/2/2022 i would say it might cause by my cell phone
what is a new third party application on Mail and Calendar for? ps i have a cell phone the mail system only allow xxx@sbcglobal.net,
i have to use outlook app. for my yyy@outlook.com.
should i click "this link"?

this couple months i kept received the warning (i ignored) but tired of so i clicked "this link" however i didnt change password and maybe a couple days (or weeks) later then 4/28 cant login till 4/30. im not sure whether it related or not.
Any one can help me?

the thing bother me is : it was att transfered long time users to yahoo and called as att-yahoo, later att-yahoo terminated(?) and seemed we were back to att but called as currently from att, yahoo mail? i even dont know the mail system i use is yahoo or att-yahoo or "currently from att, yahoo" or att ? if it is not yahoo, should i download yahoo app? is that att expect me to become yahoo user? would all my long history emails auto transfer to yahoo ?

ps after i can log in my eamil account, i received Yahoo sent email again, this time i decide posted for help, in case cant login problem happens again, and also try to let att-yahoo or att technician pay attention if their system became very complex(it was att transfered long time users to yahoo and called as att-yahoo, later att-yahoo terminated? and seemed we were back to att but called as currently from att, yahoo mail?) then the seniors like me might cause trouble.
ps 5/2/2022 i think the most confuse me is i dont know who i am, yahoo, att-yahoo, currently from att yahoo or att user?
5/2 the most confuse me is: i dont know who i am, yahoo, att-yahoo, currently from att yahoo or still is att user? my mail system on the top showing "currently from att yahoo mail" inside have 2 accounts as @sbcglobal.net and @outlook.com. however i received both yahoo and att sent emails. my email is @sbcglobal.net another is spouse account.
from :tonydi ACE - Guru 5 days ago (today 5/7/2022)
Youre AT&T. All of these accounts are AT&T...
@ameritech.net @att.net @bellsouth.net
@flash.net @nvbell.net @pacbell.net @prodigy.net
@snet.net @swbell.net @wans.net
But for a very long time those accounts have been hosted on servers owned by Yahoo. AT&T pays Yahoo to run the whole email show....youre on Yahoos servers and Yahoo controls everything that happens to your email.
You used to be able to log in via yahoo.com, then I think it was att.yahoo.com and now its currently.com. Those pages were simply starting points for any AT&T account and Yahoo changes the look and some content to make it slightly different from the same page on Yahoo.com.
ME: Thanks tonydi. we were att client for long time (spouse worked for att 5? years before sold to sbc), i would assume my account is hosted on servers owned by Yahoo. when i log in it shows https://currently.att.yahoo.com/. the loop problem was solved until today(5/7/2022) it happened again. because it inquired :"sign in to view your mail" or "sign up for free mail"
if i click "sign in to view your mail" then it redirect to "https://signin.att.com/dynamic/iamLRR....and popped up "sign in to access at&t mail and currently.com"
then got error message as " somethings gone wrong Lets try this again. If you were using an app, close this page. Otherwise, start over." same as endless loop happened earlier.
i dont know should i click "sign up for free mail" ? is it yahoo account? will i still keep my long history emails in new account?
from ATTHelp :Lets look at your email account deeper,
The known concern with looping sign-in has been resolved. If the problem still persists, then there is something else that you can do to clear it. We recommend to clear the cache, cookies and browsing data. Here is how you do that:
if you have a PC running Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer®, or Edge®:
Open your browser.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
Select the items you want to clear.
Select the Delete, OK, Clear, or Clear data button, depending on your browser type.
Close and reopen your browser..........
ME:thanks AttHelp, sorry to bother you that i got login problem again. i did try to clear the cache, cookies and browsing data.
i use firefox and when i pressed "ctrl shift del" it didnt work. i didnt see any thing pop-up. (if i click ctrl alt del , it would pop a menu to select).
am i the only one that cant login problem happened again?
ME:thanks AttHelp i switched to microsoft edge and "ctrl shift del" is working. i can login now. thanks God.
ME: Tonydi, AttHelp
if "AT&T pays Yahoo to run the whole email show...."
-- does it mean att any time terminate to pay Yahoo? is thats why i received Yahoo mails to register and "sign up for free mail" ? does it mean att wont offer free mail for me-type user any more? the thing bothers me is i dont know whether i still can keep my long history emails if sign up @currently.com. our internet service was wow but recently sold or merged to another one, in that case i dont think i can be att.net(or att.com) user unless change to at&t cable and internet service? im very confused if i make a mistake.
ps spouse told me recently our internet service got trouble and received a notice from wow that the company is gone and now is another one took over. earlier i did receive wow and declared they worked with another company who has profession, high quality technican ... i didnt know wow close but offer better service.
i knew small companies are not easy survive whenever usa president issues the wars. it is worse and worse and cant understand why rotten politicians see nothing but busy in this and that wars.

4/30 i finally login after i used the oldest password in 2021?, not the one i changed couple months? ago nor the one spouse reset password when he tried to help me solve the problem 4/29. i would say ATT solved the problem. And good luck to others.
the weather app(Alexa) voice reporting also tried 2nd time and working now.

4/30 this morning spouse told me the weather app(Alexa) voice reporting is not working and he did try 5+ times. in the earlier days usually he tried 2-3 times. now i remember our investment lost a lot money and keeps loss, i didnt post my suspect that smaller companies are falling down. it seems every App requests to pay or die.
now i think not just small compaines are falling down but also cant allow "言论自由" and i bet my udn blog is blockaded soon. 这是惩罚 thats why ATT the problem not happen to every one at the same time but certain type from serious to minor against current president clients 被惩罚.
lost access to my att-yahoo, @sbcglobal.net, re-routing to att.com then endless loop
i think the nighmare happened again, it began 4/28/2022 :

from ptanguy Fri, Apr 29, 2022 8:49 AM views:151
lost access to my sbcglobal.net email
I just lost access to my sbcglobal.net email. I use Currently.com and select Mail and Sign In. I get a new popup window to Sign In to access AT&T mail and Currently.com. I type my sbcglobal.net email and then password. Then I get another popup window to Sign In using Yahoo account. I then get taken to another popup window where I need to reset my password. I did this and I was taken to an AT&T account, but I could not access my sbcglobal.net email. Please help.

me: me too. but spouse was no problem until helped me then he reset att.com password then even his notebook and cell phone cant work as mine. so we both cant login any more.
i would say too many passwords (one for att.com, one for att-yahoo, one for att forum) might screw up the whole system. ps i thought he reset att.com password caused problem.

from tonydi
Well, both ATTHelp people in this post have said the engineers are aware and working on a solution as quickly as possible.
Of course theyve been saying that since at least last November, so......😟

4/30/2022 me: Can ATTHelp tell me: 1. is it caused by micorsoft O.S. frequently updated problem? this month i can see our banks, utility companies also have this and that problems and some of them changed on-line pay service companies. 2. could any related to Russia and Ukraine event (you knew what i mean) for example my account might suffer hackers attacking as i am anti-war supporter since 2001? 3. any att-yahoo (or att) new function added or updated? 4. are we @sbcglobal.net users became burden to ATT system, because myself keep long history emails, if so i can reduce them if give me a month to copy them?
ps last time happened to me(the popped error message showing CARE CODE: 205.4) as:
from ThirdParty525 Sat, May 23, 2020 12:20 PM
CARE CODE: 205.4
Been trying to log into my sbcglobal.net legacy account since April. So far, nobody has gotten back to me. Have spent numerous hours trying to fix this issue with no luck. Hoping someone here has the resolution. Error messages Im receiving:
When trying to login into my email: "We are sorry but you are not authorized to access this website. Please verify you are authorized and re-enter your user ID and password."
When trying to login into ATT account: "Looks like theres a problem with that ID/password. Sign in with a different ID [205.4]."
When trying to login into ATT account: "Your user ID is not authorized."
I do not have a DirecTV account
Other things to mention:
My sbcglobal.net email has worked through Yahoo/ATT for years.
Ive tried resetting both my username and password
Ive tried accessing my email/ATT account with several different devices

a year ago me:same as my solution(i would say i might be the 1st person solved). however my error message was That user ID doesnt seem to work here. Sign in with a different ID. and at&t access ID is same as at&t email
looks like you have more than 1 user ID that scare me a lot so try to find out who is the other user ID but all i found was 3(or 4?) sub accounts and i deleted all sub accounts.
my 2nd suspect is hacker stole or monitor att clients and added 2nd user(hacker itself) ID?
ps my 1st suspect is email new functions

a year ago me: we were att clients since 1997(?) user id was @att.com then att sold to sbcglobal so changed to @sbcglobal.net could it caused 2 user ID problem ?
i also posted earlier than "a year ago me" in other writers(included myself?) and I did solve the problem, however cant find and dont remember how i solved.
from MarkT35 Sun, Dec 13, 2020 9:24 AM views: 70
Cant login to ATT-Yahoo Email Page
When I log with my email and password, the screen processes for a few seconds, then returns to the login screen. I just cant seem to login to my email account. Please help.

4/29/2022 me: yesterday(4/28) i have similar issue and when i switch to microsoft edge it can login. today(4/29) i tried to use microsoft edge login it also got problem same as firefox. whats going on?

4/29/2022 me:i began suspect am i in the black listing because disagree Baiden opinions about Russia and Ukraine event?

ps later i tried to post :today both firefox and microsoft edge got the same errot cant login. the worst my spouse notebook(thru microsoft mail) and cell phone(mail) still can  receive my new emails but when he tried to help my notebook set up micorsoft mail so both are same boat which he ended to change att.com password and totally a mess that he cant login any machine. the good news it popped up that att admitted their system got trouble.
i would say too many passwords (one for att.com, one for att-yahoo, one for att forum) might screw up the whole system.
but popped up error message as:
[7a4ce7f0-c81d-11ec-a81c-bbba78a0e4bc]: Something went wrong. Please try again
--i tried couple times and then realized some content disallowed, so 3hours later(after spouse gave up to help me) i post in another poster "from ptanguy ..dated 2022.." and modified my original content.
obviously too many compolaints cant hide any more
from suemarie03 Tue, Feb 6, 2018 11:50 AM response messages:3
Yahoo Login redirects me to AT&T Login Page
For over almost 2 weeks now, I havent been able to access my yahoo mail from my work computer. Never had an issue before. It works on my android and at home, but not at work. So what happens is I go to yahoo.com, try to sign in to my mail and the AT&T login page pops up. Why would AT&T pop up? I dont have email with them. How do I get to my yahoo mail??

4/28/2022 me:i have a bit different, i can login my cell phone but not my notebook. would redirect and then entered my password got "Somethings gone wrong
Lets try this again.
If you were using an app, close this page. Otherwise, start over." , click the start over didnt work at all.

4/28/2022 me:just solved the problem in stead of using firefox i use microsoft edge then can login. does it mean att-yahoo cut off firefox?
ps this is not exactly same email account, mine is att-yahoo, the writer topic title is at&t and date on 2018, so next day(4/29) when got trouble i post in anoter writer "from MarkT35..ATT-Yahoo.." but dated on 2020 obviously more and more clients complaints
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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