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2022/04/22 13:24:08瀏覽52|回應0|推薦0
扎哈罗娃:美国能否与国际伙伴平等对话将决定其未来角色 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-04-23 19:20
当地时间23日,俄罗斯外交部发言人扎哈罗娃表示,未来美国在多极世界中的角色,是由其是否已经准备好与国际伙伴平等地进行对话而决定的。(总台记者 张誉耀)责编:杨阳
--indeed, it is 21 century not previous 帝国 period (公元前221-1911年). threaton to other countries prove master group knew already lost other countries supporting and any time they will dump master group.

俄驻美大使:俄罗斯要求美国停止向乌提供武器 来源:中国新闻网 2022-04-25 19:01
【俄驻美大使:#俄罗斯要求美国停止向乌提供武器#】据俄罗斯卫星通讯社25日报道,俄罗斯驻美国大使安东诺夫表示,俄方要求美方停止向乌克兰提供武器。安东诺夫说,美国不断向乌克兰输送武器是不可接受的,“我们要求停止这种做法”,“我们已转交了照会”。他还说,美方向乌方提供武器,不利于寻求外交途径解决问题。 责编:任鑫恚
--i would say usa products keeps going up, Nov. election definitely not in Baiden side. there is no other option but KING to KING 外交途径解决问题.

俄副外长:暂无俄乌外长在伊斯坦布尔会晤的计划 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-04-25 17:11
他同时表示,暂无俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫与乌克兰外长库列巴在土耳其伊斯坦布尔会晤的计划。(总台记者 朱静)责编:张燕萍
俄外交部:美国和北约进入在乌克兰策划挑衅的最后阶段 2022年04月24日 17:44 来源:中国新闻网参与互动参与互动
  中新网4月24日电 综合报道,当地时间23日,俄罗斯外交部发言人扎哈罗娃表示,根据俄国防部公布的信息,美国在与北约伙伴的密切合作下,已经进入了在乌克兰进行挑衅的最后阶段。
  据此前报道,当地时间4月14日,美国中央情报局局长伯恩斯曾声称,不能对俄罗斯在乌克兰使用“战术或低当量核武器”的威胁掉以轻心。4月22日,美国副国务卿纽兰接受乌克兰《欧洲真理报》采访,对俄罗斯使用战术核武器的可能性作出评估时曾表示,不能排除这种“灾难性的情景”,世界必须为最坏的情况做好准备。 【编辑:孔庆玲】
--Russia soldiers must prepare well, it must be the actor and master group “极度隐秘地小批量使用大规模杀伤性武器”to black Russia. however if fail again then “在战斗中公开使用大规模毁灭性武器". i relly hope 乌克兰 people can be avoid or smart enough knowing what their actor and master group would do to them.

俄国防部:美国计划指责俄在乌使用化学、生物与核武器 央视新闻客户端2022-04-23 04:34
--we knew whats that mean--very soon the actor with master group 在乌使用化学、生物与核武器 and black Russia. can the actor and master group announce not use any 化学、生物与核武器 like Putin already declared? i never heard from the actor but saw more illegal threaton weapons even 攻击人道主义走廊 were caught by Russia soldiers.
俄国防部:俄军击毁敖德萨存有美西方武器的运输站 2022年04月24日 11:04 来源:中国新闻网参与互动参与互动
  中新网4月24日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,俄罗斯国防部发言人科纳申科夫说,当地时间23日,俄罗斯空天军高精度远程空基导弹击毁了乌克兰南部城市敖德萨一军事机场的运输站,那里保存着一大批美国和欧洲国家的武器。

俄军强迫乌克兰俘虏吞下国旗臂章?不属实! 2022年04月24日 07:39 澎湃新闻
  - 有消息称,马里乌波尔俄军虐待乌克兰俘虏,强迫俘虏吞下其军服上的国旗臂章;但视频其实摄于2015年乌东战争期间,而非近期的马里乌波尔。
  - 视频中的“虐俘”者是东乌武装组织指挥官米哈伊尔·托尔斯泰赫,早在2017年就已被暗杀。
通过关键帧搜索可以得知,此“虐俘”视频其实是在一段早已传开的视频中截取的片段。原视频拍摄于2015年1月的第二次顿涅茨克机场战役期间。在这段名为“Ukrainian Prisoners of War with Givi”的视频中,东乌指挥官厉声喝斥四名被俘的西乌士兵,怒斥他们对城市造成的巨大破坏,并用匕首割下他们的布制臂章,强迫他们吞下。此后,俘虏们被押上车运走。在此期间,无人有明显外伤。
--exactly. And why black Russia today? master encouraged the actor can do anything but wont think of what the world people look at the actor? less and less sympathy.
  视频中,强迫俘虏吃下臂章的人自称“Givi”。公开检索可知,此人并非无名之辈。他全名为米哈伊尔·托尔斯泰赫(Mikhail Tolstykh),“Givi”为格鲁吉亚语,是他的绰号。托尔斯泰赫来自顿涅茨克州的伊洛瓦斯克(Ilovaisk),2014年乌东战争期间,他加入伊洛瓦斯克的叛军,领导“顿涅茨克人民共和国”武装组织的“索马里营”(Somalia Battalion)参与了第二次顿涅茨克机场战役。期间,他因其勇猛的战斗风格而被人所熟知,为包括《电讯报》(Telegraph)在内的多家媒体报道。
--he is not 叛军 but respect Russia Union history and did what he could do. certainly he was very upset what happened in 2013 and can imagine what happened to them by the 乌克兰 new Narzi groups. who is 叛军? i would say betray their ancetors history definitely are not good ones. we chinese called as 不肖子孙 or 不孝子孙.
  据英国广播公司(BBC)、法兰西24(France 24)等多家媒体报道,2017年2月8日,Givi办公室遭火箭弹袭击,致其当场死亡。这场袭击发生的缘由扑朔迷离,谁人策划至今未有定论。“顿涅茨克人民共和国”武装组织将此次炸弹袭击归于乌克兰安全部门暗杀,而乌政府官方则宣称此事件乃叛军内讧所致。
  综上所述,所谓“马里乌波尔俄军强迫乌克兰俘虏吃下臂章”的消息并不属实;原视频摄于2015年的第二次顿涅茨克机场战役期间。“虐俘”者Givi为“顿涅茨克人民共和国”武装组织“索马里营”指挥官,早在2017年已被暗杀,不可能出现在2022年的马里乌波尔。 责任编辑:刘德宾
ps 不肖子孙 指不能继承祖先事业的,没有出息的子孙。不肖:不像(指不像先人),不贤。多用于自己在祖宗坟前的谦称; 有不成材、不正派之义。典籍:
不孝子孙 指的是不孝顺的后辈,是后来人们根据“不肖”的同音“不孝”造出来的词。孝的本义是子女对父母的孝敬.

乌总统办公室顾问称俄军恢复对亚速钢铁厂空袭,俄方暂未回应 环球网2022-04-23 06:37
--the actor cut off Russia Union long history so didnt learn 不作死就不会找死 from their ancestors stories.
ps from 俄乌局势最新 | 美高官:俄若用核武 将付出"天文数字"代价 ...13:16 被车臣俘虏的亚速营军人:亚速钢铁厂内武装人员都想举白旗离开....
ps 奥斯汀和布林肯:俄乌战性质已变 美国希望看到俄罗斯被削弱 武器知识 2022-04-25 22:20
俄国防部:25日没有平民利用人道主义走廊撤离 央视新闻客户端2022-04-25 16:44
--master wants every 乌 people be killed to drag down Russia. but very disgusting to black Russia "racial terminated" in UN.

德國向烏克蘭提供重型武器 遭民衆抗議 時間: 2022-05-02 01:08:25 來源: 僑報網綜合 編輯: 陸雨
--the question is will German government listen to German people? nothing can change except voting.

德国总理拒绝向乌输送重武器:避免北约与俄直接军事冲突 海外网2022-04-23 03:40
--can 德国 succeed 避免北约与俄直接军事冲突 with more threaton weapons and“教官s”send to 乌? will master agree 北约不再跟主子? Note:约翰逊称俄获胜是一种“现实的可能性”,白宫官员:拜登政府不赞同 环球网2022-04-22 21:44, so what can 约翰逊 have option?
扎哈罗娃:北约人员参与指挥乌克兰军事行动 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-04-23 18:16
扎哈罗娃认为,如果准确说的话,这些人是在参与指挥乌克兰的军事行动。(总台记者 王斌) 责编:张燕萍

俄媒爆:英国派遣军事人员到乌克兰利沃夫,为基辅的“破坏行动”提供支持 环球网2022-04-23 05:25
俄罗斯下令对英国向乌克兰派遣的破坏行动专家进行分析调查 央视新闻客户端2022-04-23 03:20
快讯!俄国防部:俄军在哈尔科夫地区击落一架乌克兰苏-25战机 环球网2022-04-23 02:48
谁是法国统治集团选中的人?旅法资深媒体人这么看这次大选… 来源:环球时报-环球网 2022-04-22 10:35
【环球时报-环球网报道 记者白云怡 陈青青】24日,法国大选即将举行第二轮投票,由现任总统马克龙对战“极右翼”色彩浓重的“国民联盟”候选人勒庞。谁将在大选中胜出?在常驻法国二十余年的媒体人、复旦大学中国研究院研究员郑若麟眼中,马克龙胜出“几乎没有悬念”。他在接受《环球时报》记者专访时表示,如果跳出传统的民调分析等视角,从法国统治集团的角度来看待这次大选,不难发现,马克龙是法国统治集团“选中的那个人”。
马克龙 资料图
--it is not just happen in 法国. i felt same in usa that before Afghen wars 1997-2000. i really thought ILL were God Bless lands that hardly heard any nature diaster killed people. (years later found it is not true but usa medias very weird didnt report especially duriung Obama president period.) i still remember can buy many $0.5-$0.1 foods and frequently can get free eggs. during Bushs bloody wars i became very neurvous that every other week the price jump. recently (on 4/19) spouse told me his favour item price jump again so didnt buy ie black pepper price tag is $3.49 but the store insist $4.19.
4/20 he went to buy bread and got $2 rewards for bread, when he checked out the store didnt reward $2 spouse disputed and finally got $2, in the past he wouldnt but let it go however so many items are so expensive he cant endure any more.
the difference, usa still 2 big parties and very few 小政党 that can be ignored, i was told even that they belong to 2 big parties as branches.
--it looks like 法国统治集团 similar to i always call that a real master as black hands control usa. he did the same as Trump 取消巨富税.
--indeed 资金 and 传媒 决定"民主-so-called"大选的结果 and also proves Russia didnt control usa election, those 统治集团 definitely is indoors.
--very sad the best one was murdered by 统治集团(it happened in usa the better one cant get black hands supporting) because the bloody wars can get the max. filthy money.
--this year when i read news about elections i am quite confused by 左翼右翼 definition.
--maybe this is the reason why i am so confused because the better ones are twisted by 统治集团 control the mediaas.
--obviously most French people either cant independent judge or the scandal impact. Al Gore just saied one thing wrong spouse immediately changed. himself was IBM IT manager and thought Gore lied about he guided IT area. i tried to convince spouse that our Lien 主持资策会计算机培训. Gore might did similar way. he wont accept.
--it depends people are how anger and 失望. whether 勒庞 can convince voters and obviously not just her but very likely all are involved scandals. Chicago Blagjevish was sentenced he declared they all did the same thing but he has no solid prove. if 勒庞 knows the story she might can dispute thats why she didnt in jail.
--thats no doubt unless people are very upset then 统治集团 cant control. Trump won because even me was anger at the horrible Obama healthcare. i got one year qualified for cheap insurance that i still had to pay but for nothing because very disqualified clinic.
later i suffered ILL Lincoln insurance company fell down and paied extra because hospital malicious hided that they already cut off the contract with insurance company earlier. Any way i am really upset even today.
when Trump elected i immediately dropped off Obama healthcare when no penalty, i didnt buy Trump approved lousy travelling-like insurance either. but at least i am free from this and that penalty and paied for nothing.
--she is quite pity. but not just her it is rotten 民主-so-called election all years thats why master group can so easy manipulate other victim countries. i would say all 民主-so-called election candidates involve scandals but europe union 统治集团 decided who will be exposed. same as in taiwan master decide and expose taiwan candidates who got usa green card/passports.
--i am not knowing 法国, whether 法国 people use yutube, 推特,.... i also not sure whether yutube, 推特... would blockade 勒庞 for 马克龙.
--in taiwan i already knew we 不如父母, in usa the logner the more strong feeling we 不如父母 and the older the worse.
--在这二十年里 exactly since Bushs bloody wars and never ends thats why. Cart at least told Trump, Baiden due to endless wars usa became worse and worse. but none usa president would respect the smart ex-president advice. I dont know whether France has ex-presidents given advice.
--i am quite confused what is 全球化 definition. it is master group 全球化 or the UN 全球化? but i definitely would say it is unique master way nothing related to 全球化 or not 全球化. didnt master destroy any UN rules they made but only what usa wants.--

--but master group 跨国金融资本 in Russia still are forced to withdraw. it is not about 全球化 or not 全球化 but what master wants-- cant allow any country compete or chanllege with usa.
--when people lack of decent jobs they would 反对 any and more racial bias hatred immigrations. im not knowing the France unemployee rate. in usa was announced 3.x% that quite low if it is the truth. but obviously many are not decent jobs or wont so many killing, worse and worse hatred racial bias. as i said americans dont want to work as phone service, nurse, factory even grocery stores and restaurants.
--if 民族产业资本 is the key then 产业资本 10% still very hard to win. because 跨国金融资本 can buy most medias. it is still decided by how anger people are.
--from what i saw the actor may replace 马克龙 if .... i dont want point out obviously.
勒庞当选 then the whole world would 关注 her more.
--i doubt unless German has same guts. both didnt stop europe union right in the beginning that 很说明 europe union 有问题 especially 默克尔 also suffered huge pressure cant but delacred got sick to cover.
我相信如果马克龙连任,他此任第一个访问的亚洲国家会是中国,就像他五年前当选时那样。马克龙依然会把中国列为亚洲对法国来说最重要的国家。 责编:樊羽玮
--most countries try to get "benefits" from China but hardly would return a bit favour.
you can see from HK event.

ps 4/23 勒庞 didnt prepare well those questions, she should refresh her memory why she got loan from Russia and the answear is quite simple that period time Russia is not masters "enemy", even Baiden son got moeny from Russia mayor, if it were crime why the son can run away? usa and europe union companies also did business with Russia too, so whats wrong got business loan for her party from Russia? didnt those foreign officers visited taiwan blackmail for money? by the way did French reporter in 2000 also got "special treatments" that usa spy pretended reporter pulled off German, French, Canada? reporters stayed away not reporting me-type forced dirty LDW step down event? it happened in taiwan can prove whats wrong with master.
勒庞 didnt point out 乌克兰 Russia Union 历史 and in 2014 agreements and what did master group done caused it, not mention the actor brutely killing Russian-乌克兰 or respect their ancestors history people so more and more voluntary independent from 乌克兰.
she had very short time to answear big and complex questions, indeed not fair for her but she can briefly mention not in detail but request French people studied or search from China baidu. myself also use baidu translator as tool due to cant type traditional chinese. ps i did see microsoft chinese language is returned but not yet have time to test it.
As economic problem 勒庞 could mention Cart advice and my 自知之明知道自己跟不起 experience thats why the earlier say goodbye to master group the best. can 马克龙 have 自知之明 and guts 不跟 europe union 不跟北约 不跟主子? if he can then what difference 勒庞 tried to do? why europe union only target at 勒庞 but not has 自知之明马克龙(if he has)?
it is not too late but try let more French people know, your party still can survive and became more and more powerful. because it is the truth not liars. it also can affect other europe countries rotten elections under europe union intervene, what you suffered would happen to other europe countries president candidates, you can help them. as i said 成功不必在我 功成必定有我. NOTE:i didnt have interesting in master group elections but it is so ugly to see europe union malicious target at 勒庞 twice but didnt get money back by their accused her scandal, why? at least she got loan not under table money as Baiden son did. in fact i suspect why Baiden must kill Russia maybe he suspect and hates Russia leaking the dirty money secret. but taiwan people knew any foreign officer related visited taiwan must blackmail taiwan money. it is not who leaking. Trump himself knew too thats why beg Putin telling but why would Putin do for Trump? he didnt need because it already happened many times, like what happened to taiwan. didnt see i warn Trump and Hilary do not have any related to taiwan, or people suspect you took/take taiwan dirty money. Note 所罗门 has 自知之明知道自己跟不起 Austrlia and master group but China, however 所罗门 has to be strong enough to resist threatons, if can go thru the darkiest period time then can own 主权 like 塞尔维亚.

英国已批准于5月底前使用卢布结算俄罗斯天然气 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-04-22 18:36
综合路透社、彭博社消息,英国财政部22日公布的一份文件显示,英国已向俄罗斯天然气工业银行其子公司授权于5月底前使用卢布支付俄罗斯天然气款项。 责编:杨阳
ps now europe union cant threat 塞尔维亚 匈牙利 and 法国 德国 if they have guts declared 已批准用卢布. wait to see whether 乌克兰 波兰 bastards continue threat 塞尔维亚 by war planes and fake bombs. i told spouse Baiden targets China now by withdraw soldiers from europe countries move to asia. He told me NO and very positive declared he knew. i hope he is right. but will Biaden focus on indoors serious problems? i really suspect as usa master only knew how to issue this and that wars they dont work for indoors people but to get filthy war benefits. i did warn Obama spent time on his lousy healthcare or waived penalty. he didnt but focus on blockade China business. He didnt change usa a bit better but hurt pity middle-low class by paied for nothing health insurance not mention some companies during fell down caused paients ended lot debts.
do i expect Baiden create new one to solve indoors serious problems? NO but reduce target at Russia and China by this and that forbid products import to usa. since Bush bloody wars people are living misserable, while Trump, Baiden didnt manage Covid-19 well, killing and racial bias hatred rate higher and higher even Baiden declared 3.x% unemployee rate. Life is quite tough in usa since Bush, shouldnt make it worse and worse. later i will post our loss in retiring investments as not Trump gorup nor Baiden group pity middle-low class.

ps remind europe unions those small countries without oil/gas, enough self foods and other countries plan to join.
i have a lesson to teach you that my sister and brother kept request me move to their kids or be their nearby neighbour. i turned down because i knew their kids quite excellent and will move to better and better but expensive living area during promotions. sooner or later we cant stick with them any more because fixed income for rest of our life. today we can balance but not future. 这叫做有自知之明 知道自己跟不起.
So you should inquire yourself the way master group did this year, do you become better or worse? master group ambition is out of limit are you sure you have enough 本钱 play with master the bloody war games?
马克龙 knew 在这二十年里,无论选谁,经济都在往下走,失业率都在提升,因为西方已经失去了霸权. \
--i would say master and 西方 are not welcome and respectable any more by their full mouth liars black victims for their filthy war benefits. the smartest president is not only to know how to win but the most important knew when should stop. obviously 在这二十年里 such smartest master not existing but more and more greedy type. we all saw Putin is very smart he made Russia people living better and save the country. if it is not master group push him to the edge by allure the actor did wrong jobs.

日本民众举行集会要求返还日本从中国掠夺的文物 来源:央视新闻客户端 2022-04-22 09:38
当天,从日本各地赶来的一百多名民众参加集会。多位学者就目前国际形势下维持日中战略互惠关系的重要性以及返还文物运动的意义等进行了专题演讲。与会人士认为,日方应正视历史,将使用武力从中国掠夺的文物返还。 责编:任鑫恚
--did Japanese also are very upset ? if they are i am not surprised since they let the quite old politician continue be elected, even rotten evidence exposed.
from what i saw in taiwan i have no expect unless their people cant endure any more.
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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