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各国环保如何做? 限塑令实施九年名存实亡
2017/06/13 07:22:27瀏覽134|回應6|推薦0

“限塑令”实施九年名存实亡 各国如何环保购物 ?

I would say German ALDI is quite succeed, today I went to shopping and they are remodel --add one more isle, expansion...

1st. they encourage clients by offering free paper boxes.

--in the past I always looking those empty box in the store to carry, I do have many 环保袋s but frequently fotgot carry with me.

2nd. they request clients deposit coin so can use cart and you put back where it belongs to get your coin back.

--it is not conveniently because not always have coins. that's why I always looking for empty box.

3rd. because the store don't offer free plastic bags so they can reduce their cost and most time is cheaper. And more and more clients come.

in here our city could say fail in recycle --we were told those films, plastic bags, soft-type all not recycle any more. our old lady quite nervous because if you don't obey, they put a tag on your recycle tank and won't pick up. I called city twice and was adviced any thing not sure put in garbage tank. in the past we have 90% recycle,now 40%. I even can't put envelopes in recycle tank because a small piece film. I'm not sure whether empty vitamine bottle is recycle or not.

usa grocery stores, Jewel, offer paper bags and plastic bags

--in the past most time I select plastic bags because I use them for cooking junks, hold recycles... Now plastic bags can't recycle I'm going 50% get paper bags to hold recycle things. can't without plastic bags because use them for hlding cooking junks, toilet papers,.. especially in the summer needs a lot.  

last two weeks more junks flying out  from pick-up trucks because can't use plastic bags hold recycle things.

( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2017/09/19 07:17
通用執行長嗆中國:汽車用什麼能源 不應政府來定...






--haaa 通用執行長 is not smart, china hasso many popullations certainly china government knew what is the best for all chinese. not all 消費者 care about fresh air but the cheaper price certainly can't but let government perform the best ways. no wonder in usa we still see 柴油車, and the air is worse and worse because too many idots like 通用執行長 in usa. 

2017/06/19 10:31
北京发展5年成绩单:人口、产业变少 经济质量更好 ....发展质量效益的持续提升,体现在三个方面。


--以越来越少的人口增量支撑经济增长 is  right, enhance the quality, performance and safety.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-19 10:35 回覆:


--still need keep variety business to maintain certain srable jobs but reduce those can't make-up diaster caused by pollution-related 产业s.

a period time ILL was ok because varity  产业s could go thru economic cycle changes.

2017/06/15 07:41

Aldi砸34億擴店 拚第3大超市....且所有商品的價格,比傳統超市低最多50%。

--I'm not so sure, usually we would buy potato chips(last month we bought and found some potato chips have blue colour on the edge, we pretended not seeing it because not sure it is from potto itself or other problem caused it, strange), oats, banana(0.44/lb), and some vegetables.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-15 07:47 回覆:


--I bet one of 重新裝修1300家分店 is here. I would pefer they adding dry noodles(thin type)not instant noodle, see food and tuna can food...

2017/06/14 00:27

广东汕头海关查获约8.5万吨固体废物走私入境案 ..初步估计案件涉及固体废物约8.5万吨、案值达10亿元。...2017年1月,汕头海关情报部门通过情报调研和数据分析,发现汕头籍人员郑某等涉嫌利用他人《中华人民共和国限制进口类可用做原料的固体废物进口许可证》,大量走私进口废塑料的重大案件线索。经过近半年情报经营,该关于6月13日展开收网行动。



--should post what are those countries export 废塑料... to china, and what can 梁某、郑某等 use those 废塑料 for? where those 废塑料.. go? if  废塑料 can't be reuse where  梁某、郑某 dump? Make sure those bastards pay for what they done.

I suggest china government calculate what is the cost for those 废塑料... and use part of money to hire more people monitor/examine and catch those bastards, and part of money encourage people report those bastards who did bad things.

in the meanwhile tell 广东汕头 if find again  广东汕头 people have to pay more tax, so they better report who are those bad guys and/or not become bad guys partner.

the last thing is when those bastards send into jail force them pick up/clean pollution area as repay back. only that they can realize the serious problems caused by their type.

2017/06/13 07:40

usa grocery stores willing to recycle their stores plastic bags only for clients .

2017/06/13 07:27

in chicago this year the city forbid offering free plastic bags or the store would be punished.

I would say unless scientists create cheaper but 环保 bags can hold cooking junks without leaking. otherwise plastic bags would be needed.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-13 12:51 回覆:
I hope free chinese newspaers in here can post 石头袋 advertisemets. but I wonder those from taiwan medias would smart enough to allow such advertisements from china.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-13 12:47 回覆:

限塑令施行九年遇尴尬 塑料袋滥用并非无解之题 ...许多企业开始寻找可降解环保袋,并取得一定的进展。譬如番禺就有一位创业者及他的团队,利用坚硬的石头做成塑料袋。这种“石头袋”无毒无味,通过光照和土壤掩埋可实现降解,既便宜又环保,备受市场青睐。据悉,该企业每月向全国各地市场供应过亿个“石头袋”。在这方面,不妨政府出面,组织科研力量进行专题研究,拿出更多更好的科研成果,满足市场需求。

--if it is then usa should import 石头袋 from china especially those cities forbid plastic bags such as chicago. in our city the coffee... drinks holder also can't recycle, so do restaurants meals foam boxes. I really expect  石头袋 石头盒 coming to totally replace plastic bags.

china government should well educate people the cost to solving plastic bags would pay by them and their kids. calculate how much it would be and what is the tax goes up.