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黑客勒索软件采用美国安局「網路武器」开发的黑客工具, what does it tell you?
2017/05/14 09:48:56瀏覽278|回應16|推薦0

美國國安局掌握眾多「網路武器」和操作系統、軟體的漏洞,以用於收集情報或發動網路戰。駭客團體「影子中介」(Shadow Brokers)上月竊取國安局的部分資料,包括一段名為「永恆藍色」(Eternal Blue)的代碼,宣稱這段代碼是美國情報機構使用的駭客工具,並將之公諸於眾。贖金要求「相對較少」,但「傳播範圍極廣」。

在近十小時內發動至少7萬5000次攻擊,..全球多国遭大规模网络攻击, 受到感染的国家包括最早英国、美国、俄羅斯、印度、中國和台灣西班牙、意大利、葡萄牙 乌克兰等波及99个国家和地区.(do you ntoice a country hasn't suffered? however after I post this that country could pretend 受到网络攻击 to run away).

ps 北韓 and those on usa black list should not count because already blockaded by usa and its dogs, not have many chance 感染. 

Taiwan just got very minor and not suffered any loss yet.


--usa won't quit creating 「網路武器」at all.

--that means it is usa did/created 武器s and either itself became 駭客s or they have no capability protect their 武器s well and frequently accused 中國 and 俄羅斯.

usa itself better catch the 駭客 then those spreading malicious rumours on 中國 and 俄羅斯 even Trump can be terminated. Trump could change usa by making friends with other countries who are on usa black listing especially 北韓.

北韓外交官:平壤願在適當情況與美會談...被問到平壤當局是否準備與南韓新政府對話時,崔善熙說:「我們拭目以待。」vs 文在寅上任後首次!北韓射彈道飛彈 落日本海 , why 北韓 so pissed off 日本? there must have reasons.

注意!勒索病毒席卷全球:攻击这类电脑 破解靠重装系统...目前安全机构暂未能有效破除该勒索软的恶意加密行为,用户只能进行预防,用户中毒后可以通过重装操作系统的方式来解除勒索行为,但用户重要数据文件不能直接恢复。...腾讯反病毒实验室:这是最近几年极为流行的、依靠强加密算法进行勒索的攻击手段。与之前的攻击不同的是,此次勒索病毒结合了蠕虫的方式进行传播,传播方式采用了前不久美国国家安全局(NSA)被泄漏出来的MS17-010漏洞,因此无需受害者下载、查看或打开任何文件即可发动攻击。..这次WanaCry2.0系列攻击,实际上是一次蠕虫攻击,威力等同于当年的conficker。该蠕虫一旦攻击进入能连接公网的用户机器,就会利用内置了EnternalBlue的攻击代码,自动在内网里寻找开启了445端口的机器进行渗透。

中国国家互联网应急中心称,当用户主机系统被该勒索软件入侵后,用户主机上的重要数据文件,如:照片、图片、文档、压缩包、音频、视频、可执行程序等多种类型的文件,都被恶意加密且后缀名统一修改为 “.WNCRY”。

--there is no better way but 務必時時把自己重要的檔案備份到獨立的硬碟或雲端硬碟,以防萬一最糟情況發生時,仍能存取最重要的資料。I suffered before if it is not WanaCry it would be others, I kept telling data files disappeared frequently and suspect file explorer and one drive or else made too complex bugs every where.

( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2017/09/12 03:44

another usa threaton weapon--

华人银行被美国政府当替罪羊 华人家族花千万美元誓死反击

--the 华人银行 suffered 3 years court sued and finalllly won. because the 华人银行  only had 9 bad case about house loan.

2017/09/09 20:40
“明网”易躲“暗网”难防 网络反恐任重道远 ...所谓“暗网”,是相对“明网”(或“表层网”)而言的一个术语,是国际互联网中“暗藏”的一部分。“明网”即公众日常接触的网络,不仅内容是“明”的,而且网络接入者在一定程度上也是“明”的。就像邮政服务需有信箱地址一样,寻常方式接入“明网”也需IP地址等信息,且要通过路由器等网络设备建立链接。而一旦留下IP地址或途经受监管的网络设备,接入者行踪等就可被追查到。即使采用代理等方式接入,也只是增加追查的难度而已。“棱镜门”事件充分证明,“明网”几无隐秘可言。...而“暗网”则是潜藏于“明网”表层之下的网络,其最大特点就是隐秘,网站隐秘、用户隐秘、IP地址隐秘等。在“点对点网络”的理念下,“暗网”采用了分布式、多节点访问技术以及多层数据加密技术,像“洋葱皮”一样对“暗网”数据信息层层包裹和隐匿,“暗网”因而又称“洋葱网”。而且,虽然“暗网”具有极高的隐秘性,但其接入却并不需高深的网络知识,只需一个几兆大小的接入软件,经过简单设置就可匿名接入。当前,接入软件还有智能手机、平板电脑,接入“暗网”更加具有随时、随地的便捷性。




蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-09-09 20:40 回覆:


  当前,美、法、英和德等国均已成立了专职网络反恐机构,如美国的“跨部门反网络暴力激进化工作组”,法国的反恐网络部队,英国的“反恐互联网举证部门”和脸谱部队,德国的“安全领域信息中央办公室”等。一直致力于提供“技术解决方案”的美国国防部高级研究项目局宣称,已在牵头研发搜索引擎“麦克斯”,剑锋亦指向“暗网”空间。而随着国际恐怖组织对信息网络技术的掌握日臻娴熟,尤其是对“暗网”空间的渗透与融合亦是前所未有,力度有增无减。不难预判,未来的网络反恐之战,将曲折而持久。陈 森  刘永茂

2017/08/25 18:20

中國大陸人士俞平安(Yu Pingan,音譯)是21日在洛杉磯國際機場被捕;俞平安遭聯邦刑事控訴指控,與其他人共謀使用名為Sakula的惡意軟體。
Sakula先前被確認用於侵入聯邦人事管理局(OPM ).

-- when I saw the news about 惡意軟體 Sakula, the 1st came to my mind it is japan made 惡意軟體. and indeed  Sakula(Sakura) means Cherry blossoms 樱花. I wonder whether he was set up.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-25 18:25 回覆:

I hardly visit world journal, I hope a better chinese medias from china can exist in usa.

maybe there is but I don't know their websites.

2017/08/21 02:53

美军网络司令部升级 将成第十个联合作战司令部

--it proves what S.N.D. told the whole world...

2017/08/10 03:06

just received email as :
Microsoft account
Unusual sign-in activity
We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to the Microsoft account my-email-account. To help keep you safe, we required an extra security challenge.
Country/region: Iran
IP address:
Date: 8/9/2017 11:40 AM (GMT)
If this was you, then you can safely ignore this email.
If you're not sure this was you, a malicious user might have your password. Please review your recent activity and we'll help you take corrective action.
Review recent activity....
The Microsoft account team

so I click the link to verify, can't log in so reset passpword and logged in, and didn't show the old transaction from Iran but  from usa that i just logged in. I panicked and thought the email I received must send by hacker so I responsed as:

Dear Sir,

when I clicked the link you offered and only show the current sign-in(I logged in), the old one from Iran was not there.
I wonder your system may not allow same day log-in records?
could you confirm it? because I worried the email you sent me is not from Microsoft.
then I clicked the link again the password became invalid, I have to reset again, this time popped up the old transaction from IRAN.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-13 10:17 回覆:

when I went out to get mails found out the psycho used a tool to cut off the lock i put in outside cable box which I wrapped with lable and tape to stop the psych easily open the lock(a small suit case lock) since 8/3?. my husband later came out and saw it, yesterday it still ok when we returned from our old house. today we supposed to visit fry's to dispute the refud we didn't receive in 2013. but I post in BBB about my chanllege the paper given by Fry's manager and waiting for the answer. so decided not go out.

this morning told by xfinity that 6:37 AM  Broadband Connection Offline...camera disconnect. on line our account ony show disconnect warning on screen but no time tag and no record. the psycho is more and more violently and no fear my husband find what he/she done. I did find out our xfinity account recods showing camera connection failed frequently.

however without records with time tag can't prove what I said the psych come our house always when I and/or my hsnbad went out and after I fell sleep. I request xfinity provide those related records(power failed, connection failed,  Broadband Connection Offline ...)to help me find out the time frame the psycho cames.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-10 03:21 回覆:

what did I think of? 1st. I believe usa hacker set up Iran and microsoft used it to test certain picked americans like me. why? it offer reasons for Trump to attack Iran.

2nd. it might from Taiwan udn hacker because yesterday I tried post japanbastards 福岛核事故后460辆核污染车辆流出 或已被转卖 news..but was forbid. I tried couple times got the same error message--already post. we all knew our taiwan rotten 黑心蔡英文 relies on japanbastards supporting very much. And japanbastards got usa master support sharing many "dark secrets", japanbastards hacker do have capability stealing personal/company informations to blackmail americans.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-10 04:04 回覆:
黑客勒索HBO事件发酵 不给巨额赎金就泄露多项数据...勒索了价值600万美元的比特币筹码,并威胁将把包括HBO旗下最受欢迎的热剧《权力的游戏》在内的多项数据公布于众。...与该事件相似的“2015年索尼被盗门”就曾迫使索尼公司支付了1500万美元的相关调查和弥补费,同时该事件还曾造成一名该公司高管的离职。
罕见!日本新官想跟美国谈“地位” vs 日本发布2017版防卫白皮书 “中国威胁论”老调重弹
--what janbastards want? thru 老调重弹-中国威胁论 to squeeze out usa master threaton weapons so can one day independent from usa master. because usa ignored japanese don't want usa master stay in japan do whatever usa wants.
勒索HBO to get japan 索尼公司 loss.
to blackmail other countries including china for paying usa Trump squeezed japan's money out.
however it is all about usa master did, so 朝鲜 accused it is usa caused bloody wars.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-10 04:30 回覆:

I did have weird feeling, many my accounts passwords were invalid last 2 months,

I suspct the stealing psycho did to me because I try very hard to stop the person comes to our houses. the psycho always try to control us and abuses my body, we finally pay the security system service since 7/30/17, hope it can stop the psycho abuses my body and playing stealing-returned(some) psycho games.

now I am afraid would be the next blackmailed victim.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-10 04:40 回覆:
From my view point, microsoft might exist hackers-team in usa too. same as at&t working for Bush, Obama ...continue monitor their clients. at&t declared it stopped this year(?), do I believe? no.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-10 09:25 回覆:
I logged in my Microsoft account and found out the date was inconsist with the email I received from microsoft. on line showing yesterday 11:40Am(i.e. 8/8/2017), email showing... 
Country/region: Iran
IP address:

Date: 8/9/2017 11:40 AM (GMT)

Now I wonder  if it were 8/8/17 then I would say not from taiwan udn. if on line recording base on eastern country time zone then udn still is my suspect because in the past my computer got deadly virus attacking always linked with udn and/or world journal.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-10 11:43 回覆:

just chat with xfinity about their security system and unfinished job. totally I got $40 for their people didn't show up to finish their jobs plus this time "credit". what did I find out?

the logged data should begin with 7/31/17 3:49pm, don't know why between 7/31/17 to 8/4/17 disappeared and 8/5/17 was different (I wrote down before, didn't match current logged data .).

and the chat guy responsed:I can see that there is a missing logged in data.....then would credit $20 to me.

before ended the conversation, I request him give me time to copy the conversation, he promised then told me another way to make the copy before I finihed reading his writing the screen poped survey and then same as before can't have time to make the copy at all.

during the conversation he told me because the "screen touch" can't upgrate while it doing firmware upgrated caused camera communication failed/recovered and data lost problems. and would replace a new one.

I don't have any confidence in that company can do security job well.  I wonder usa police can't catch the psycho thief even have photos and student ID, usa security system is also unlikely can catch the psycho thief.

7/31 the installer installed security system but didn't seal outside cable box. in  2:00Am internet broken. fortunately I was still awake and called the company immediately. can't tell what caused and it could be done by the psycho disconnect the cable.

the psycho just stole our kitchen red grove and my husband expensive vitamine D2(50,000 IU $1/pill) found by my husband which he 1st time told me. in the past my husband denied and made every one believed I went crazy. because who would believe some one risk to be caught but stealing my clothing, kitchen-related things, tools, foods and some would return many months, years later and abused my body over 21 years. in the past he knew something disappeared but won't tell me. when some of them returned he accused me misplaced or else. the psycho enjoy it. I really hate the detective who could help me to catch the psycho thief with student ID. he did nothing.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-10 12:03 回覆:

the psycho even stole our documents including our wedding certificate, passports, my important document I brought from taiwan... this year I tried hard to negociate my husband that he can decide what to do(throw away, he accused me those medical records are junks) and I kept mine, no touch any more. I spent 3 weeks to sort out my medical records(the psycho already stole and some dumpped back piece by piece made a mess). after I sorted and put in box(it is my habit, neat and in sequence), months later the psycho stole the whole box as before. when I found and had a fight with my husband 2 months later some showed up that my husband found it mixed with others nearby window. however this time my husband can't but find a box, sorted and put in while he has greatest pain, because I was very upset. nothing can stop it.

the psycho stick to me, I don't know why can't end it. whenever we spent money to change locks the psycho always can steal the new keys. my husband got pain I thought the psycho abused him too. the 1st time I found was a knife cut on my husband back, ... later the psycho target at me, cut my fungers, toes, needle on my arms and legs... just like the psych stealing A returned B then stole C moving around. the psycho also abused my body in different places... all over my body.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-08-10 12:16 回覆:
certainly I suspect my husband knew the psycho, when I called the police he didn't want and later we had another fought  for other things stolen so I told him the detective in private visited me and suspect him made crimes.. he was very upset and told me he would call the detective. I don't know whether that's why the detective quit investigation but the detective should know it is me reported, no matter how my husband upset, it's me he should be responsible the case.

2017/06/20 21:06


--日本夏普 in usa sold to china businessman then taiwan 鸿海精密工业 attacking china businessman in usa, quite shame!!

if you  鸿海精密工业 not smart to buy 日本夏普 in usa  then don't do small man ways.

if japanbastards turned you  鸿海精密工业 to buy 日本夏普 in usa   down  then please hate japanbastards not china businessman.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-20 21:14 回覆:
china bussinessman be alert, our taiwan silly people long time affected by japanbastards, so learnt many smallmen ways, you can see from our 台獨笨蛋國的國民 did many bad things in taiwan. becareful maintain your rights in usa well, better hire excellent lawyer who knew usa rules very well. otherwise japanbastards + taiwan smallmen +usa master will destroy your efforts easily.
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-20 21:21 回覆:

台湾一年来外资陆资皆衰退 投资环境恶化企业意愿冷

--this is why japanbastards sold to china bussinessman.

and now smallman very regret didn't buy sharp in usa

after he saw china businessman turned the dead sharp into

alive in usa so attacking china businessman by all means.

usa is not all one side support taiwan, keep in mind or your reputation

down to the hell.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 09:27 回覆:


-- that's right, only tell the truth can do jobs right. japanbastards are spoiled by our 台獨笨蛋國的國民 can't allow 不是順民 existing in taiwan. beware of that.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 09:40 回覆:

taiwan is too small plus 台獨笨蛋國 by all means destroy anything related to china then you should know 順民 is taiwan's fate because too many silly people are so easy cheated by dirty LDW type without knowing what's the cost to pay for japanbastards supporting 台獨.

today is not just 安藤 but 台獨笨蛋國 together blockade your future... even smart taiwan people willing you be president to change their fate. I really wish you succeed, because you still have guts tell the truth.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-23 09:45 回覆:


郭台銘說,昨天看日本經產省優先議約,只要東芝案滿足三大條件,技術不外流、確保就業以及INCJ的投資,跟我投夏普一模一樣的案例。為什麼日本政府一定要拿日本國民的錢拿給INCJ, 然後鴻海投資也要INCJ,不如經產省改成INCJ部好了。郭台銘補充,為什麼當初夏普案銀行支持我們?因為鴻海吃下負債。夏普一年時間還債兩千日幣,這是日本納稅人的錢,由政府某官員指定由INCJ管理。

2017/06/19 08:44



--prety weird, usa would do it in public.

美一基地(Arizonz)F-35全部无限期停飞---lack of oxygen.
stupid taiwan once again spent huge money buy junks as usual.

美宙斯盾舰离奇撞上菲籍货船 七士兵之死震动美海军--撞击后的照片显示,菲律宾籍货船“ACX 水晶”号的船头撞在“菲茨杰拉德”号的右舷位置,导致美国军舰舰体右侧大幅损坏。《纽约时报》18日称,美国海军说,撞击造成这艘驱逐舰吃水线附近严重受损,无线电室和机械舱的两个舱室进水。...美国海军发言人保罗·纽厄尔说,死者可能是被淹死的,或者死于撞击的冲击。驱逐舰上有近300人,由于撞击发生在凌晨,大多数人正在睡觉。第七舰队司令奥库安说,“菲茨杰拉德”号在撞击后差点儿沉没,“损坏非常严重,水下有一道大裂缝”。,...“ACX 水晶”号货船状况要好得多,仅船头受损,20名船员无一受伤。路透社称,货船载有1080个集装箱,货船排水量2.9万吨,远大于排水量8300多吨的美国军舰

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-19 08:46 回覆:
蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-19 13:19 回覆:





蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-19 13:23 回覆:


--very weird, if it is 检查 then should thru the normal 检查 procedures not so weird way.

2017/06/13 00:21

“暗云Ⅲ”木马来袭:威力超WannaCry勒索病毒 这样防范 ...国家互联网应急中心(CNCERT)监测发现,该木马已感染主机超过162万台,其中我国境内主机占比高达99.9%,对我国互联网安全构成一定的威胁。...,“暗云”系列木马程序通过一系列复杂技术潜伏于用户电脑中,具有隐蔽性较高、软硬件全面兼容、传播性较强、难以清除等特点,且最新的变种“暗云Ⅲ”木马程序可在每次用户开机时从云端服务器下载并更新起功能模块,可灵活变换攻击行为。..目前“暗云Ⅲ”木马程序控制的主机已经组成了一个超大规模的跨境僵尸网络,黑客不仅可以窃取我国百万计网民的个人隐私信息,而且一旦利用该僵尸网络发起DDoS攻击将对我国互联网稳定运行造成严重影响。...CNCERT对木马程序控制端IP地址进行分析发现,“暗云Ⅲ”木马程序控制端IP地址10个,控制端IP地址均位于境外,且单个IP地址控制境内主机数量规模均超过60万台。

--from what I saw that means after usa master anounced suspects list and black south of china might issue WannaCry, china defeated back then usa master severely punished china by “暗云Ⅲ”. what I knew about usa is very good at punish itself people, won't admit itself made millions mistakes. usa is very sick can't be cured.

Trump should realize what he suffered in usa, also happened to other pity countries, so usa has no rights to issue any bloody wars to other countries.

2017/06/04 18:16







--I hope china reporters dig out more whether 2009 is also usa began share dity secrets with japanbastards...NSA向日方提供了被称为“XKEYSCORE”的大规模监控邮件及通话等的监控系统。该系统不仅针对国内,还可收集全世界几乎所有的通讯信息.

--Russia ans S.Korean did right thing, it is fake dollar why accept it? German is not a fool what make German accept it in 2004? the blackmail just happened before usa 向比特币敞开了国门. who is the max. benefits from 比特币?


--how to make sure only 2100万个比特币 forever? who can examine it? it reminds me golden investment that you can't touch it, can't own it but digital number, you buy higher than the market you sell lower than the market and you have no control at all. no one can examine whether your investment money did buy the real golden. certainly you can see the picture showing the golden but are your sure your golden included?

usa should know 比特币 was assumed to replace us$ and why didn't stop it? unless usa knew it well how it created and waht's for.  such "中本聪" must create by japanbastards without doubt, without usa master approve I don't believe it.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-04 18:29 回覆:


--I suspect that 正在建设唯一的一个中文网站 very likely from taiwan.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-04 18:37 回覆:


--I really hope 王瑞锡 type do not allure your people fell into the deeply traps in china. when I found out gloden investment serious problems I immediately warning taiwan people what I knew about it. those rotten rich try to run away paying tax in china should realize such "good" thing you heard is already too late you are on the bottom not in the rop to make huge profits but any time you lose all your money.

蝙蝠(amtrak) 於 2017-06-04 18:48 回覆:


--I'm afraid the “暗网”'s water is very very deeply already,  does 美国政府 incapble to 查封 or 这个网站 successfully bribe  美国政府 inclduing made a deal to leak out its buyers  whwnever  美国政府 need to catch certain suspects.

2017/06/01 09:16

japan manufactury still used quite old os in their machine, and taiwan bought lots since dirty LDW, japan and taiwan both should suffer serious wannacrying virus attacking, but on the contrary they don't. what did it tell you?

Sorry I was system immigration software engineer and sales related(consultant) knew lots hardware and software in taiwan that's why I knew japan products quite well.

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