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What your mom and half brothers did is 真的很不人道的
2010/07/04 22:17:38瀏覽582|回應2|推薦0

Denise and Derrick (My daughter and my son),


I am wondering what make you change to call me dad. And both of you also keep emphasis "your son and your daughter" now. That's pretty funny. Are you both already making up your mind, willing to become my son and daughter now?
Denise, the letter you let Jack Lee brought to me wrote "You are nothing to me and I hope to keep it that way" " I was totally humiliated and embarrassed by you!" "Your nonsense and selfish and shameful ways should stop; because I am even really embarrass/humiliated to even address you as my " biological donor"", "If seeing us is what you want; then fine! Send over the divorce papers with official stamp and seal by a lawyer and divorce with mom: then will consider meeting you. But if not; don't hope for anything; because we are really disappointed that Mr. Hsu is this kind out person." There are more I don't want to copy, because it will hurt both of us more. 

I spent 13 years to search three of you, and I got those answers finally. It's obvious three of you reject me. Why you and Derrick post the lie said "you recently told your friend that you don’t want us as your children anymore." I never said that. I am still seeking my 善良可愛愛我的Hsu家兒女。明白是非的兒女。 
It seems both of you willing to emphasis "your son and your daughter" on the letter now. That is a pretty good beginning; I hope to keep that way. I only want to communicate with my son and my daughters.

 There is no point to waste my time to communicate with someone who is nothing to me.

What your mom and half brothers did is 真的很不人道的。 They separate us for 13 years. They are still insisting that they didn't do anything wrong until now.

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I leave all results to God.
2010/07/08 23:26
I believe my son Derrick is a good person. I don't believe that my own son Derrick would have written such demeaning letters. Such letters must have been written by somebody else in his name, to try to seperate us. Such a person would be responsible to God for his or her action. God knows the truth, and I don't need to respond to any false accusations any more. I leave all results to God.

From Denise
2010/07/08 14:48

Dad (You don’t deserve to be called dad with what you have done to us, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now),

So it looks like you understand English quite well from your reading of my letters, so why are you still not getting what I am saying? I have not changed my mind yet, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here by calling you dad. I would only want to see you if you can change in to a person who can behave like a father to us. A father should care about his children’s future and have their best interests at heart. I understand that you enjoy the attention you may get from you online activities, but it is both a distraction and embarrassment to me as I constantly worry about my own friends question me about the family drama that you made up. A father should also act as a good example for us and constantly changing your stories and blaming everyone else for the consequences of your own actions do not qualify you as a father. So you need to stop what you are doing and try to find ways to be more productive in your own life even if you have to admit to having problems and finding medical help. At least we can still have a chance to become a family in the future.
