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Alvi® "Baby-Mäxchen" - the Original - Unicorn, pink 尺寸: 50/56 · 2018

For decades the Alvi® "Baby-Mäxchen" has been the top tried and tested sleeping system providing safe and secure sleep for your baby.

The Alvi® "Baby-Mäxchen" is a special sleeping bag that has been developed together with midwives, paediatricians and caregivers and tested in hospitals. Thus, for the first 18 months of your baby's life the sleeping system by Alvi proves to be the perfect companion, because it creates the best conditions for the healthy and safe sleep of your child.

The "Baby-Mäxchen" sleeping system consists of three parts: a slightly padded outer bag in a double size that grows with your child and has an all-round zip, and two inner bags in consecutive sizes with long sleeves and soft and smooth knit cuffs. Due to this smart system the "Baby-Mäxchen" is suitable for any indoor climate (on hot summer nights you can use the inner bag separately).

Its special shape that is close-fitting in the chest and back area and pear-shaped further down, keeps everything in place. Due to the wide lower part your child can happily kick with the legs while filling it with his own body heat at the same time. The outer bag comes with a button line that guarantees a double-size that grows with your child. Due to the all-round zip on both the inner and outer bag baby's delicate and sensitive skin is well-protected. Furthermore, you can effortlessly swaddle your child during the night.

Children that need to be monitored can also use the Alvi sleeping system, since it is equipped with openings for wires on the inner and outer bag.

The beautiful pink unicorn design colours up the "Baby-Mäxchen" sleeping system. Little baby girls will feel most comfortable in this chic and trendy sleeping bag.

The Alvi® "Baby-Mäxchen" can be流行戰利品 machine washed at 60° maximum.


  • Three-part sleeping system - grows with your child up to 2 sizes (neckline and armhole can be adjusted by using buttons)

  • Design: Unicorn Pink

  • Special pear shape of inner and outer bag guarantees mobility for kicking

  • Washable at 60° max., dryer-proof

  • All-round zip - for swaddling your child during the night

  • With opening for wires - suitable for children that need to be monitored

  • In hot summer nights the inner bag can be used separately

  • Seamless comfort back part - for baby's quite sleep




Alvi Baby- M?xchen - 原創寶寶睡袋- 粉紅獨角獸款










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澎湖縣政府今天在特教資源中心,舉行107學年度國民中小學新卸任校長布達交接典禮,由縣長陳光復宣讀布達令,頒發聘書,並期勉校長們秉持教育理念,專業領導,營造優質學習環境。今年的典禮上出現「母子檔校長」組合,將澳國中校長許淑娟、澎南國中代理校長鄭維傑是母子,一起在杏壇耕枟。交接典禮由陳光復主持,財政處長楊書舜、主計處長許金珍監交,議長劉陳昭玲、教育處長葉子超、副處長莊華州、人事處長許明質、消防局長葉天恭、縣政顧問莊忠政、許文喨、家長會長協會理事長歐中興,以及各國中小校長都出席見證,儀式簡單隆重。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 陳光復恭喜所有初任、新任及連任校長,他表示,澎湖學校雖然地處偏遠,教育資源和環境無法和都市學校相提並論,但是澎湖孩子是「天公仔囝」,無論在藝文、體育各項表現,屢獲全國大獎,表現傑出亮眼。縣府全力支持縣內各項教育活動,今年5月1日起提供營養午餐免費政策,改善教師辦公環境,希望營造優質校園與教學環境。議長劉陳昭玲感謝8位退休校長畢生春風化雨的無私奉獻,他表示,「窮不能窮教育,苦不能苦孩子」,縣議會將繼續支持教育,也期許校長們共同為澎湖教育一起努力。1澎湖縣07學年度連們校長名單如下:吉貝國中黃賜榮、嵵裡國小王文瑞、後寮國小陳生步及內垵國小馬長生。國中異動校長有5位,分別是文光國中仰瓊宜、志清國中王世桓、白沙國中葉天文、西嶼國中夏才能及將澳國中許淑娟;國小異動校長7位:興仁國小林宜君、龍門國小鄭文健、隘門國小陳光安、成功國小朱劍忠、中屯國小陳鴻賢、鳥嶼國小莊文啟、花嶼國小侯凱夫;代理校長3位:澎南國中鄭維傑、五德國小辛武震及外垵國小劉怡芬。澎湖縣政府今天舉行107學年度國民中小學新卸任校長布達交接典禮。圖/澎湖縣政府提供 分享 facebook 葉天文(右)接任白沙國中校長。圖/澎湖縣政府提供 分享 facebook 澎湖縣政府今天舉行107學年度國民中小學新卸任校長布達交接典禮,由縣市陳光復(中)主持。圖/澎湖縣政府提供 分享 facebook

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