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[ Rivecowe ] 睫毛膏 Plenty Volume 黑色 10ml
2017/07/31 01:19:00瀏覽73|回應0|推薦0

[ Rivecowe ] 睫毛膏 Plenty Volume 黑色 10ml

[ Rivecowe ] 睫毛膏 Plenty Volume 黑色 10ml, Korean, 化妝品 , Rivecowe, KMRCMS1, 達到顯著雕塑、豐富、天空高 lashe, 新增至 volumize 薄而且脆弱易損睫毛。, 含有專屬具蟹足腫體質公式, , koreanmall

並行的磁碟區與捲髮效果 ! 建立超寬大厚重的漂亮睫毛。

  • 達到顯著雕塑、豐富、天空高 lashe
  • 新增至 volumize 薄而且脆弱易損睫毛。
  • 含有專屬具蟹足腫體質公式



    Containing Collagen Volume & Curling Concurrent of Volume & Curling effect! Creating strikingly thick, sexy lashes The formation of a

    triple film layer, so no spreading to the eyes! Making vague eyelashes ample and long! Contains collagen! Supplies nutrients to weak

    eyelashes Focus On 4 Function Powerful waterproof function With the formation of a triple film layer, strong against water and sweat

    Maintains volume for a long time Maintains volume in the very state when makeup was first applied Supplies nutrients to the eyelashes

    Contains collagen Cleansing with lukewarm water With film layer 'on' and 'off' type, possible to cleanse using lukewarm water Possible

    to accomplish a distinct eye shape and maintain healthy eyelashes at the same time without having to apply a separate eyelash conditioner


    [How to use]

    1.Lift in a zigzag as if you are drawing a half-circle. 2.Apply at the ends.








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    [ Rivecowe ] 睫毛膏 Plenty Volume 黑色 10ml

    ( 興趣嗜好電腦3C )
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