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鄧麗君 (Teresa Teng)
我只在乎你 (I only care about you)

曲︰三木たかし 詞︰慎芝

如果沒有遇見你 我將會是在那裡
日子過得怎麼樣 人生是否要珍惜
也許認識某一人 過著平凡的日子
不知道會不會 也有愛情甜如蜜

*任時光匆匆流去 我只在乎你
人生幾何 能夠得到知己

#所以我求求你 別讓我離開你

如果有那麼一天 你說即將要離去
我會迷失我自己 走入無邊人海裡
不要什麼諾言 只要天天在一起
我不能只依靠 片片回憶活下去

重唱 *,#,*,#

more: http://www.youtube.com/stunningnuts

update: On 18 Juli 2008 500,000 mark is reached. With blessings from user gevalian ;)

update (13 april 2009) English translation by czler:

If I didn't meet you, where will I be?
How will my days be, should life be cherished?
Maybe I will meet someone, live through each ordinary day
Not too sure if the love will be sweet like honey

Though time passes fast, I only care about you
Willingly feeling your breath
How many times in life can one have a confidante?
Losing the strength of life is worth it
Therefore I beg of you, don't let me leave you
Other than you, I can't have the feelings of love

If there is one day which you say you want to leave
I will lose myself, walking through the limitless crowd of people
No need for any promises, only to be together each day
I cannot only rely on, pieces of memory for the rest of my life.

Though time passes fast, I only care about you
Willingly feeling your breath
How many times in life can one have a confidante?
Losing the strength of life is worth it
Therefore I beg of you, don't let me leave you
Other than you, I can't have the feelings of love
x 2

update (22 may 2009) English translation by yo33lo:

If I'd never met you
Where would I be?
How would my days go by?
Is my life worth to cherish?
Perhaps I'll meet someone
And live an ordinary life
Not sure if I'd also have
A love as sweet as honey too

No matter how time passing by
I care only for you
I'm willing to be affected by you
In life, how often are we able
To find our soul mate?
Even if to lose one's life force
It is still worthy

So I'm begging you
Please don't let me leave you
Besides you
I could never have that loving feelings

Should there be a day
You say you're going away
I will be lost
And wander into human crowds
I don't want any promises
I only want to be together every single day
I can never go on living
With only pieces of your memories

Translation in English: (submitted by dn2v3) (2 April 2011)

Verse 1
If I had never met you,
I wonder what I would have been doing in life.
I might have lived a ordinary life, loving someone ordinary.
I will just leave myself to the flow of time,
And be colored by your hues.
Even this one life, I don't mind throwing it away.
So I beg you, let me stay by your side,
As right now, I can love no one except you.

Verse 2
If you stop loving me one day,
There won't be another "tomorrow".
I don't need any promises, But then I can't live on memories alone.
I will just leave myself to the flow of time,
and snuggle right into your heart.
Just be beautiful there and then, I won't need my life any more.
So I beg you, let me stay by your side,
As right now, I can see nothing except you.
repeat chorus #1

update: On 26 June 2009 1,000,000 mark is reached!!!

update: On 22 August 2010 2 million views is reached!!! Congrats Teresa!

update: On 2 June 2011 3 million views was reached!!! Congrats T.T.!

 鄧麗君 ~~ 再見我的愛人




Goodbye my love! 我的愛人再見
Goodbye my love! 相見不知哪一天
我把一切給了你 希望你要珍惜 不要辜負我的真情意

Goodbye my love! 我的愛人再見
Goodbye my love! 從此和你分離
我會永遠永遠愛你在心裡 希望你不要把我忘記

我永遠懷念你 溫柔的情
懷念你 永恆的心
懷念你 甜蜜的吻

懷念你 那醉人的歌聲 怎能忘記這段情
我的愛再見 不知哪日再相見

「再見了 我的愛人 我將永遠不會忘記你 也希望你不要把我忘記
也許 我們還會有見面的一天 不是嗎?」

我的愛 我相信 總有一天能再見

( 創作詩詞 )
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