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2013/06/09 21:21:19瀏覽184|回應0|推薦35 | |
人 與 神 沒有具體的證明 關於神造世人, 卻有具體的證明 關於世人造神。 不是神造世人 根據自己的性情與形象, 卻是世人造神 根據自己的欲望與幻想。 雖然這些神是‘人造’的, 卻是些大能的生靈。 他們的性格相差不多, 作用也大致相同。 你越愛你的神, 你的神越愛你。 你越相信他們, 他們越有神力。 求他們給你財富與權力, 你可能有失所望。 求他們助你行善積德, 你可能如願以償。 如果你作壞事, 他們會論罪處罰; 或早來,或晚到, 惡報分厘不差。 如果你作好事, 他們會論功行賞; 或有形,或無痕, 福報絲毫不爽。 不同的人創造不同的神。 個別的神主持個別的教。 我相信所有的神, 並尊重各種的教; 就像我愛各族的人, 並尊重他們的道。 你敬拜你的神, 求他們保護你的 及你同道的, 生命、財富、信仰、權利。 為其麼你不尊重別人 同樣的東西? 英文原詩附後 並請批評指正 Gods and People
There is no solid evidence about gods creating people. There are solid evidences about people creating gods. It’s not gods creating people according to their images and temperaments. It’s people creating gods according to their imaginations and intentions. Although these gods are “man made”, they are powerful beings; yet they posses similar characters, perform similar things. The more you love your gods, the more they like you. The more you rely on them, the more they rule you. Asking them giving you wealth and power, you probably will get disappointments. Asking them helping for good causes, you probably will get fulfillments. If you do things are bad, they’d punish you accordingly, somehow in later days, sometimes even immediately! There is no solid evidence about gods creating people. There are solid evidences about people creating gods. It’s not gods creating people according to their images and temperaments. It’s people creating gods according to their imaginations and intentions. Although these gods are “man made”, they are powerful beings; yet they posses similar characters, perform similar things. The more you love your gods, the more they like you. The more you rely on them, the more they rule you. Asking them giving you wealth and power, you probably will get disappointments. Asking them helping for good causes, you probably will get fulfillments. If you do things are bad, they’d punish you accordingly, somehow in later days, sometimes even immediately!
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