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2013/05/08 18:03:48瀏覽232|回應0|推薦35 | |
不認為會後悔 我無法得知 如果上帝, 不曾教我們辨識 罪惡與正義, 世界會多麼糟糕, 人類將如何卑鄙。 猛獸吃弱獸, 大魚吃小魚, 他們不知 合宜或是不宜; 因此不必 在食前禱告如儀, 也就不會 在食後悔罪啼泣。 人們知道 甚麼是不宜, 卻積慮努力 相互攻擊。 更是野蠻! 那顧正義! 弱肉強食, 強者尚不滿意。 祇是這樣, 才會去找上帝. 多拍幾句馬屁, 以討祂的歡喜。 再祈續作幫兇, 更為另次勝利! 現在你我 都被打敗。 在他們的爪下 祇能缩瑟等待。 他們要把我們 片片撕開; 吞我們的血肉, 嚼我們的腦袋。 然後舔嘴咂舌, 滿意的微笑。 打幾個飽嗝兒, 上床去了。 他們會在枕上搖頭, 夢中嗤笑。 鼾聲如雷, 卻不忘嗅鼻尋找。 翌晨醒來, 伸幾個懶腰, 立刻張牙舞爪, 去找新鮮獵物去了! 我們應否伏地不動, 等他們屠宰, 還是試著爬起, 設法跑開? 可是千萬不可 和他們挑戰攤牌。 上天沒給我們條件 把他們打敗。 我們祇能連滾帶爬, 跑去天邊雲外。 甚至鑽進地縫地獄, 去同魔鬼結拜。 如此他們找不到 我們的所在。 不能倒提著雙腿 再捉回來。 如此他們不能 飽餐我們的五臟, 一時也找不到東西 去塞自己的肚腸。 我想我們永不會 後悔及悲傷; 而他們一定會 饑渴及懊喪! *節錄自作者的長詩《姐妹花》,引用茱麗雅(一枝野花)的話。 英文原詩附後, 並請批評指正。 I Don’t Think We’ll Be Sorry **
“I don’t know if God hasn’t given us people the might to distinguish what’s righteous, what’s evil, “how would we people behave, what would our world become. “The cat eats the rat, the seal eats the eel, they don’t know whether it’s righteous or evil; “So they never acknowledge Him, utter no prayer before the meal; they never repent either, shed no tear after the kill. “Now, we people do know what’s right, what’s not right; yet we prey on one another, seek chance to pounce, to bite; "With all craft, all our power, totally bestial, utterly amoral. “The weaker will be eaten. The stronger always eat. The victors still feel sorry. They cannot be all appeased! “Then, and only then, will they turn to Him. “Acclaim Him: it’s for his might. Acknowledge Him: for his support. Confess, only some minor matter. Repent, but apply Him to redeem. Praise Him: that’s flattering for more. Pray to Him: to help other schemes. “Now both you and I are helplessly defeated. Under their powerful paws, we can only lie here meekly. "Soon they will kill us, tear us into pieces! Then sup our blood and gulp our meat. “Imagine they’ll smack their mouths, and chomp their sharp teeth. They’ll lick their bloody lips, scratch their cheeks; "Utter some big belches, take breath, can’t be deep! Feel temporary contented, then go for a nap or sleep. “Imagine they’ll smile in bed, also sneer in dreams, loudly snore in bed, still sniff in dreams! “They’ll yawn and paw, wake up next morn; “totally forget us, still with flesh or meat; once more look for someone fresh to eat!" “Do you think we should lie here patiently wait for our final fate? No, we should try to roll away, then scramble up to escape!
"But, be sure do not stand up to fight those people again. There is still no chance for us people to win. “First we get off their paws, then get up and run. Run with all our power, as fast as we can.
"Run to hide even in hell to dwell with those devils! So they cannot catch us and fetch us by the shank. “They cannot feed on our blood and feast on our bowels! They cannot find things to fill their bellies. “I don’t think we’ll be sorry, or be more sorrowful. “Anyway they’ll be hungry. They’ll be angry!” ** An excerpt from the author’s long poem “Sister Goddesses”, Quoted from the monologue of Jouliu, a ‘prostitute’. |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |