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柯博拉11/16訪談_金融食物鏈 “事件”以太複製器 (2)
2013/11/30 15:55:06瀏覽456|回應0|推薦0
E. Describe the Event again for those hearing this for the first time…

E. 給那些第一次聽說的人們再描述一下"事件"....

C: OK, I will describe this briefly. The first aspect of the Event is the reset of the financial system. The reset of the financial system will end the current imbalances that are one of the major sources of suffering on the planet. The new financial system will be transparent and fair to everybody. The second aspect of this reset is the arrest of the members of the controlling forces of the Cabal, of those people who were actually enslaving humanity for all those centuries. The third aspect of the Event is finally the truth will begin to be released through the mass media, truth about the planetary situation, truth about our history, truth about UFOs, about extraterrestrial contact, about free energy, about true physics, about everything–will be released finally to the mass population. There will also be the non-physical aspect of the Event, which will be a flash, the wave of energy from coming from the galactic central sun. Many people who are more spiritually aware will be able to feel that flash. That will begin a process of mass awakening that will go across humanity after the Event.

C: 我簡單說一下。"事件"的第一個方面是金融系統的重置。金融系統的重置將終結當前的不平衡,這是星球上其中一個苦難的源頭。新金融系統將會對每個人透明和 公平。第二個方面是逮捕陰謀集團具控制力量的成員,就是幾個世紀以來奴役著人類的那些人。第三個方面是真相的公開,通過大眾媒體,公開星球狀況的真相,歷 史的真相,UFO的真相,外星接觸,自由能源,真正的物理學等等的真相,有關每一件事情,最終公開給人類大眾。"事件"也有非物質方面,那將是一個閃焰, 來自銀河中央太陽的能量波。很多人精神上更有覺知的人能感受到這個閃焰。那將在"事件"後,在人類之間開始一個大規模覺醒的進程

E: So, it is pretty safe to say that none of us will be the same after the Event.

E: 可以很安全地說,我們沒有一個人在"事件"之後會是同一個模樣的。

C: None of us will be the same. It will be beyond our expectations.

C: 沒有人不會有變化。事情會超出我們的預期。

E. It is so remarkable to hear this kind of information. I’m wondering, do you feel supported across the board from other psychic-type people and other people involved in all this supporting this whole scenario? I’ve looked around a lot to see how people are talking about things and I just wonder whether it is something that you feel is being effectively supported or do you feel it is this group that you’ve identified as putting it out. I’m floundering a bit here, but I just wonder how all this is seeming to you?

E. 聽到這樣的訊息真是太不尋常了。你有沒有感到來自靈媒人或者其他有關人士的幫助?我走過很多地方看到人們談論這些,我想知道你是否覺得這有效地幫到你,或者你覺得你所說的(支援)小組才是幫得上忙的。我說得有點混亂,但我好奇你是怎麼看的。

C: Well, you see, I create my own reality, and I just connect with people who are understanding this. Most people I am connected with have a similar perspective on this. I don’t have much contact with the general population who might not know about it. Of course, there are many people who are skeptical about this and those people who are skeptical will be more convinced, naturally, when things start to happen, when there will be physical evidence. Of course, most people will believe their own eyes. I would say to most people: wait and see what happens. I’m just giving information in advance so people are prepared; I’m not trying to convince anybody. I’m just presenting information because I have received it.

C: 你看,我創造我自己的現實。我只是把那些理解這個現實的人連接起來。與我有關的多數人都有相似的視角。我與一般人可能不知道這些事的人沒太多聯繫。當然, 有很多對此有所懷疑的人,那些懷疑論在事情開始發生時很自然地會更信服,到時會有實質證據。當然大部分人相信他們的眼睛,我對這些人說:等著瞧。我只是提 前給出資訊,讓人們做準備;我沒有想過說服所有人...我只是呈現出我收到的資訊。

E: That’s true. That’s the essence of how it comes. The messengers come and here’s the message. It is another round of information that transforms us to learn a lot more about who we really are and how our roots go into other dimensions and what our potential future is. I’m finding it interesting to be among people who are aware of this and to not be able to look at the world that is being expressed around me, and people’s ideas about what they are going to do next summer and how they are going to do this and that. You sort of can’t go there any more when you know that this incredible change is imminent. It’s an interesting surreal life to lead. I imagine you are hearing that from other people, too.

E: 很對。這是真髓。信使到來,給你資訊。讓我們學習到更多關於我們是誰,我們的祖先如何去到其他維度,我們潛在的未來是什麼,這都是另一回的資訊。我發現很 有趣的是在那些知道此事,但看不到表達在自己周圍的世界的人,人們關於他們下一個夏天將做什麼,他們要如何做這做那之類的想法。即便當你知道這個驚人的轉 變即將到來,你似乎也無法走得更遠(做得更多)。感覺有趣而不太真實。我想你也會從其他人那裡聽到這些觀點。

C: 是的。

C: Yes, yes.

E: Do you have any advice? For living in this kind of a time? Or just…

E: 你有什麼建議?

C: Just be in the now. Be in this moment. Of course you can make plans. It’s always in life like this that you can make plans and of course things will happen in completely unexpected ways.


E: And that’s the advice that we’ve all heard that applies to our life challenges. So much of what we think of as problems are things we think up in our head and haven’t happened yet, so now we are on this other side where we are looking at something that is really positive that’s coming and yet hasn’t quite manifested. I don’t want to be one of these people that talks about the timing of this, because I do understand [the dilemma]. I feel as a woman it is interesting to talk about time as something to be fulfilled, because if we are pregnant we know we are going to have a baby but we don’t know when, but we know we are going to have a baby. So I feel that this Event is in this language of it is definitely going to happen and the timing isn’t really ours to know, but the certainty of it is there within us. It is a sense that when everything converges to be in perfect coordination, then the thing will happen and it will be absolutely the right moment.

E: 這個建議我們也聽說過,用於我們生命中的挑戰。我們看成是問題的那些東西是一些在我們頭腦裡還沒發生的事,現在我們在另一邊看著一些真正正面的事情在到 來,但仍然沒顯化。我不想談論事情發生的時間,因為我知道這不好說。我覺得作為一個女人,談論某些正在實現的事情的時間很有趣,就像我們懷孕了,知道要生 產一個嬰兒。我們不知道是什麼時候,但我們知道將要生孩子。所以語意上我覺得"事件"肯定要發生,但時間我們是不知道的。但事情肯定擺在那裡。這是一種萬 事具備,完美協調,然後事情絕對會在適當的時候發生的感覺。

C: Exactly, exactly.

C: 是的。

E: We are conditioned to think of linear time being sort of like the train schedule where we keep looking at our watches and saying, when is it going to happen? But it is not in that framework.

E: 我們習慣像列車時刻表那樣線性時間地思考,我們一直看著手錶問什麼時候才會發生?但事情不能這樣想。

C: There is a certain moment when it will happen, but even if I would know it, I would not say it, simply because I would not give this information to the Cabal and of course, they are listening to this.  They don’t need to know.

C: 有一個必然的時刻它是會發生的,但即使我知道,也不會說出來。很簡單,因為我不會把這個資訊告訴陰謀集團,他們肯定在聽著。他們不需要知道。

E: They don’t need to know! Well, does it mean that they know all of this that we are talking about, that their portals are being cleared, that there are these dates? It doesn’t give them any benefit to know these specifics at this stage, does it?

E: 他們不需要知道!你意思是不是他們知道我們談的這些,他們知道門戶正在清理,在某些日子有事發生?在這個階段不讓他們知道這些細節而得利?

C: You see, I have a very delicate situation. I can just release intel that gives more advantage to the light forces than gives to the dark forces. So there are things I cannot say. It is a very delicate balance. We are still not liberated yet. After that, it is no problem. I can say everything I know but not yet.

C: 你看,我的情況很微妙。我可以公開一些情報,給光的勢力更多的有利條件,多於給黑暗勢力的。所以有些事我不能說。這是一個很微妙的平衡。我們現在仍然沒有解放。之後就不要緊了。到時我可以說出我知道的一切,但現在不是時候。

E: Do you want to describe a little bit more about the way the Resistance — you use this phrase compression breakthrough–that’s where your name Cobra comes from–and you’ve talked about how the compression is from the extraterrestrials on one side and the Resistance on the other. Do you want to describe that? So we can picture the Earth in ways we don’t usually do with the underground cities…

E: 你再多談一下抵抗運動,你使用"壓縮突破"這個詞語,這也是你的名字COBRA的來源,你說過這個壓縮一邊來自外星人,另一邊來自抵抗運動。你想描述一下 嗎?這樣我們才能以我們不常使用的方式來描繪地球,用地下城市的觀點(博主註:指地下城市中居住的抵抗運動的觀點)...

C: This planet is in a sandwich. There are light forces above the surface of the planet in the sky–the positive ETs–who are sending light toward the surface of the planet from above.  Then there is a resistance movement underground. All of these forces are holding the light below the surface and sending the light toward the surface. So the surface of the planet is in this compression. All of the darkness that was compressed on the surface needs to come out, because the light is constantly pressuring it to come out, so that it is processed and healed and removed. When the light from below meets the light from above at the surface, that’s the moment of compression breakthrough and that’s the moment of the Event. When this is happening it will be huge, energetically and physically, and everybody will be able to see it.

C: 這個星球是一個三明治。在地表以上的天空裡有光的勢力,就是正面的ET,他們把光從上面發送到地表。然後抵抗運動在地下,所有勢力在地表以下維持住並把光 發送到地表。所以星球的地表就處於這樣的壓縮裡。所有在地表被壓縮的黑暗需要逃出來,因為光持續施壓迫它出來,這樣才能處理,治療和移除。當來自地下的光 與來自上面的光在地表相遇,那就是壓縮突破的時刻,也就是"事件"發生的時刻。當事情一發生,能量上和物理上都會相當大,每個人將能看見。

E: After the Event, what role do these forces play? The underground culture and resistance…will they become more visible to us? Are these boundaries going to be dissolved and will we have some awareness that this exists?

E: "事件"之後,這些勢力的角色是什麼?地下文明和抵抗運動,他們會被我們所見嗎?這些邊界會不會消融,我們會知曉他們的存在嗎?

C:  Gradually, yes. They will not expose themselves directly. First they will just get in there through the mass media, but after sometime when humanity begins its awakening process, there will be direct contact.

C: 是地,逐漸知道。他們不會直接曝露自己。首先他們會通過大眾媒體出現,一段時間後當人類開始自己的覺醒進程,他們就會直接接觸我們。

E: Then the future of humanity, I gather, from everything I’m learning, is to have a completely different sense of what is real physically and to travel without airplanes and visit other star systems — all that…

E: 我從所有獲得的資訊來看,人類未來對什麼東西才是真正物質性的,不用飛機旅行,以及到訪其他星系等等將有一個完全不同的感官。

C: 是的。

C: Yes. Yes.

E: …everything we fantasize in our media. I think it is so interesting that something in us that was captured in the Star Wars movie always wanted this ability to go exploring and go beyond–I guess it is pretty true to call this the prison we have been locked up in–find out what is really going on outside.

E: ...所有在我們媒體裡幻想的事物。很有趣地,在《星球大戰》電影了描述的我們內在的某些東西,我們一直想得到那種能力去外面探險並去超越。我認為我們被囚禁在監獄裡這個說法很真確。我們要查明外面究竟發生了什麼。

C: We were in the prison for the last 25,000 years and now that the gates will open, we will be able to see what is outside.

C: 我們25000年前就關在監獄裡,現在大門就要打開。我們會看到外面有什麼。

E: I don’t know how to ask these some of these questions because they are so unusual…but could this have all gone another way completely 25,000 years ago?

E: 我不知道怎麼問這些問題,因為這些問題很不尋常...但25000前會不會出現另一條道路?

C: It could. It could. Things could be different. There are many moments in human history, many key points, when this could go one way or the other.

C: 是的。事情可能不一樣。在人類歷史上有很多時刻,很多關鍵點,可能走上這條或者其他的道路。

E: It was just in these various present moments that a little tipping happened and it slid one direction?

E: 在這些各種各樣的"當下",發生一點傾斜就會滑向一個方向?

C: Exactly.

C: 是的。

E: Do we have anything to learn from this, looking back? Do we learn how to be a different kind of human now?

E: 我們能不能從中學到什麼,要回望過去?我們現在學到如何做一個不同的人了嗎?

C: Yes. You see in those critical moments, those tipping moments, there were always individuals who were key individuals and those key individuals made choices, sometimes good choices and sometimes not so good choices. In 1995 there was a big possibility of a breakthrough but the key individuals made the wrong choices and that is why we are here almost 20 years later and still the Event didn’t happened. It could have happened in 1995. It could also have happened last year, in April or May 2012, if certain key individuals had made the right choices but they did not make the right choices. There are always certain moments, certain windows of opportunity, and in those crucial moment it is very important how the key people behave. What decisions do they make? What choices do they make? What actions do they take? That is very important.

C: 你看,在那些關鍵的時刻,那些傾覆的時刻,總是有一些關鍵人物做出選擇,有時作出好的選擇,有時選擇得不那麼好。在1995年有很大一個突破的可能性,但 關鍵人員做了錯誤選擇,這就是為什麼我們現在在這裡,幾乎20年之後"事件"還沒發生。"事件"可能在1995年發生了。也可能在去年,2012年4月或 5月發生。如果那些關鍵人物做了正確選擇的話,他們卻沒有。一直都有契機,一些機會視窗,在些重要的時刻裡,關鍵人物如何行動非常重要。他們作出什麼決 定?他們作出什麼選擇?他們作出什麼行動?這是極為重要的。

E: Would these be people that had political power?

E: 這些人是那些有政治權力的人嗎?

C: Not necessarily. You see, the real planetary situation is not decided by the presidents; it is decided by people from behind the scenes.

C: 不一定。你看,真正的行星狀況不是由總統們決定的,而是由幕後的人決定。

E: The Cabal and its script for controlling to planet…to me, it is preposterous that they ever thought they could succeed, just because to manage something on the scale that they wanted…Where would they have found the power to support that, because it was such a self-involved agenda, no spiritual energy behind it, no good in it? How could the Cabal have really believed in their power or were they just psychotically made wrong?

E: 陰謀集團和他們控制星球的劇本,對我來說,他們認為他們能成功是很荒謬的,因為他們想在那個規模上控制一切..在那裡他們本應找到權力支持,因為這是一個自我中心的議程,沒有靈性能量在背後,沒有任何好的方面?陰謀集團怎麼會相信他們的權力,或者說他們精神錯亂了?

C: You see, their plan was created–the last phase of their plan was created–more than 200 years ago. At that time they had the support of many negative ET races throughout the galaxy, and that’s where their confidence came from. But now when those races are gone, they are still operating but they know they are on their last plans. They cannot count on any support from beyond this planet any more, and they know it. The top people in the Cabal know that and they are in panic because of this. Because they know the game is over.

C: 你看,他們的計畫已經寫好了——他們計畫最後階段在200多年前就寫好了。當時他們有很多銀河系負面外星種族的支持,這是他們的信心來源。但當那些種族離 開後,他們仍舊在經營,但他們知道這是他們最後的計畫了。他們無法再指望任何星球外的支持,他們心知肚明。陰謀集團的頂層人物知道這個情況,他們很驚慌。 因為他們知道遊戲要結束了。

E: You’ve described that there are a variety of ways that they are responding, that they know they can surrender, they can ask for forgiveness and so on and so on. Are we seeing the separation of the hard core from those who aren’t so deeply, darkly inspired?

E: 你說過他們有各種方式來投降,他們知道他們能投降,他們可以請求原諒等等。我們能不能看到死硬核心份子裡面有些不那麼黑暗的人會棄暗投明?

C: Yes, there are many various responses, and yes, some of them have surrendered already and many of them will surrender in the future. And also the various factions have different tactics of how to cope with this situation. The Jesuits try to manipulate the situation in their own way; the Rockefeller-Illuminati faction is getting a little bit crazy with all this warmongering in Syria that happened this year, and the Rothschilds are just silent because they don’t want to be exposed too much in the limelight right now.

C: 是的,(來自陰謀集團)有各種回應,他們某些人已經投降了,很多人會在將來投降。也有不同的派系有著不同的策略來應付這個情況。耶穌會用他們的方式來操縱 這個情勢。洛克菲勒-光明會派系有點瘋狂,今年在敘利亞煽動戰爭。羅斯柴爾德家族保持沉默,因為他們不希望現在曝光並受到大眾的關注。

E: They must be aware that the financial reset is going to completely take all their power away.

E: 他們一定知道金融重置會完全把他們的權力奪去。

C:  Yes, they are aware of that.

C: 是的,他們知道。

C: I would say they are afraid of it. They don’t believe it completely because it hasn’t happened in their own experience. They have generations of experience that they are the top of the food chain regarding money–almost at the top of the food chain–but they are afraid that something will change because they gather more and more evidence that things are going to change.

C: 我會說他們在害怕。他們不完全相信,因為這從未在他們的經驗中發生過。他們有歷代位於貨幣食物鏈頂層的經驗——幾乎在食物鏈的頂端——但他們害怕有些東西會改變,因為他們獲得越來越多的證據表明事情在發生改變。

E: Do you think they believe it?

E: 你認為他們會相信嗎?

E: When you talk about the public arrests of these figures, is it going to include of some of these top dogs?

E: 當你說到公開逮捕這些人,是否包括這些頂層的人物?

C: All of them.

C: 他們全部人。

E: Is that going to happen swiftly, all at once? We will be witnessing this over days?

E: 會不會發生得很快,馬上,所有人?我們會花幾天時間見證?

C: It will be a global operation throughout the planet that will take maybe between one or three days.

C: 這將是行星上地一個全球行動,可能花1-3天。

E: Wow.

E: 噢。

C: …for the key people.

C: …逮捕那些關鍵人物。

E: Wow. That’s going to make some interesting television!

E: 那麼在電視上將有好看的了。

C: Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

C: 是的,是的。

E: For the people who are used to the action movies, they are going to see some action. Are they going to be taken to certain kinds of prisons? Where will they go?

E: 對於習慣了動作片的觀眾,他們會看到一些行動。他們會不會被押到某些監獄?他們會去哪裡?

C: They will be taken to prisons and they will have a right to have a fair trial because true things need to come out in a balanced way, so there will be no witch-hunts. Human beings will decide their destiny. Humanity will decide their destiny.

C: 他們會被送到監獄,他們有權獲得一個公平的審訊,因為真相需要以一個平衡的方式公開。不會有像火燒女巫的那種情況。人類將決定他們的命運。

E: So, this is also why this preparation has taken so long, so many years, so that it would run flawlessly when the time came?

E: 所以這也是準備工作花這麼長,這麼多年的原因,以便時機到來事情可以完美無瑕地進行。

C: We don’t have a second chance. When the Event is triggered, it has to be done perfectly. It has to be done in near-perfect precision to insure the least amount of violence and loss of human life, so that the basic electricity, food-distribution chains–all this needs to remain intact. It’s not an easy operation.

C: 我們沒有第二次機會。當"事件"被觸發,一切就要完美地完成。不得不以近乎完美的精度來完成,確保最低限度的暴力和人命傷亡,以便讓基礎電力,食物供應鏈,所有需求保持完整。這不是一個簡單的行動。

E: Here in America, will we be seeing it happen to the Americans that are involved or is it going to go around the world?

E: 這裡是美國,我們會不會看到事情發生在與美國人身上,或者全世界都會發生?

C: Everywhere.

C: 每一個地方都會。

E: Wow. That is just going to be staggering, it seems to me. Are some of these figures are going to be people that we have heard of? High-profile people?

E: 哇!對我來說似乎有點驚愕。是否有一些人物是我們已經聽說過的?引人注目的人物?

C: Some of those people are in politics, but the topmost people are mostly in Black Nobility families and the Jesuits and are not are not public figures so much. There will be some very well-known names and some completely unknown names.

C: 一些人是政界的,但最頂層的人主要是黑色貴族和耶穌會,他們不是那麼出名的人公眾人物。有一些眾所周知的人物,也有一些人完全沒聽說過的人。

E: A lot of names have gotten thrown around over the years about who is part of this and who are the bad ones, but my sense has been that a lot of the most public figures, more politically high profile, they don’t strike me as having the kind of power that the Cabal leaders have had. That they are really more figureheads…

E: 很多名字這些年來傳得很廣,關於誰是陰謀集團,誰是壞人。但我的感覺是很多最出名的人,最有政治立場的人,他們有著陰謀集團領導者擁有的權力,這並不讓我震驚。他們更多只是有名無實的領袖....

C: Exactly

C: 很對。

E: They haven’t had the freedom of resisting them or they know the consequences of resisting them…

E: 他們沒有自由來反抗他們,或者他們知道反抗的後果...

C: Exactly.

C: 正確。

E: …but once they are released from that we will see their true character.

E: …但一旦他們從控制中獲得釋放,我們將看到他們真實的本性。

C: Yes. Many truths will come out. People will begin to speak finally freely about what they were involved in, and there are many people who were in the Cabal not because they wanted to but because they were forced to, and they will finally be free to talk about their experience and be healed.

C: 是的。很多真相將會浮現。人們終將自由地談論他們牽涉進什麼事情。有很多在陰謀集團裡面的人,不只因為他們想這樣,而是被強迫,他們將最終將能自由地談論他們的經歷,並得到治癒。

E: It is phenomenal to imagine this happening so fast, but on the other hand it’s encouraging that something as huge as this can happen to completely turn around the misdirection that we’ve been involved in. I know that everyone who cares about the environment and the health of our food and our oceans–everything that has to do with supporting us–we’ve all been so shocked to see everything going in the wrong direction. The way that we’ll get help changing this, from the ET sources…are we going to be participating and learning from these beings or are we going to be just watching something happen like someone waved a magic wand?

E: 想像到所有這些發生得如此快,真是神奇。但另一方面讓人鼓舞的是,如此偉大的事情能夠發生,完全扭轉我們一直以來所關聯的錯誤方向。我知道大家都很關心環 境,我們食物的健康,我們的海洋——一切支持著我們的事物——我們震驚地看到每件事都走在錯誤方向上。我們得到幫助改變這些的方法來自外星...我們會不 會參與並從這些存有那裡學習,或者我們只是看著就像有人揮動魔術棒一樣。

C: No, it will be active participation. There are many technologies that were developed on the surface of the planet that were suppressed, and these will be the first that are released. And then scientists and engineers will learn from those ETs how to go beyond those Earth-based technologies. It will be a partnership; it will be cooperation. Humanity needs to learn to do this by themselves, of course with instruction and a loving guidance from the positive ETs, but humanity will have a very active role in its own future. Humanity will make the basic decisions, not the ETs.

C: 不,這將是積極的參與。有很多科技已經在星球表面開發出來,這些技術以前被禁止了。這些科技將會首批被釋放出來。然後科學家和工程師將從那些外星人那裡學 到如何超越那些地球原來的科技。這將會是夥伴關係,也是一種合作。人類需要學會自己動手,當然會有正面外星種族的指引和愛的指導。但人類在自己的未來中將 有著一個非常積極的角色。人類,而不是外星人,將作出基本的決策。

E: That’s an encouraging thing for young people, that they would step right into this as what they will do with their lives to be part of this.

E: 對年輕人來說這是令人鼓舞的,他們正好參與進去,因為他們這輩子所要做的就是成為轉變的一部分

C: They were born for this. This is their destiny.

C: 他們為此而降生,這是他們的命運。

E: And the whole education system will be flipped over and made relevant, right? It won’t be all about training people to be in the corporate structures. Do you think that the long-term vision of humanity is to slide completely out of a currency monetary system and just recognize how they can share and not have it all organized by some version of money? A lot of people hope that it is the end of all this.

E: 整個教育體系會翻轉過來,變得符合實際,是嗎?不再是訓練人們成為公司架構的...你認不認為人類長期的願景是徹底擺脫貨幣制度,認識到他們如何能分享,而不是什麼都用金錢觀念來組織很多人希望這是它的終結。

C: Yes. It’s very easy because with the available new technology it will be very easy to produce anything people need for their lives.  This is the basic reason why the money will become free, because people will not need it any more. They will have a replicator at home and they will be able to create out of etheric substance everything they will need, their food, everything they need for their physical existence. The perspective of people will go beyond the physical plane because when this is taken care of people will begin to ask, What’s more, What’s the real meaning of life? How can I evolve? What can I do?

C: 是的。這很容易,因為有了新科技,很容易就能製造人們的生活所需。這是貨幣變得自由的基本原因,因為人們不再需要它了。他們在家裡會有一部複製機,他們可 以用乙太物質製造他們需要的,食物,一切物質生活所需的。人們的視野就超出物質層面,因為物質生活被照顧好後,人們開始問還有什麼?生命的意義是什麼?我 怎樣才能進化?我能做什麼?

E: This applies to the healing arts, too, that we will be shifted to a different whole way of understanding what it means to heal disease or injuries.

E: 這也適用於醫療技術,我們轉換到一條完全不同的道路上,去理解治療疾病和創傷的意義。

C: It will be a matter of reaching again the inner balance of the human being, because when a human being is in a state of balance, there is no illness possible.

C: 重點在於達到人類內在的平衡,因為當一個人處於平衡狀態,就沒可能生病

E: So the first phase is a whole reset and rebalancing of the essential human, who is self-healing and self-evolving and self-expressing.

E: 所以第一階段是人類基本的自我治療,自我進化和自我表達的重新設置和再平衡。

C: Of course the technology will support that healing process, but the focal point will be inner balance.

C: 當然科技將支持治療過程,但重點是內在的平衡

E: Wow. That’s probably a good way to wind this up this time. It’s been very fascinating to have this kind of conversation with you and I appreciate your making yourself available. If there’s anything else you want to add, that would be fine.

E: 這大概是一個很好收尾。很高興跟你進行對話,感謝你能抽空到來。你還有什麼想補充嗎。

C: I would just say, do not give up hope. We are in a very exciting time, although it is quite challenging for many people. We have been born for this time, to make this final victory.

C: 我想說不要放棄希望,我們在一個令人興奮的時期裡。儘管對很多人來說這相當具挑戰。我們為了這個時刻而誕生,要達到最後的勝利。

E: That’s true. I feel that way, too. Thank you very much.

E: 是的,我也這麼覺得。謝謝你。

C: You are welcome.

C: 不客氣。

Cobra’s websites are 2012portal.blogspot.com and prepareforchange.net
The electronic version is posted here:

柯博拉的博客網址為: 2012portal.blogspot.com 及 prepareforchange.net



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