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預言黑暗頭目會被戴上手銬從你們的星球上帶走的信息的人們, 這個過程是個深刻的學習過程.." As you grow as a collective and newer stridesare reached, so do planned events change in minute or bold ways. There are manyplans that have been set forth and some of these plans have been discussed butdear souls, not everything has been set in stone. 隨著你們作為一個集合體不斷成長並邁向新成就的起點,所計劃的事件每一分鐘都隨著你們的步伐做著相應的調整。在你們面前有很多計劃,之中的一些被拿出來和你們討論,但是,親愛的存有們,請記住並不是所有的一切都像刻在石碑上一樣一成不變的。 We should explain that we have been closelyfollowing every possibility and scenario that has been brought forth by theAngelic souls who are Guiding us in our endeavors in assisting Earth, and wehave been convening with many different Councils over the best possible plansof action in relation to the neutralization of the elites on your world, whowould otherwise continue to wreak havoc if our intervention would not takeplace. 我們需要解釋一下,我們一直密切地跟隨並關注著由天使領域的存有們所設定的每個計劃,每個可能性。天使領域的存有們是我們協助地球提升過程中的引導者。同時我們也一直在和很多不同的議會一起探討可能的最好的計劃,探討如何中和你們世界的精英們的行動的破壞行動。如果沒有我們的介入,他們還會在你們的世界肆虐許久。 Either way, bold and uprooting change is to betaking place on your world and currently, this change is occurring at apersonal level within your cores as many of you are finding the intenseuprooting of your former selves. The Light-holding that has been taking placeon your world by so very many incarnate starseeds who have incarnated on yourworld for the very purposes of holding the Light, is seeing the collectiveconsciousness shift in very profound ways and in ways that we have beenanticipating for some time. 無論以何種方式,徹底的變化都會發生在你們的世界。目前,這些變化正發生在個人層次,伴隨著你們中很多人正在真正地找到自己,並否認曾經的行為,這變化正發生在你們核心的深處。如此多星際種子,為了維持光的能量降生在你們的世界。這樣的行動成果正在集體意識中產生非常深遠的影響,這樣的影響正如我們一直所預料的。 There are now millions of incarnate wanderersand starseeds upon your beautiful blue world, and those of you who are openingup to your true and full, higher selves in many pure ways are also the ones whoare going through the most intense and uprooting lessons at present. 現在在你們美麗的藍色世界,有好幾百萬流浪者,星際種子,以及以很多非常純淨的方式打開真實的自己的人們,正在穿越最高密度的轉變課程的人們。 The lessons that you are going through, whilein many cases being intensely difficult and bringing you to your cores in manyinstances, are literally shifting the collective perception and consciousnessand since there are millions of you who are holding very pure Light whilesubsequently going through very intense Life lessons , the overall collectiveconsciousness is shifting in a way that the [seemingly] bolder and lessforgiving physical actions on your world are less and less becoming anecessity. 你們正在進行的課程,儘管在很多情況下非常困難,以至於不時將你們沖向遠離自己內心的地方,它們確實在改變著這顆星球的集合意識以及理解方式。因為你們有幾百萬人守護著那非常純淨的光,同時經歷著非常嚴酷的生命課程。這種方式的影響下,地球的集合意識在發生顯著的變化。似乎越來越沒有必要讓你們經歷一種貌似缺乏憐憫的嚴酷挑戰來完成這個過程。 We have intended to let you dear souls in onas much information as possible in relation to the unfolding events on yourworld but there is indeed much that cannot be disclosed due to the sheer naturein which our plans can change, in quite bold ways, in accordance with therising Light energies and the continually pure Light-quotient of the majorityof humanity. 當這些關於即將在你們世界發生的事件的信息發布的時候,我們希望你們,親愛的存有們,盡可能獲得最新信息。但是確實有很多信息無法在現階段公佈,因為我們的計劃中確實有一些變量,這種變量有可能在很大程度上對計劃的執行的方向有改變。人類中大部分人所提升的光之能量,以及連續的光商都會影響這些變量。 Many unawakened souls on your world arefinding themselves going through much more difficult Life lessons as they arepushed toward discovering the distorted nature in which they have beenexperiencing your beautiful world and the beautiful consciousness thataccompanies third dimensional Life. 在你們世界上有很多仍未覺醒的靈魂,他們被迫前行,去發現那被扭曲的自然。而第三維度生命中的自然本應該是美麗的世界體驗。這種扭曲的前行過程使他們必須通過更加困難的生命課程才能找到自己。 The crucial balance that is needed for thecollective whilst much energetic uprooting and subsequent collective andindividual learning is taking place, [sees that] we must be extremely carefulas to how we proceed with the events which are to take the elites on your worldaway from their positions of influence while subsequently informing humanity ofall that has happened on your surface for nearly a millennia. 在能量發生劇變的此刻,在一系列集體個人的課程都在進行的此刻,平衡的狀態對於集體意識來說是非常重要的。所以,我們必須非常小心地計劃整個事件序列。安排好如何將你們世界的黑暗精英們從可以對你們產生影響的位置移除,安排好接下來如何通知人類在過去的上萬年中在你們的表面到底發生了什麼。 The Light quotient is seeing these eventsable to manifest in the time windows that have be hoped for and as has been endlesslyexpressed, there is indeed a set time and date for the complete removal of thedark souls on your world, in whichever way it is to be specifically broughtabout. 地球的光商表明,這些事件可以在期望的時間窗口得以突破。同時,如已經被無數次強調的一樣,確實有一個固定日期,在那天你們星球上黑暗的靈魂的移除任務無論以何種方式必須被完成。 We say that at present, there is no concretedecision and [again] nothing is set in stone as to how the ultimate removal ofthe influence of these souls is to take place. The scenario of these soulsbeing arrested publicly in mass numbers was one that was widely weighed-on andheavily considered to the point that we and many others began to becomecomfortable with expressing this scenario unfolding through channels, but whatwas perhaps missing from some of the communications was the truth that eventhat scenario was not as set in stone as many of us within our Councils of theGalactic Federation had anticipated. 再一次,我們說,在目前,關於如何最終移除這些靈魂對你們的影響並沒有達成絕對一致的意見,沒有什麼是完全無法更改的。這些靈魂以公開的方式被逮捕的方案曾經是被認真衡量並仔細考慮過的。對這個觀點我們曾到達相當一致接受的程度,以至於我們,以及很多其他議會開始放心地通過我們的管道表達這個計劃序列。但是在這些通訊過程中可能忽略的一點事實是,即使這個計劃被銀河聯邦的很多議會所接受,這個計劃並非像刻在石頭上一樣不會做出任何變動的。 This entire endeavor has been an immenselearning experience for us, as we are helping you to ascend to the states ofconsciousness we currently exist in and enjoy quite immensely, while at thesame time receiving Guidance and continual advice from the souls Guiding us whoare further along their paths , and these would be the souls whom you know bestas the Archangels and Angels, Ascended Masters and such. 即使對於我們來說,這也是個巨大的學習過程。在我們幫助你們提升到我們目前所存在的意識層次,體驗巨大的歡樂的過程中,我們也在接受來自在進化的道路上比我們走得更遠的靈魂們的引導和建議。這些靈魂們就是你們所描述的大天使,天使,提升大師等等。 We say that there is not one set group ofascended souls who are further along on their paths and who assist us, andrather there are very many ascended souls coming from all throughout thisbeautiful Creation to assist us in the ascension of Earth in their own specificand needed ways , and we are meeting new Guides every 'day' who have come now toenthusiastically help us to help you to help your planet to ascend into the wonderfullypure states of consciousness that you all deserve to exist within. 我們說,並不是某個固定的處在更高層次的靈魂群組們在引導並協助著我們。相反,有很多來自這美麗的造物宇宙各個角落的提升後的靈魂以他們自己的需求和方法在幫助我們完成地球的提升任務。我們每“天”和不同的充滿熱情地來到這裡幫助我們的引導者見面。他們來到這裡幫助我們,幫助你們,幫助這整顆星球提升到你們所有人都有權分享的美麗純潔的意識狀態。 We have learned so very much whilst workingwith your world and one lesson that we are absorbing currently with thebringing-forth of alternate possibilities in the removal of the influence ofthe dark, is that nothing specific [in relation to the elite's exposure] has yetever been as assured as we had assumed was so with the possibility of the darksouls on your world being arrested in mass numbers, as we have been discussingmany different possibilities while assuming in no uncertain ways, that the'Mass Arrest' scenario would always be the most likely scenario to be broughtforth. 在和你們的世界合作的過程中,我們學到瞭如此多。其中一課就是關於提到的在移除黑暗勢力影響過程中另外的可能性。關於大揭露的事情,並沒有任何東西被明確設定。儘管曾經我們主觀地認為在諸多將黑暗勢力從你們的星球移除的過程的眾多可能性中沒有任何不確定因素。儘管我們曾經主觀地認為“大規模逮捕”計劃是眾多實踐的可能性中最可能完成的。 It is a lesson that we are learning andsuffice to say, we quite appreciate the opportunity to learn it. 這是很重要的一課,我們必須說,我們非常感激學習這一課的機會。 It is a collective lesson for humanity aswell and for all who are reading and absorbing the many communications whichhave predicted this possibility of the dark heads on your world being publiclytaken away in handcuffs, and suffice to say dear souls no matter which way theinfluence of those souls is taken from your world, they will answer for whatthey have done to your world through the natural Laws of Karma and as a resultof the strong and immense desire of so many awakening souls on your world tosee the dark heads answer for what they have done. 對整個人類集合體以及所有正在讀取關於預言黑暗頭目會被戴上手銬從你們的星球上帶走的信息的人們,這個過程是個深刻的學習過程。親愛的存有們,毋庸置疑的一點是,不管這些靈魂以何種方式被從你們的世界帶走,他們將必須為他們在這顆星球的所作所為付出代價。他們無法逃避業念的自然法則,因為在你們的世界有如此多已經覺醒的靈魂,帶著如此強烈的期望,希望黑暗者們為他們所做的一切負責。 With this statement, we do not refer to thosewho may take to vengeful or violent mindsets when learning about all that hasbe done – we mean instead those who have known what the dark heads have beendoing on your world and who have taken to Peaceful and Lighted means to get thetruth out and spread awareness of all that has been done. 在這句聲明的同時,我們並不是鼓勵採取報復或者暴力的錯誤手段了解這個過程是怎麼完成的。相反,我們的意思是鼓勵那些了解黑黑們在你們星球上做了什麼的人們,選擇光和平靜的方法找到真實,並將這整個過程如何被完成的知識傳播到很遠的地方。 Many of you have been working so very hard tosee these end times come about and while we understand fully that it can beunnerving at times to follow our continually-changing plans and to have to betold when such plans could or could not be changing; this is wherein thedifficulty in sharing every bit of unfolding information and development lays. 你們中的很多人為最終時間的到來已經做出如此多努力。我們完全理解,緊跟我們不斷變化的步伐,同時告訴人們整體計劃不會改變,這對你們來說是巨大的挑戰。這是分享事件展開,發展的過程中不可避免的困難。 We do not want to frustrate, aggravate or unnerveyou dear beautiful souls who have been waiting and working for so long towardthis inevitable conclusion, which is why we must express that again, no matterhow these details play out there are still a few key and crucial elements thatwill remain. 親愛的存有們,我們不希望使已經等待並已經為這必將到來的結束工作瞭如此長時間的你們感到失望,憤怒或者不安。這也是我們為什麼再次強調,不管細節如何展開,有幾個關鍵點是永遠不會變的。 Such elements are: 這些關鍵點是: 1. That the influence of the dark heads andof the lower astral entities alike who employ them will be completely removedfrom your surface and from any and every other realm throughout Gaia'sbeautiful structure. 1. 黑暗頭目以及低星光層次實體的影響會被從你們星球的表面完全移除,從美麗的蓋亞表面的的任何其他領域移除。 2. The aims and agendas of the dark souls aregoing to be discussed, and humanity will have much to soak-in and much truth toabsorb as you are all let know of your true history and of the nature to whichyour true history has been distorted. 2. 黑暗靈魂的目標和計劃會被討論。人類會獲得大量真實的信息。真實的歷史會被還原。你們會很清楚地了解哪部分歷史曾經被扭曲過,篡改過。 3. The dark heads on your world will indeedundergo trials. These will be Peaceful trials which will be carried out underthe authority of the Galactic Federation, the Universal souls [and Councils]whom have always overseen Earth's Creation and the balance and sustainedfunneling of Logos to all of Her realms, as well as the Highest Councilsoverseeing the Earth and [overseeing] all whom take Lives upon Her beautifuland marvelous surface. 3. 在你們世界的黑暗群體頭目確實會受到審判。在銀河聯邦的授權下,會以和平的審判過程發生。參與人員會包括長時間以來一直呵護地球發展平衡的,保持星球各個領域平衡的高層次靈魂。還會包括曾經降生在地球美麗表面的人們所組成的最高議會。 The collective of humanity will haveexplained to them, the extent to which forgiveness of the dark heads and elitefamilies is needed. It is to be explained that there are many within suchfamilies who have incarnated for Lighted purposes, to spread Light in suchfamilies from some of the darkest corners of the Earth experience. Some of suchsouls will choose to step forward with their experiences and help to exposemany of the most devious inner-workings of the Illuminati rituals and of thefalse doctrines that are forced onto every soul within the Illuminati. 人類意識集合體會向議會闡述,人們可以用何種程度的憐憫之心對待黑暗頭目以及他們的附庸們。需要被解釋的一點是,在這樣的家庭中有很多人以充滿光的目的降生到黑黑的家庭中,從而在地球體驗中最黑暗的地方傳播光。這些靈魂中的一些人選擇在他們的體驗中更進一步,幫助曝光很多光照派儀式中所包含的邪惡的內幕,以及強加在光照派家庭每個人身上的錯誤的教義。 It should be expressed, dear souls, that afew very important and key arrests have indeed already been [privately] made,and the Angelics and the higher Earthly Councils who are deciding what is tomanifest next in relation to the exposure of the aims and agendas of theelites; such souls are to make the final decisions as to how the specificbringing-about of the exposure of the elites is to manifest. 需要說明的是,親愛的存有們,少數某些非常關鍵的逮捕確實已經開始了,天使領域以及地球議會正在決定下一步行動,例如曝光這些黑暗精英們的目標和計劃。這些靈魂們的名字都在最終會被曝光的黑暗靈魂的列表中。 They have been convening with us to garnerour assistance in any ways that we can help with such a decision-makingprocess, and they have as well been convening amongst themselves to discuss therepercussions and such that we could not yet be able to understand for indeeddear souls, there is again much [we are learning] about the Earth experienceand about the sensitive nature in which your world must be kept in completebalance as these events are manifested, as this balance is crucial to theevolution of innumerable realms throughout this Creation which we all existhappily within and as. 他們一直和我們進行會談,得到我們各方面的協助從而幫助他們完成決策過程。他們自己內部也在不斷協商,討論事情的對他們產生的反響程度。我們還沒有能力完全理解此方面問題。因為,親愛的存有們,確實有很多地球的體驗,以及很多在你們世界非常很敏感的因素,在事件的展開過程中必須被保持在完全的平衡下。因為這平衡對於我們都快樂地存在並作為其中一部分的,無數領域的進化是非常重要的。 Gaia is ready to see the exposure of thosewho have kept Her in the most pain and this is why She is calling for theexposure of these souls, yet in the most compassionate ways possible. 蓋亞已經為那些讓她曾經吃夠苦頭的生命體的曝光做好了準備。這也是為什麼她正在呼喚著曝光這些靈魂的行動的展開,當然,是以一種在可能的條件下充滿憐憫心的曝光。 You are to see in the immediate period ahead,many souls whom could perhaps be recognized as being in the pockets of theelites, who will choose to enact Lighted change and measures within theirrespected spheres of influence. You will recognize these souls as workingdirectly with the Archangels who have been imploring many of them to jump shipfrom their Illuminati counterparts and join the Light, which is ever-becomingthe dominant energy and decider of the events to manifest on your world. 在很近的前方,你們會看到,一些曾經被認為是黑暗精英的爪牙們,會在他們可以選擇的影響範疇內選擇光的路線。你們會看到這些靈魂和天使領域一起工作,如天使領域一直呼喚他們跳下光照派的賊船並加入光的那樣。這樣的呼喚正在變成主導能量,並決定著事件在你們世界的展開方式。 As a result of this happening, you are to seemuch Lighted change finally begin to be brought forth and we must reiteratethat this is as well a steady and slow process as it must be to insure thebalance and stability of the collective and individual consciousness ofhumanity as again , such a stability is very important to the stability andcontinual evolution of many, many other realms and planets whose ascension isnearly riding on the ascension of the Earth. 這樣的事件的結果是,你們會看到很多充滿光的變化最終會展開,我們必須重申這也是個平穩緩慢的過程。因為它必須保證集體和個體意識的穩定和平衡。它也必須保證很多很多其他領域,其他需要藉助地球的提升獲得提升的領域的穩定和平衡。 Expect much truth and Light to be broughtforth in the immediate period ahead through your mainstream media as indeed, atthis moment it is still bringing forth much falsity and many are still beingdeceived by tuning-in to the mainstream propaganda that is continually andboldly passed off as truth , but these constraints are being broken step bystep, little by little as each and every one of you make it your intents toproclaim your willingness to yourselves break away from the influence of themainstream perception on your world, as you realize the true and hollow natureof such mainstream perceptions. 可以預料到的是,非常近的時期,你們的主流媒體會提供給你們光和真實的信息。在目前階段,這些媒體仍然帶著很多被誤導的信息。很多人仍然將注意力集中在對事實置若罔聞的主流媒體報導中,也因此他們仍然在被欺騙著。當你們每個人大聲喊出你們希望脫離主流媒體為你們營造的虛假世界觀的時候,當你們意識到這些主流媒體為你們營造的空洞的世界本質的時候,這種限制正在被一步步,一點點地被打破。 (待續) http://hi.baidu.com/gongjian19/item/f77cc0fc944c890fa7298849 信息來源:WesAnnac.com 翻譯:Cappuccino #昴宿星信息集 |
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