http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClmkGdgfHLU (無字幕)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqPELbFFbWg (日文字幕)
B : All right, I'll say good day to you this day of your time, how are you all?
All right, thank you.
Once again, we thank each and everyone of you individually and all of you together collectively for the co-creation of this interaction and for allowing this transmission into your reality.
We will begin this transmission with the idea that we have titled it 'The UFO Witness Declaration'.
This is in many ways now one of the first steps that will be taken with respect to our ability as a civilization initiating first contact with your civilization to be capable of being a little bit more involved, just a little bit, in what you might call your political arena, social arena.
The idea now being that many of you are beginning to recognize that many people on your planet have had encounters with us, with others like us, and that this is becoming as many of you have said the biggest secret that everyone knows.
Thus then it is now timing in your collective consciousness, in your acceleration, to begin to put forth these ideas a little bit more openly in a manner that will help accelerate our ability to interact with you, your ability to interact with us, and create over time and in perfect timing, a consensus in your reality for those who prefer open interaction with us and others like us.
And we express to you our gratitude in being able this day to put forth from our perspective, from our reality the first step in grater involvement in your world to truly begin to anchor, to truly begin to shall we say crystallize and solidify the new third reality we are creating together.
And the way in which we will now begin to do this is through this declaration, which we will first to ask Nania to read out loud,
April :
FACT: From 1982 to 1985, large triangular and boomerang-shaped UFOs were
reported over the Hudson Valley by over 7,000 credible witnesses, including
police and officials at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.
事實:從1982年到1985年,巨大的三角形和飛去來器形UFOs,在哈德遜山谷上空被超過7000人的可靠的目擊者所目擊,其中包括警察和Indian Point核電站的官員們。
FACT: In 1989 and 1990, large triangular and rectangular unidentified flying
objects, one the size of an aircraft carrier, were reported over Belgium by over
2,000 witnesses, including police and military personnel.
FACT: In 1997, multiple sightings of a mile long boomerang-shaped UFO were
reported over the state of Arizona by over 10,000 witnesses, including police,
military personnel and Republican Governor Fife Symington.
事實:在1997年,一個一英里長的飛去來器形UFO在亞利桑那州上空被超過10000人的目擊者所多方同時目擊,其中包括警察和軍方人士,以及(當時的)共和黨亞利桑那州州長Fife Symington。
We make no claims as to the nature or origin of these UFOs. However, those
who have taken the time and effort to conduct serious, in-depth investigations
into these reports know that these sightings are of real, physical crafts and are
indisputable FACTS. Thousands of such sightings of physical crafts of unknown
origin have been reported throughout the world for decades by credible
witnesses, yet most who report such sightings are treated with ridicule, disbelief,
scorn and even threats.
In light of the facts, we who have witnessed such unexplained crafts no
longer accept this cynical mindset as realistic or credible.
Those of us who are witnesses to the UFO phenomenon know they exist for a
fact. This is not an issue of speculation for such witnesses. However, we do not
insist that non-witnesses must believe such objects exist, only that witnesses be
treated with respect and that we deserve the same fairness and courtesy
afforded to any individual or group who honestly expresses their point of view
without fear of ridicule, punishment or persecution.
鑑於這些事實,我們這些曾經目擊過這些原因不明的飛船的人們,不再將這些嘲諷的心態當成是現實的或是可信任的。 UFO現象目擊者的我們知道這些作為事實而存在。對於我們這些目擊者來說,這並不是什麼推測的問題。不過,我們並不堅持要求那些非目擊者們也必須要相信這些物體的存在,而只是要求目擊者們能被尊敬的對待,並且,我們值得獲得與--任何誠實的表達他們的觀點的個人或團體--同樣的公平和禮儀的對待,沒有恐懼和嘲笑,也沒有懲罰和迫害。
Recent polls clearly demonstrate that more than 50% of Americans believe that
UFOs are a real phenomenon that deserves legitimate recognition and serious
study by open-minded, qualified scientists, rather than being summarily
dismissed as misperceptions, fantasies, hoaxes or hallucinations by cynical,
unqualified debunkers.
Over 36 million Americans have seen a UFO. To put this statistic in political terms, these witnesses are also voters.
Therefore, we urge all who agree with the spirit of this declaration to send copies
of this letter to their representatives, public officials, the media, the police, the
military, airline officials, NASA and all candidates running for any public office to
assure them that our votes will go only to those who acknowledge the UFO
phenomenon as real and deserving of serious scientific investigation and who
publicly endorse fairness and respect toward any witness who reports a UFO.
Bashar: Thank you Nania.
Now, with this declaration we put our first finger in your political arena.
Listen carefully.
To all who are listening this today.
**pasted from : http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_648326530101b1vr.html