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2013/10/24 12:33:41瀏覽1470|回應0|推薦0

There has been many questions and confusion as of late as to how the Ascension Process is going, what has happened, and what has yet to happen. The process of Ascension (also referred to as raising consciousness or raising vibration) is being activated by a Universal energy known as the Photon Belt. The Photon Belt has been named Dark Matter by the scientific community, and is currently being studied by those in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The Photon Belt appears as a dark stripe in space. What the Photon Belt contains is a higher vibrational energy, and it is actually much like a line of delineation between dimensional planes. The Photon Belt has reached its closest point to Earth this year, remaining nearby for the next 11 years. Due to the presence of the Photon Belt, the raise in vibration of the planet (Ascension) is beginning to take place; one person, one locale, one community at a time. As such, there are pockets where Ascension has already begun.

到目前為止,有關揚升進程是如何進行的、什麼事情已經發生了、什麼事情還沒有發生,一直有許多問題和困惑。揚升的過程(揚升也被稱為提升意識或提升振動)正被一個叫做光子帶(Photon Belt)的宇宙能量激活。光子帶已經被科學界命名為暗物質,當前正被天文學和天體物理學領域中的人們研究著。光子帶在太空中顯現為一個暗淡條狀。光子帶中所含有的是更高振動的能量,它實際上更像維度平面之間的輪廓線。今年光子帶已經達到了離地球最近的點,在接下來的11年裡會保持在地球附近。由於光子帶的出現,星球振動的提升(揚升)正開始發生;一次一個人、一個場所、一個社區。就其本身而言,有些地方揚升已經開始了。

During this 11 year period, those who are making choice in their life to move away from this energy (You would be surprised how many are frightened by it), will be leaving the Earth through death, to continue their incarnation process elsewhere on another planet called Stahlen. After that 11 year period is over, everyone who remains behind on the Earth will have completed their Ascension process.


Ascension does not simply happen one day for everyone, it is much more likened to a door that has been opened, and the 11 year time frame is the time that all individuals will be given to walk through that door or not. A soul will be able to begin the process by reaching what is known as Christ consciousness (also called cosmic consciousness). That state of consciousness can be reached by an individual, society, culture or community by releasing anger, hatred, fear and doubt. Once someone reaches Christ consciousness and experiences the process of Ascension, they will not disappear or leave the planet, because the Earth itself will fully move into the new higher dimensional space.


Since 1987, there has in effect, been two Earths. The planets overlap in experience, but do occupy two different vibrational frequencies. Since that time, the “New Earth” or 5D Earth as many call it, has been shifting and moved up ( or moved forward) in vibration, while the “Old Earth” or 3D Earth has remained in its same vibrational space. As of the writing of this message, these two Earths still share some overlap, but distance between vibrational states is continuing to grow and grow. The presence of the Photon Belt is aiding in this process, as it is pushing out all of the debris, thoughts, and beliefs (both individually and collectively) that are of the Ego. As this energy is pressed out of individuals, cities , countries, groups and so forth, each of these is then able to complete the crossing from one dimensional frequency to the other. Another benefit of the Photon Belt is that it has formed the bridge between these two dimensions. This dimensional bridge has been open since September of 2009 [1]. While crossing this bridge of the Photon Belt, all that vibrates at the 3D frequency is purged from those who pass through. One will not reach the other side of the bridge until their vibration is purged of everything that is of the Ego (lower Self). During this process, the consciousness level raises once more, taking the individual from cosmic consciousness to Universal consciousness (also known as unity consciousness).


1987年以來,實際上一直有兩個地球。在經歷上這兩個星球重合,但是他們具有兩個不同的振動頻率。自那時起,“新地球”或許多人稱之為的5D地球,就一直在轉變並在振動上向上(或向前)移動;而“舊地球”或3D地球一直保持在同樣的振動空間中。截止到寫這篇消息時,這兩個地球仍然有某些重合,但是在振動狀態上的差別在繼續不斷增長著。光子帶的出現正協助著著一過程,它正推出(清理掉)所有的屬於小我的碎片、想法和觀念(既在個體層面又在集體層面)。隨著這個能量正在被從從個體、城市、國家、團體等等中擠出,它們然後都能完成從一個維度頻率到另一個維度頻率的跨越。光子帶的另一個益處就是,它形成了這兩個維度之間的橋樑。這個維度間的橋樑自2009年9月起就打開了。在跨過這個光子帶的橋樑時,通過橋樑的這些人身上的在3D頻率上振動的一切都被淨化出身體。一個人只有在他們的所有屬於小我(較低自我)的一切振動都被淨化掉時才能夠達到橋樑的另一端。在這個過程中,意識層次再次提升,使個體從宇宙意識(cosmic conscience)達到普遍意識(Universal conscience)(也稱為統一意識unity conscience)。

How do you know if you have already made this transition across the dimensional bridge? There are four major signs that you are in the 5D world.


The first is that you are able to be completely detached from what is happening in the world. You may still be interested in watching it, and participating in the changes, but it no longer makes you upset to see the violence or hardship that others are experiencing. Detachment is all about emotional distance, it is not pretending something is not happening, but instead it is about not permitting what is happening to affect your emotional state. Many others may view this as cold or uncaring, but in reality by being in state of a detachment, this is your evidence that you no longer share your life with the energy of the 3D world.

第一個跡像是,你能夠完全地從世界上所正發生的事情中超然(detach解離)。你也許仍然對觀看這些事情有興趣,並參與到改變中,但是,看到其他人所正經歷到的暴力或困苦不再使你不安(難過)。超然是關於情緒上的距離,它不是假裝某事沒有發生,而是它是關乎於不允許所發生的事情影響你的情緒狀態。許多其他人也許把這看做是冷血或漠不關心,但是,事實上,通過處在一個超然(detachment 解離)的狀態,這是一個證據,證明你不再與3D世界的能量分享你的生活

Secondly, you find yourself to be invisible to others. This can be a physical invisibility when out running errands, driving, or interacting in public spaces, where people very nearly run into you. (Don't worry your guides will be there to prevent an actual collision).This is because your entire body system is vibrating at a much higher rate than those in that same space, and therefore they cannot see you until you are very, very near to them. Another form of invisibility is the emotional distance that can grow between you and people who were once close to you. If you find it more and more difficult to contact others, because they make you feel drained, tried, or you simply find that they no longer understand your life, then this is your evidence of emotional invisibility.

第二,你發現其他人看不見自己。這可能是在外出差遣、駕車、或在公共場合互動時的物理上的看不見(physical invisibility),在這些場合中人們幾乎就要撞到你。 (不要擔心,你的指導天使會在那阻止實際上的碰撞發生)。這是因為,對於那些與你處在同一空間的人們來說,你的身體正振動在一個更快(更高)的振動頻率上,因此,直到他們離你非常非常近的時候,他們才能看到你。另外一種“不可見”的形式是情感上的距離,你和那些曾經與你非常親近的人們之間的距離可能在增長。如果你發現聯繫其他人越來越困難,因為他們使你感覺到被耗盡、疲倦、或者簡單地你發現他們不再能理解你的生活,那麼著是你的有關情感上不可見(emotional invisibility )的證據。

Thirdly, your manifestation abilities become heightened. Your evidence of this is things showing up right when you need them (but not necessarily sooner). It is about being in a truly receptive state, where you are guided entirely by your intuition to bring you right to where and when you need to be. This is when people around you will keep telling you how lucky and blessed you are, but you understand that everyone is blessed, if only each person could recognize that within themselves. This takes place because you are at one with your needs, and the influence of the Ego (which gums up the manifestation process) has been neutralized.


Finally, you feel a peace that passes all understanding, a peace that inhabits every cell in your body, a feeling of peace with all that is, was, and will be. You have transcended the influence of the Ego. It still exists, and still talks to you, but you no longer listen to it! It will have been neutralized, because you will have worked through your past life inventory of patterns, emotions and beliefs. Because if you do not address the past life release portion of the Ascension process, then you are leaving within your essence ammunition for the Ego to use against you. As long as this ammunition exists, you will not be able to transcend the Ego's influence. Once you reach this state of peace, you are in what is known as Universal consciousness, which is the state of being in 5D.


For the next 11 years of this transitory time that remains, there will continue to be two worlds. You will discover that bit-by-bit and person-by-person, you become less invisible and that more people can see you and interact with you once again. This experience will indicate that those souls will have also passed through the dimensional gateway.


If you are unsure of where you are, you are like many who are travelling somewhere in between the two worlds, on the dimensional bridge, living some days in 5D and other days in 3D. Look to your thoughts, feelings and beliefs to uncover what pockets within you are still vibrating at a 3D frequency. Once you have eradicated those pockets (and you have PLENTY of time to do so) then you will be able to live fully in the 5D world, with no possibility of returning to a lower frequency .


What will happen to those souls who choose to remain in 3D? They will simply work out their remaining karmic obligation in another 3D world. Their soul's process of learning will continue, as will the process for all who are now, or soon to be, living in 5D. However, the lessons and experiences will be very different. The Old Earth will cease to be, as it will be fully replaced by the New Earth. This change will not occur in cataclysm, but through a process of vibrational overlay and shifting. Those souls choosing to live in a 3D realm will leave through the death process, only to be reinc​​arnated on their new planetary place of learning.


Each soul will draw the information into their life that they need to read, to watch, to experience, in order for them to be able to traverse this time window of Ascension. There will be no big change that happens one day, it is a process to be completed. Once you have arrived, you will know it by the joy in your heart, the detachment from the "problems" around you, and peace that emanates from your very being.


Love, Aurora


Thank you to Aurora & Karen for this information. It is very helpful. In the past week or two I was thinking to myself how invisible I feel to the rest of the world or to my surroundings. I've been feeling very ignored lately. When I'm out shopping or running errands I've been feeling like people were looking right passed me (as in very little eye contact). I've been feeling quite irrelevant. And I have just chalked it up to being a "senior citizen". When I'm out in front of my apartment walking my dog​​s people pass by like I'm not even there. I like to be friendly and say hi but most of the time they don't even look my way and I 'm standing right there. And I have assumed they just want their privacy. Those are some thoughts and experiences I've been having lately. Anyway...Thanks again for the information.

謝謝你,Aurora和Karen,謝謝你們這篇信息。它非常有幫助。在過去的一兩週時間裡,我一直在自思自忖我感覺對於世界的其他部分或我周圍環境來說我是有多麼的不可見。我最近一直感覺非常的倍忽視。當我外出購物或差遣的時候,我一直感覺就好像人們就直接地從我身體中看過去(幾乎沒有視覺上的接觸)。我一直感覺(譯註:與這個世界與周圍環境)不相干的。我剛剛成功的成為一個“高級公民”。當我在我公寓前散步遛狗時,人們路過就好像我不存在一樣。我喜歡被友好的打招呼,但是大多數時候,他們甚至都沒朝我這裡看一眼,並且我就站在那裡,我就只好假設他們只是想要點他們的隱私空間。這些是我最近一直有的一些經歷和想法。無論如何。 。 。再次感謝你的信息。


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