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2007/03/15 17:19:08瀏覽302|回應0|推薦0
  1. 在南非不管是路邊車禍;可能是假車禍,or 下車關切的同時,身上東西被偷!!or 可能是綁票…………
  2. 任何人示意搖下車窗,都不要照作!!!



Please forward this too many people as possible - this could help out a lot!!!!!!!!!!  Please be careful and warn everyone you know!

We all hear about these incidents and hope it never happens to anyone we know, however the latest styles used by would be hi-jackers are far more horrific than ever before . 
Because of the new gun laws and stricter rules regarding ammunition, Hijackers have turned their attention to using Pool Acid, this acid is kept in a syringe or even a small plastic and then used to blind daze and disorientate the driver of the vehicle, it also assists them with getting away from the scene more readily.
Please do not wind down your windows ,even a small bit at any intersections whatsoever.

Please see below attached report from Discovery Health

Lets be careful out there

Deirdre' Viljoen

Junior Forensic Investigator

 Investigating Unit
 012 843 0043
 082 470 8458
 0866 182 879 
Attached Report
Gavin Osmond (one of our engineers at
Discovery ) was involved in an attempted hi-jacking on Wednesday night in Rivonia, where a young perfectly nice-looking white guy convinced him into winding down his window at a robot, informed him that he wanted his car and then threw ACID IN HIS FACE!! ! Gavin's face was burned extensively and the membranes have been burned off his eyes. He was temporarily blind for a few hours. He is undergoing daily treatments and it will be several months before his eyes recover properly.

DO NOT WIND DOWN YOUR WINDOW FOR ANYONE!!! - Tell your friends and family to be careful.
( 在地生活其他 )
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