最愛瘦金 鐵畫銀勾 |
2010/03/08 14:14 |
岳飛也一筆好字 可惜武將不畫
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-10 20:19 回覆: |
re |
2010/03/07 22:54 |
每一帖都好漂亮! 我自己倒是有一份蘭亭集序 瘦金體原來這麼好看阿
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-07 23:17 回覆: |
美中美 |
2010/03/06 17:52 |
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-07 23:18 回覆: |
謝謝你, 新朋友~~
on calligraphy again |
2010/03/06 11:51 |
thanks for visiting my only posting and thanks for your kind words.
regarding calligraphy, i wonder if you watched apple ceo steve jobs' commencement address for stanford class 2005. if not, here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc
he described 3 life stories. in the 1st story, he related his early love of calligraphy and the impact of his own calligraphy experience on computer industry, 10 years later.
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-07 23:22 回覆: |
Hi, again, Beni!
Yes, I watched this clip awhile ago.
But I re-viewed it anyway.
It is a great story, isn't it?
Thanks for sharing and
I look forward to reading your next article soon~
閒 話 趙 佶 |
2010/03/06 00:34 |
很難不愛瘦金體! 喜歡您對「舞」和「翩翩」二字的形容。
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-07 23:19 回覆: |
on calligraphy |
2010/03/04 15:45 |
this article is both intriguing and informative. it also reveals your aesthetic taste in visual arts.
as you might have known that "calligraphy" literally means "beautiful writing" in greek.
different from christianity, both islam and judaism are adamantly anti-idolatrous in nature. in islamic civilization, its calligraphy fuese aesthetics and piety. islamic arts are abstract, as shown in (mosque wall's) geometric patterns and calligraphy (a single writing block depicting a whole verse from qur'ran). transcending the visual arts, calligraphy is one of the media muslims channel their passions and piety to the god.
i learned and enjoyed through your narrations and the historical art works. thanks
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-05 21:15 回覆: |
Thanks, Beni, for your compliments!
Your message provides valuable information to me. I don't know a word of Islamic language, but I do sense the artistic way of their writing. At work, sometimes I got a chance to review original official documents from those Islamic countries. And yes, you are right. The way they write, sign, and seal the document tells me that calligraphy is one of the media Muslims convey their passions and piety to their God. I am not able to tell the meaning of their writing, yet, I do appreciate the beauty of their calligraphy.
Thanks again for your comments!
趙佶與李煜 |
2010/03/03 20:58 |
很難想像一個從小對書法深惡痛絕的人,日後成了一位可以大談瘦金體的專家。佩服! 趙佶的命運多舛,與詞中之帝李後主實不相上下啊!
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-03 22:58 回覆: |
不是〔專家〕 沒有〔大談〕啦~~
說到趙佶與李煜 有這麼一個野史說法:
李煜 - 南唐後主
是被趙佶的祖先 宋太宗所亡國並毒死
所以李煜就來投胎變成趙佶 - 宋徽宗
李煜的詞 趙佶的書畫
果真很特別的花押 |
2010/03/03 07:17 |
從沒真正仔細看過瘦金體 或嘗試去寫過
經Candy介紹 才知道原來宋徽宗的字極好
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-03 22:43 回覆: |
謝謝分享 |
2010/03/02 13:03 |
果然是讓人驚豔 連不會書法的我 也愛上了這美麗的瘦金體呢 就像您說的 華麗飄逸又俊秀呢 ~
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-02 22:31 回覆: |
而且從不曾移情別戀過 哈哈~~
謝謝您! |
2010/03/02 07:32 |
PinkCottonCandy(PinkCottonCandy) 於 2010-03-02 12:58 回覆: |
不客氣,Dear 習橙!
野人獻曝 不敢掠美啦