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2006/01/08 16:57:49瀏覽505|回應0|推薦1

早上到良友練習場練完球, 覺得練起來2266, 又不知到底那裡錯, 趕快趁Golfware內湖概念店1/15前有半小時免費體驗機會, 一路殺到內湖瑞光路, 到了花市, 轉到花市後面那條街. 這個店隔壁有停車場, 假日沒有管理員, 停好車上到三樓. 裡面除了店員沒有顧客. 剛好可以好好的來體驗一翻.

若自己沒帶球桿, 店裡有球桿可借用.

每一打席有一台電腦可顯示每一次揮桿的資料, 資料非常詳細, 請看下圖.

哇咧, 我的五木打200碼Carry, 而我的羅賴吧也是200碼. 原來是我的羅賴吧back spin好像多了些, 而且我不管是那一種球桿都是Toe shot, 還Outside In, 超多的Side Spin, 難怪今天怎麼打都是2266. 下圖這一球是我調整了好幾桿後最好的一桿(白色).

買張卡以半小時為基本單位扣費, 1/10後可以利用卡上面的號碼上網查詢每一球的數據資料.

In order to become a great driver of the golf ball, you need to consistently 1) make contact in the center of the sweet spot; 2) maximize your launch angle; 3) increase ball speed as it leaves the clubface and; 4) decrease the amount the ball spins. Our studies comparing the launch conditions of amateur drives with those of professionals confirm these requirements:

Launch Angle11°
Spin Rate3,000-5,000 rpm2,200 rpm

For the ultimate confirmation, check out the launch conditions of four-time RE/MAX World Long Drive champion Jason Zuback:

Launch Angle13°
Spin Rate1,800 rpm

Spin rate is the number of RPMs of backspin a shot produces. Generally, the less spin the better a ball stays in flight and stays on course. Pros have an average of 3,100 RPMs of backspin off the driver. Those studs in long driving contests have only 2500 RPM of backspin off the driver. Amateurs should have 2,500 to 3,500 RPMs of driver backspin — which can be controlled through driver loft, driver shaft tip flex, and the kind of golf ball you play.


這裡用的球有Pro V1和Callaway的球, 打起來感覺超棒, 不像在良友擊到球感覺粉差.

球一定要放在Tee上打, 雷射掃描是一個平面, 提供各種數據. 換Tee有點難度, 不過經過解說, 熟悉後就好了.



( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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