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波多黎各拉丁裔美豔歌手[莎-費爾]─拉丁freestyle/流行舞曲─〔Love Is on Her Mind〕
2022/07/11 00:04:13瀏覽407|回應0|推薦13

波多黎各拉丁裔美豔歌手[莎-費爾]──拉丁freestyle/流行舞曲──〔Love Is on Her Mind/愛在她心中〕



I see the way that shes looking at you
I know whats on her mind, her mind, her mind
She thinks I dont know what she wants to do
But I know her kind

Shes the kind of girl who hates to see two people sharing a love so right
Shes a jealous girl who hates to see two people sharing a love so tight
Shell try to use temptation

Take your imagination someplace where it shouldnt be
But its not infatuation, its such a love frustration
Shes trying to take your love from me

Love is on her mind, so she better find another
The love she wants is mine but Ill never share my lover
Love is on her mind but shes never gonna get it
The man she wants is mine, so she better just forget it

She tells me how lucky I am to have a boy like you, like you, like you
She said she would never steal from a friend
I know that its not true

Shes the kind of girl who hates to see two people sharing a love so right
Shes a jealous girl who hates to see two people sharing a love so tight
Shell try to use temptation

Take your imagination someplace where it shouldnt be
But its not infatuation, its such a love frustration
Shes trying to take your love from me

Love is on her mind, so she better find another
The love she wants is mine but Ill never share my lover
Love is on her mind but shes never gonna get it
The man she wants is mine, so she better just forget it

Love is on her mind, so she better find another
The love she wants is mine but Ill never share my lover
Love is on her mind but shes never gonna get it
The man she wants is mine, so she better just forget it

Love is on her mind, so she better find another
The love she wants is mine but Ill never share my lover
Love is on her mind but shes never gonna get it
The man she wants is mine, so she better just forget it

Love is on her mind but she better find another
The love she wants is mine but Ill never share my love, no
Love is on her mind but shes never gonna get it
The man she wants is mine so she better just forget it




1986年  20歲的波多黎各拉丁裔Freestyle美豔歌手莎-費爾(Sa-Fire)以首支單曲[Dont Break My Heart]踏入歌壇

1988年推出首張同名大碟[Sa-Fire] (Cutting/Mercury/PolyGram Records)

製作群包括Carlos Rodgers, Peter Schwartz, Andy "Panda" Tripoli, The Latin Rascals, Aldo Marin, Floyd Fisher, Maria Nocera, Marc Anthony, Angelo Cosme, David Harris, Ernie Lake

以Latin freestyle, 流行舞曲與成人書情曲風為主



首支主打[Boy, Ive Been Told]讓莎費爾首度擠入美國Billboard單曲榜#48 讓她在主流界開始受到注意

在舞曲界也受到歡迎(舞曲播放#13 舞曲混音銷售#3)

第二主打為〔Love Is on Her Mind/愛在她心中〕由Andy "Panda" Tripoli&The Latin Rascals(aka Tony Moran & Albert Cabrera)譜寫



〔Love Is on Her Mind/愛在她心中〕打入美國Billboard副榜──舞曲播放#29 舞曲混音銷售#18





Album Version



12” version



Cameron Paul Remix



House Version







Dub Version



( 休閒生活音樂 )
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