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英國歌壇創作巨星[凱特布許]──另類流行搖滾──[Rubberband Girl/橡皮筋女孩]
2022/03/20 12:54:12瀏覽373|回應0|推薦13

英國歌壇創作巨星[凱特.布許]──另類流行搖滾──[Rubberband Girl/橡皮筋女孩


See those trees
Bend in the wind
I feel theyve got a lot more sense than me
You see I try to resist

A rubberband bouncing back to life
A rubberband bend the beat
If I could learn to give like a rubberband
Id be back on my feet
A rubberband hold me trousers up
A rubberband ponytails
If I could learn to twang like a rubberband

Id be a rubberband girl
A rubberband girl, me
A rubberband girl, me
I wanna be a rubberband girl
(A rubberband girl, she)

When I slip out
Of my catapult
I gotta land with my feet firm on the ground
And let my body catch up

A rubberband bouncing back to life
A rubberband bend the beat
If I could learn to give like a rubberband
Id be back on my feet
A rubberband hold me trousers up
A rubberband ponytails
If I could learn to twang like a rubberband

Id be a rubberband girl
A rubberband girl, me
A rubberband girl, me
I wanna be a rubberband girl
(A rubberband girl, she)

Move it like a rubberband
Twang like a rubberband
Smack it like a rubberband

Im on now
(A rubberband girl, she)

One rubberband will keep you up
Two rubberbands will keep you up
Three rubberbands will keep you up
(A rubberband girl, she)

One rubberband will keep you up
Two rubberbands will keep you up
Three rubberbands will keep you up


1993年11月 35歲的英國歌壇才女凱特.布許(Kate Bush)發行睽違三年的第七張錄音室大碟[The Red Shoes/紅鞋子](EMI



大碟登上英國專輯榜亞軍(1993年終#32) 白金唱片(30萬張+)

芬蘭#4 丹麥#6 愛爾蘭#10 加拿大#13金唱片(5萬張+)

法國#14 瑞典#16 澳大利亞#17 德國#18





首發單曲[Rubberband Girl/橡皮筋女孩在1993年9月推出

這是凱特的作品被她製作一首藝術搖滾/另類流行搖滾  節奏流暢 

Rubberband Girl]登上英國單曲榜#12 為其 事業的15首Top 20熱門曲

美國Billboard單曲榜#88 副榜-另類播放榜#7

愛爾蘭#17 紐西蘭#34 荷蘭#37 澳大利亞#39 

加拿大#50 德國#65








MVUS Version



MVUK Version








1993 Extended Mix




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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