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法國盲人創作歌手[吉勃特.孟坦尼]成名曲──軟式搖滾流行曲──[The Fool/傻瓜]
2021/11/24 00:02:24瀏覽394|回應0|推薦10

法國盲人創作歌手[吉勃特.孟坦尼]成名曲──軟式搖滾流行曲──[The Fool/傻瓜]

No, no dont let me play the fool,

I cant really love you by the rules

For my love is sweet and free

No, no dont let me play the fool,

For this thing you ask oh ! its so cruel,

Cant you see it isnt me.

What you ask of me is just to be your clown,

Someone you can lead about and show around,

Why make of our love a childrens puppet show

Cant I simply love you in the way I know,

What I ask of you is not to turn away,

Listen to the words that Im trying to say,

Our love could be a new adventure every day,

Cause I love you, love you, love you, love you.

No, no dont let me play the fool,

I cant really love you by the rules

For my love is sweet and free

No, no dont make me play the fool,

For this thing you ask oh ! its so cruel,

Cant you see it isnt me.

All I want from you is a little sympathy

Try to understand what it would be for me

All my hopes and dreams would now be bound and tied

Any hope of freedom would have surely died,

I want to know that I can fall in love again

And be sure that my love will never not restrain

So please just let me love you in the way I know,

Cause I love you, love you, love you, love you.

No, no dont let me play the fool,

I cant really love you by the rules

For my love is sweet and free

No, no dont make me play the fool,

For this thing you ask oh ! its so cruel,

Cant you see it isnt me


1951年12月28日生於巴黎的吉勃特.孟坦尼(Gilbert Montagné)是法國著名盲人歌手/詞曲作家/鋼琴手/風琴手

在專業機構聖芒德(Saint-Mandé)學習音樂, 接受5-10年的嚴格古典教育

之後自學鋼琴, 並對流行, 爵士, 搖滾有一定品味。

在接下來的六年裡,他在國立青年盲人研究所(boulevard des Invalides)學習六年,獲得一架風琴。

渴望融入視力正常的人的世界,他進入伏爾泰中學(Lycée Voltaire)就讀名,並在鋼琴酒吧表演

1969年踏入歌壇 起先不成功

後來跟姐姐到美國邁阿密擔任法語教師, 並在讀大學攻讀古典樂。

1971年 義大利/比利時創作歌手Salvatore Adamo說服19歲的吉勃特返回歐洲。

5月在倫敦錄製英語歌曲[The Fool/傻瓜][Hide Away/躲起來]。

後來以雙A面單曲[The Fool/Hide Away]發行──不過基本上主打前者為主

其中前者由孟坦尼作曲, Patrick. Kent作詞, 被製作成一首軟式搖滾流行曲

在穩定的節奏中, 吉勃特以相對他19歲年紀來說頗為成熟渾厚的嗓音演繹

[The Fool]受到歡迎, 登上法國單曲榜冠軍,在比利時、西班牙和意大利也獲得成功。

走紅法國, 歐洲。

[The Fool][Hide Away]後來收在1971年推出的首張大碟[Gilbert Montagné /Th Fool]中, 為其首波主打

在法國歌手朱利安·克萊爾(Julien Clerc)的邀請下,孟坦尼在奧林匹亞(L’Olympia)音樂廳首度表演,並拍攝回顧他一生的短片。









1971 TV



1971 Live



 (Live Olympia / 1985)






(Version Remasterisée 2021)



(Version 50ème anniversaire)




( 休閒生活音樂 )
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