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2011/04/24 10:17:27瀏覽55|回應0|推薦0 | |
Do you? Is it what I believe? I guess not really. You were a bad man since the first time we met. Isn’t it enough?... I’m done of it. But why I miss it. Why I feel so hurt Anyone tell me… When we had conflict, we passed it. Anyhow you loved me and love her now. Just keep going on. Trying to move on. 天這麼暗,風這麼大 沒有過的感覺突然出現 措手不及 於是我 緩緩蹲下 無力地靠在衣櫃上 …天阿 我把精力放在愛上 其他事都停擺 真的是我做錯 這代價很大 …可是必須償還… 是不是有可能 有可能再燃燒 …我現在很沉重無法回答 想他,可是不能怎樣 我消沉 笑容不見了
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