Happy Canada Day Baby Blue :)
Guess what ? I did...I just past G drive license today..valid is Sep. 7, 2005 OMG..
THANKS GOD ! I PRAIED TO GOD BEFORE GO TO BED EVERY NIGHT, AFTER OUR CONVERSATION...there are only 1/2 students passed today...I'm really lucky and guess what again ?
One student asked me did I go to church ? ...last couple week, when my teacher came to teach me...the weather was good before I got in car...after 10 mins...STORM ....HEAVY RAIN.... and twice...I think God is talking to me...told me...no matter how bad the weather...he test me twice ...even STORM I can drive, so I didn't nervous when testing that so much today...THANKS GOD...
Thanks Baby Blue told me...lots things...
Happy Libling .