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Top Trends in the Payment Card Business 2022
2022/11/07 18:12:50瀏覽59|回應0|推薦0

With the rise of e-commerce, the number of transactions done through the Card-Not-Present channel is at an all-time high. Because the companies offer things like express check-out, they end up storing information about cardholders. So, it's more important than ever to protect the information on the card holders.

So, it's not surprising that companies are all of a sudden in a hurry to become PCI compliant. Being PCI-DSS compliant not only makes sure that the company is certified, but it also gives customers peace of mind that their information is safe from fraud or other misuse.

But PCI DSS compliance is not the only thing that people are looking for. There are a number of other things that are most important in the payment card industry right now. In this article, we look at some of the ways the Payment Card Industry is changing:

Increase in transactions where the card is not present

People used to be afraid to step into the e-commerce market because they didn't want to give up their traditional ways of banking and shopping. As e-commerce changes a lot of industries, more and more startups are looking to get in on the action and take advantage of the huge market. 

As more and more people in developing countries like India buy smart phones by the millions every day, the m-commerce market might not be too far behind. Even though the number of card-not-present transactions is going up, it is interesting to note that most of the time, these transactions are for small amounts.

Low-cost transactions in bulk

With the rise of low-cost, high-volume transactions, companies are putting more attention on how well their technology works to help make these changes possible. Their interest is now growing in building a network infrastructure with a lot of power, stronger encryption solutions to protect sensitive information, building web apps with as little risk as possible, etc. The need of the hour is smart networks and applications that can handle any pressure from cybercriminals and hackers.

Attention to security, not just compliance.

PCI DSS wants to make sure that organisations are safe and not just compliant. To do a PCI DSS Audit, most companies hire a Qualified Security Assessor. A QSA not only helps an organisation get certified, but also adds value through his or her past experience and skills. 

Organizations have to keep up with compliance all year long because of changing technologies, new threats, and business and reputational risks. Taking a risk-based approach to compliance is a great way for organisations to figure out what threats are out there and how they might affect their most important systems.

Organizations are also making use of the best software solutions when it comes to maintaining data security. You can find an excellent card issuing platform at this website and ensure that the data is always secure, along with maintaining compliance.

Card breach

Recently, there have been reports of a number of data breaches, with the Target breach being the most talked about. In a world where there are more and more card-present and card-not-present transactions, it is becoming more and more important to protect a customer's card information.

Card breaches can be done on purpose or by accident. When a hacker tries to steal information on purpose by taking advantage of a flaw in the payment application or a network flaw. When a company's hard drive crashes unexpectedly, data can be stolen and used in a dormant state. This is not done on purpose.

More attention from the media

Companies not only have to deal with technical problems and security risks, but they also have to protect their reputations. Since the paparazzi are always looking for news about defamation, companies not only have to worry about being hacked, but they also run the risk of being written off for good.

More people know about it

Companies have moved toward PCI DSS compliance because of challenges more than anything else. The goal of PCI DSS is to cut down on frauds that happen when cardholder data is stolen. Payment brands are making acquirers enforce it more and more, and acquirers are doing the same with merchants and service providers. 

Since the media is always looking for more news about cyberattacks and companies' names are always at risk, organisations are required to teach their employees about security and keep PCI DSS compliance at all times.

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