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How Long Do Bongs Last: Ways to Make Them Last Longer
2022/07/05 22:20:50瀏覽9|回應0|推薦0

Bongs are a great way to enjoy your favorite herb, but they can be a bit of a hassle to keep clean and in good working condition. If youre wondering how long do bongs last, the answer is that it depends on how often you use them and how well you take care of them. 

Also, how long your bong lasts also depends on the brand. If you buy a cheap bong made by an unknown manufacturer, you cant be sure how long it will go for. On the other hand, shosha bongs will typically outlast a cheap bong and provide great hits for a long time. In this article, well give you some tips on ways to make your bong last longer.

How long do bongs last?

There are many different types of bongs, and each one has its own lifespan. Glass bongs can last for years with proper care, while disposable plastic bongs may only last for a few uses. 

There are a number of factors that will affect how long your bong will last. But with proper care and maintenance, you can definitely prolong the life of your bong and get the most out of it. 

How to take care of your bong

Bongs are a great way to enjoy your favorite herbs and tobacco, but they can be a bit of an investment. If you want to make sure your bong lasts as long as possible, there are a few things you can do.

Dont bring them to parties

If youre looking to make your bong last as long as possible, there are a few things you can do. First and foremost, try to avoid bringing your bong to parties. While it may be tempting to show off your new purchase or show off your smoking skills, this is one of the quickest ways to break or damage your bong. 

Not only are there a lot of people around who could accidentally knock it over, but theres also a greater chance that someone will try to take a big hit and end up dropping the bong.

Dont leave them around kids/animals

Bongs can last a long time if you take care of them. Dont leave them around kids or animals who might break them. 

Clean them regularly

Its important to clean your bong regularly if you want it to last. If youre a regular bong user, you know that the key to a great smoking experience is a clean bong. But how do you clean your bong properly, and how often should you do it? Here are some tips for keeping your bong clean and making it last longer:

Use distilled water

Regular tap water can contain minerals that will build up in your bong over time and affect the taste of your smoke. Distilled water is free of these minerals and will keep your bong cleaner for longer.

Dont use harsh chemicals

Some people recommend using vinegar or alcohol to clean your bong, but these can be too harsh and actually damage the glass. Stick to using distilled water and a soft brush, like an old toothbrush.

Rinse after each use

This will help remove any residue thats left behind after smoking.

Deep clean once a week

Fill your bong with distilled water and add a few drops of dish soap. Swirl it around and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out thoroughly. This will help remove any built-up grime that regular cleaning might miss.

Put them away when not in use 

If your bong is lying out in the open when you are done smoking, chances are you or somebody else will knock it over. If you have a glass bong, it will shatter to pieces and a plastic bong will release the dirty water. Once you are done using the bong, empty its water, clean it up and a store is a safe place.

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