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Facelift Recovery: What to Expect?
2022/02/12 13:49:41瀏覽43|回應0|推薦0

For decades, patients have turned to facelift surgery to reduce the visible signs of aging and sun damage in the mid- and lower-face areas, such as nasolabial folds, sunken and sagging cheeks, and jowls. 

This procedure brings your youthful appearance back in a single treatment. Although many facelift patients find that their recovery period is not as long as they thought, it is important to know what you are getting yourself into before undergoing surgery.

Facelift surgery is an outpatient treatment, which means it does not require a hospital stay. Most patients recover at home, under the care of family or friends. Some patients choose to recover at a specific recovery retreat for a day or two, but it is not necessary.

Very little care is required after a facelift. A friend or family member can easily care for the patient for the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours. 

All bandages are removed the day after surgery. After that, most patients can continue with their daily activities, such as preparing simple meals, walking around the house, and going to the bathroom on their own.

Facelift surgery requires some precautions, and you have to accept that there will be some discomfort for the next few days.

Patients are typically on bed rest the first day after surgery, but after that, you can get up and only to return to bed for a short period of rest. The home should have a calm and relaxed atmosphere. It is not unusual to feel tired for the first forty-eight hours.

Most of the patients have only mild swelling and itching. With a carefully designed facelift recovery protocol, you will recover quickly. It should include certain vitamins and remedies that speed up the healing process.

Over-the-counter medications, cold compresses, or over-the-counter pain relievers can help ease any discomfort. Keeping your head up while you rest will help blood circulation, which will reduce swelling.

Sleeping during your facial rejuvenation recovery can make you feel different than what you are used to. You will need to sleep with your head up for at least two to four weeks. An elevated head will help promote healing by preventing sores and swelling.

If you do not usually sleep on your back, it will take some time to get used to it. If you sleep with a partner, it is recommended that you ask them to watch your head. 

During your recovery, pillows will be your best friends. Consider sleeping with two or three pillows behind your head and neck to keep you upright throughout the night.

Facial incisions start at the hairline near the temples and turn toward the back of the ear. It is through these incisions that excess skin is trimmed and the underlying tissues are tightened. All hair on the scalp is carefully protected. The incision usually heals imperceptibly.

The incision does not require any special care.  The surgeon will give you simple instructions after changing the bandages. Patients are usually allowed to wash their hair and moisten the incision after about three days.

Healing incisions should be kept out of the sun. Most patients do not need any special incision treatment, but in this case, some creams will be recommended for maximum care. Do not treat your incisions yourself without specific instructions from your surgeon.

( 興趣嗜好電玩動漫 )
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