攝手座 小龍包 cease bc2012 TT. Vibgyor 麥阿喜 月影 千歲玟玉 夜未眠 Sleepless
.I don't know where you are, Don't know if you are alive, But hope life has treated you kind. It has been ages, But I still remember, Time did'nt clean the memory of mine. Tonight I listen to our song again, It brings me back to the time. When we were together, And how you broke my heart. You will never see this letter, So you will never know, I am thinking of you right now. 今晚不知為何 突然想播放這首歌 它有我初戀的回憶在裡頭 雖然往事不堪回首 人事以非 此刻的心情也大不相同 但是時間彷彿回到了從前 想知道他過的好嗎 身旁是否有個愛他的人 是否像我一樣過的快樂幸福 獻給我的初戀情人 For Robert Burger