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2013/11/11 11:55:27瀏覽466|回應0|推薦1 | |
【正確使用牽繩及訓練狗狗”回來”的重要性!!!】 牽繩是飼養狗狗的其中一項基本用具, 也可以說是最重要的. 使用牽繩而你就掌握狗狗一切舉動, 能夠保護牠. 這也是狗狗帶到外面一定要使用牽繩的原因: 保護你的狗狗: 沒牽好的狗狗走在路上非常有可能被車子、摩托車、行人等 保護你的狗狗: 並不是每一隻狗都是友善的. 若遇到沒牽繩又不認識的狗, 你可牽引狗狗到別的地方以保護你的狗不被攻擊. 減少你的狗狗中毒的可能性:, 在公園, 行人路, 很多地方都會有吃剩的便當或垃圾. 狗狗亂吃極可能引起拉肚子,甚至中毒。 牽好狗狗可以避免亂撿東西吃而生病. 不是每個人都喜歡狗, 要有公德心; 在公眾環境應該牽好自己的狗而不要影響其他民眾. 法律有規定狗狗在公眾環境是要使用牽繩, 不使用牽繩是違法的. 如果希望能放開牽繩讓狗狗自由的跑, 建議到狗公園或找一個四面有圍籬的球場. 同時應先在室內開始訓練狗狗“回來”的 指令. 要訓練狗狗有可效的”回來”將 需要以下準備: 飼主與狗狗的信任關係- 外面的世界充滿不同氣味和非常有趣的事物(甚至比你有趣 了解狗狗的個性, 穩定性 – 不是每一隻狗都適合放開。 太緊張的狗、看到別的狗會太過興奮的狗和愛亂撿地上東西 從家裡、室內、有圍籬的空地,漸進式的練習 - 在家裡做得到不代表在室外做得到! 外面是個充滿許多味道及有趣的世界! 飼主要有耐心; 至少應給予8~12個月的時間好好教導! 小孩子剛學會走路時,你也不可能放讓他在外面到處亂跑吧 若不知道如何教導狗狗時, 請帶牠一起上課或尋求專業訓練師的幫忙!狗狗好不容易找 Taiwan SPCA 訓練狗狗課程: http://www.spca.org.tw/ **詳情詢問請至原PO/ http://www.spca.org.tw/ 英文版: 【The importance of the leash, correct usage and recall training !】 A leash is one of the most basic tools you’ll need to use when you have a dog, it’s also one of the most important. You can control your dog’s behavior and even protect him with a leash which is why it is necessary to leash your dog when outside. Protect your dog: An unleashed dog could get scared by cars, scooters, pedestrians or any other unexpected things that might pop up. Scared dogs could jump into traffic and cause an accident. Protect your dog: Not every dog is friendly. When you meet unleashed or unknown dogs, with the leash you can easily direct your dog to another place without being harassed or attacked. Reduce the chances of poisoning: Often in parks or on roadsides there will be food waste or garbage or even poisons that could be picked up by your dog. If ingested, it could cause diarrhea, vomiting, or even serious poisoning. Keeping your dog leashed will prevent them from picking up and eating strange things off the ground. Not everyone likes dogs, which must be respected. We should always leash our dogs when in public places so not to affect others negatively. According to the law, dogs must be leashed when in public, it is illegal to have your dog unleashed. If you want to have your dog off leash and let him run freely, it is suggested to find a dog park or a field with fence. Owners should train their dog indoors to be able to come on command before thinking of letting them off leash. You must be confident with the following points to ensure your dog will come on command while off leash. Establish trust between yourself and your dog: the world outside is full of different scents and interesting things (even more interesting than you)! You need to spend time with your dog and establish a good relationship so he won’t ignore you when he is off leash. Fully understand your dog’s character and stability—not every dog is calm enough to be let off leash. Dogs that are too nervous, get too excited when they see other dogs, or pick up food off the ground, are not suitable as off leash dogs as it’s very easy to lose control of them. Train your dog step by step, starting from indoors at home to an outdoor fenced space. Successful training at home doesn’t mean it will be the same outdoors. The world outside is full of scents and is very interesting to dogs! Be a patient owner: You need to at least spend 8-12 months to train your dog. Toddlers who’ve just learned to walk wouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets unattended would they? They why let dogs do the same? If you don’t know how to train your dog, please sign up for training classes or look for professional help. It’s not easy to find a warm family for a dog, so please be a responsible pet owner by always leashing your dog. Laziness and ignorance could cause a dog to become lost, caught and taken to a shelter or even hit by a car and killed while trying to cross the street. After the adoption papers are signed, the responsibility doesn’t end there, it is still the owner’s role to properly train their dog. Taiwan SPCA dog training classes: http://www.spca.org.tw/ |
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