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2014/11/01 20:12:47瀏覽89|回應0|推薦0

轉文/台灣動物協會 Animals Taiwan


DukiBox + Animals Taiwan 聯合粉絲活動!
即日起至11月15號,Animals Taiwan 粉絲們上DukiBox官網訂購寵物驚喜禮盒將享有50元折扣碼。DukiBox也會將您所購買禮盒金額的10%捐給Animals Taiwan!寵愛自家寶貝的同時也在做公益喔!!!
 結帳時輸入折扣代碼: ANIMTW50(大寫)

申請上如若有任何問題歡迎隨時聯絡DukiBox客服中心 service@dukibox.com




 A DukiBox + Animals Taiwan Fan special promotion!
 From now until November 15th, Animals Taiwan fans can visit the DukiBox website to receive a discount of NT$50 on their pet surprise gift order. Duki Box will then donation 10% of each gift set sold! You’ll not only be showing the love for your own furry friend but also all those that need it at Animals Taiwan.
 How to get your discount:
 Enter this discount code at the checkout: ANIMTW50 (all uppercase)
 If you have any questions please feel free to contact DukiBox customer service : service@dukibox.com

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