剛剛收到一文 請邦幫忙 如何解答https://city.udn.com/v1/city/forum/article.jsp?aid=1384839&tpno=0&no=52028&cate_no=0
Hello : TU 安安 ~~ 有功課做囉
這是我朋友的問題 麻煩有空請回答唷
謝謝啦 下次一起去吃飯
1. where is Jesus' Mom 耶穌的媽媽在那裡 ?
2. where is God's father 把耶穌差下來的那一位神的父親在那裡 ?
3. why didn't God send another son (note that i didn't say Jesus...he probably have plenty of sons by now since the birth of Jesus) to show us his power? Perhaps he has family problems now? 神為什麼不讓祂其他的兒子也來展現祂的權威 ( 我想神應該不只有耶穌一個兒子 從以前到現在 祂可能有好多的子嗣了) 祂會不會也有家庭問題 ??
~~ 問題出自於 kirk