Dear Sister CH in the Dharma, Many thanks for your kindest advice. However, I have good reason to protest against it for the benefit of others (most of them are decent fellow buddhist) not for myself. Now the issue has been resolved successfully. Here below is the exchange of our dialogue for your information. A) Originated from Liang 不二之法不在言說 解說雖多,無真實義! B) Explanation from Liang 師兄莫誤會我意!我從來不踢館欺負人的!
您文中結論我是贊同的!我是在讚美您啊! 若有言說................ 我打字超慢請見諒!昨日重溫密勒日巴尊者傳 想起一句:解說雖多,無真實義! 完全是讚賞呼應您的文句(若有言說無真實義) 是我疏忽之過,請原諒OK ?再次謝謝您! C) from me: 金剛大師兄, 古德所頌之禪詩或禪偈皆為修行或 開悟的境界, 兼有文學欣賞之美學, 以鼓勵後進參學, 用功, 辦道, 非得以 “解說雖多,無真實義” 一辭推翻古德 之成就, 小弟惟恐該辭 ”塞人誤門, 造大口業”. 為了維護佛陀正法,正見 永留傳, 不得已非現 “怒面金剛” 予以匡正澄清不可. 得罪之處尚祈 大師兄不計前嫌.
既經大師兄來文澄清, 誤會解釋清楚, 即此誤會冰釋, 重修舊好. 謝謝您! Now I have to return to my mind with ease and relax again. Allow me to express my sincere appreciation for your First Response of a helping hand extended to me in time. Once again, my thanks. Deep bow. Hahahahaha............... |