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2007/10/15 20:35:01瀏覽3753|回應9|推薦71 | |
無相 須菩提! 人相、眾生相、壽者相,即非菩薩。
Why so, Subhuti? (Because) if a Bodhisattva (still) clings to the false notion (laksana) of an ego, a personality, a being and a life, he is not (a true) Bodhisattva. (Diamond Sutra Verse) + 佛告須菩提, 凡所有相,皆是虛妄, 若見諸相非相,即見如來。 The Buddha said to Subhuti: 'Everything with form is unreal; if all forms are seen as unreal, the Tathágata will be perceived.' (Diamond Sutra Verse) +
2、金剛經重要思想: 3、「空」,是金剛經另一重要思想。 4、走出名相世界,生活不再是放逐的往事, 於是無分別,無階級,無市儈;「無相」更內
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