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金剛經偈- 2
2007/10/13 20:43:05瀏覽353|回應6|推薦8

金剛經偈- 2





All conditioned phenomena 
are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows, 
dew and lightning
such is how one should reflect and observe!
----Diamond Sutra Verse ------


Further Dharma Study:


觀法品第十八 十二偈



(龍樹菩薩 , 鳩摩羅什 )

若我是五陰 我即為生滅 若我異五陰 則非五陰相
若無有我者 何得有我所 滅我我所故 名得無我智
得無我智者 是則名實觀 得無我智者 是人為希有

內外我我所 盡滅無有故 諸受即為滅 受滅則身滅
業煩惱滅故 名之為解脫 業煩惱非實 入空戲論滅

諸佛或說我 或說於無我 諸法實相中 無我無非我
諸法實相者 心行言語斷 無生亦無滅 寂滅如涅槃

一切實非實 亦實亦非實 非實非非實 是名諸佛法

自知不隨他 寂滅無戲論 無異無分別 是則名實相

若法從緣生 不即不異因 是故名實相 不斷亦不常

不一亦不異 不常亦不斷 是名諸世尊 教化甘露味
若佛不出世 佛法巳滅盡 諸辟支佛智 從於遠離生

( 不分類不分類 )
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2007/10/14 08:25

Path Walker
2007/10/13 21:34

Q4.1: What is meant by bubbles?
A4.1: Bubbles refer to the collection of spherical or semi-spherical pockets of air or gases trapped within a layer of fluid.

The characteristic of bubbles is that they are very vulnerable, short lived and easily ruptured or destroyed.

Q4.2: How is it that conditioned phenomena are like bubbles?
A4.2: To be completed.


Path Walker
2007/10/13 21:33

Q3.1: What is meant be “illusions”?
A3.1: Illusions refers to erroneous mental representation. That which is a false representation of the actual situation is an illusion. Often used to describe performances by magicians and tricksters. Also known as sleigh-of-hand, magic, tricks etc.

The characteristic of illusions is that they are false representation of a phenomena that leads to false perception of the said phenomena, resulting in believe of attributes or properties that are in actual fact absent. It is strongly associated with falsehood.

Q3.2: How is it that conditioned phenomena are like illusions?
A3.2: Conditioned phenomena appear to has solid properties and attributes that it projects when in actual fact, it does not. They tend to lead one to perceive these qualities to be inherent in them although they are really dependent arising.

In this way, conditioned phenomena are like illusions, as they tend to lead us to perceive and believe in something that is actually absent. Like an illusion, conditioned phenomena can therefore be said to be of a lying nature, to have falsehood as its nature.

Path Walker
2007/10/13 21:32

Q2.1: What is meant by “dreams”?
A2.1: Dreams refer to the experience that arises during sleep wherein, one may experience an apparent sense of being in a scenario that may be real or fictitious. One may further engage in normal activity with others in the dream such as talking, walking, eating etc. In some cases, one may even dream about dreaming. In general, dreams are a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep. Upon waking, dreams are just a memory if at all. The characteristics of dreams is that they appear, and only appear to be real when one is in the state of dreaming. In reality, they are intangible and upon waking up, nothing in the dream can be grasped. Such is how dreams are to be known.

Q2.2: How is it that conditioned phenomena are like dreams?
A2.2: Conditioned phenomena appear to be tangible and solid, as though they possess their properties in their own right. In reality, they are empty of these properties. The characteristics and properties that they seem to be possess are as real as the ones in dreams, ultimately intangible. This is how conditioned phenomena are to be known to be like dreams.

Path Walker
2007/10/13 21:32

Q1: What is meant by “All conditioned phenomena”?

A1: Conditioned phenomena refers to that which exist due to conditions. Without conditions, such a phenomena cannot arise. They are without intrinsic properties, characteristics. They are empty or void of such properties. The properties are Empty. Such is meant by “All conditioned phenomena”.

2007/10/13 21:11




亦謝謝您提供與分享〈觀法品第十八 十二偈〉,龍樹的「中觀」理論,至今仍使人印象深刻。



Path Walker(Epath) 於 2007-10-13 21:17 回覆:

Thanks for the comments.

Oh, that Bell with sound was sent by someone unknown.

I couldn't get rid of it. It becomes an added flavor to the Blog.

I like things be pure and clean with no "attachment".

If you think its cute, then I will just leave it there.

Now I change my mind.