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2011/03/20 12:30:48瀏覽474|回應0|推薦5 | |
Chinese Painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. The earliest paintings were not representational but ornamental; they consisted of patterns or designs rather than pictures. Painting in the traditional style is known today in Chinese as guó huà - 國畫, meaning 'national' or 'native painting', as opposed to Western styles of art which became popular in China in the 20th century. 齊白石(1864-1957),名璜,號白石,中國湖南湘潭人,他的人品、繪畫、詩句、書法、篆刻,無不出類拔萃,堪稱五絕。 齊白石人物、山水、花卉和各種翎毛魚蟲,無所不能 . 童麗:相看淚眼 寒蟬淒切 對長亭晚 驟雨初歇 都門長飲無緒 留戀處 蘭舟催發 執手相看淚眼 竟無語凝噎 念去去 千里煙波 暮靄沉沉楚天闊 多情自古傷離別 更那堪冷落清秋節 啊~今宵酒醒何處 楊柳岸曉風殘月 此去經年 應是良辰 好景虛設 便縱有千種風情 更與何人說 多情自古傷離別 更那堪冷落清秋節 啊~今宵酒醒何處 楊柳岸曉風殘月 此去經年 應是良辰 好景虛設 便縱有千種風情 更與何人說多情自古傷離別 更那堪冷落清秋節 啊~今宵酒醒何處 楊柳岸曉風殘月 此去經年 應是良辰 好景虛設 便縱有千種風情 更與何人說 |
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