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1052 Reading Explorer 3_Unit 8_Epic Engineering_Voc
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By: Teresa Tan

Reading Explorer 3

Unit 8: Epic Engineering

8A Vocabulary Definitions


economic 經濟的 (adj.) pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth and commodities

original 原始的 (adj.) happening or existing first or at the beginning

repair     修護 (v.) to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend

renovation裝修(n.) the process of making changes and repairs to (an old house, building, etc.) so that it is back in good condition   

transport 運輸 (v.) to carry something from one place to another

regional 區域性的 (adj.) of, relating to or characteristic of a part of the world that is different or separate from other parts in some way

acquire  獲得 (v.) to come into possession or ownership of

demolish 拆除 (v.) to destroy (a building, bridge, etc.); to forcefully tear down or take apart (a structure)

former前任的 (adj.) someone who used to have a position but no longer has 

citizen 公民 (n.) a person who lives in a particular place


8B Vocabulary Definitions


ruin                廢墟 (n.) a state of complete destruction

dense              密集的 (adj.) tightly packed together, very thick    

illustrate       說明 (v.) to make clear by examples or analogies (比喻)

partially         部分的 (adj.) somewhat but not completely; to some extent or degree     

enormous  巨大的 (adj.) very large, huge

customer       顧客 (n.) a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer

inaccessible 達不到的 (adj.) difficult or impossible to reach

impact          影響 (n.) influence; effect

occur              出現 (v.) to appear or exist; to be found      

practical        實際的 (adj.) relating to what is real rather than to what is possible or imagined



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