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1051 Reading Explorer 3_Unit 5_Islands and Beaches_Voc
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By: Teresa Yuh-yi Tan 談玉儀

From: Wikipedia, Cobuild Dictionary and Reading Explorer 3   


Unit 5 “Islands and Beaches”


  1. 1.          architecture (n.) 建築學; 建築術[U] the art of planning, designing and constructing  buildings
  2. 2.          convert (v.) 轉變;使皈依;使改變信仰[(+from/to)] to change someone’s beliefs or the form of something
  3. 3.          cure (n.) 治癒[(+of)] something that restores health
  4. 4.          destination (n.) 終點the end of a trip; the place you intend to reach
  5. 5.          diverse (adj.) 不同的varied, made up of many different things
  6. 6.          eager (adj.) 熱誠的enthusiastic, looking forward to something
  7. 7.          isolated (adj.) 遙遠的;孤獨的remote, far from people or towns, difficult to reach
  8. 8.          magnificent (adj.) 壯麗的, 宏偉的, 宏大的extremely good, beautiful or impressive
  9. 9.          migrate (v.) 移民to move to a new or different place
  10. 10.      mild (adj.) 溫和的gentle, not severe or harsh
  11. 11.      monster (n.) 怪物a beast-like animal, sometimes imaginary
  12. 12.      prohibited (adj) 禁止的not allowed or illegal
  13. 13.      pursuit (n.) 追求;消遣an attempt to achieve or reach something; a hobby
  14. 14.      rank (n.) 等級; 地位, 身分 a position or grade compared to others
  15. 15.      spoiled (adj.) 破壞的damaged or harmed
  16. 16.      tension (n.) (精神上的)緊張[U] mental strain, stress
  17. 17.      ultimate (adj.) 最後的, 最終的 the last or final thing in a long series
  18. 18.      vast (adj.) 巨大的immense, extremely large
  19. 19.      vehicle (n.) 運載工具; 車輛; 飛行器; 太空火箭a machine used for transporting people or things like a car, bus or truck
  20. 20.      visible (adj.) 可見的able to be seen
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