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2007/01/31 17:34:43瀏覽353|回應0|推薦1



      In order to write my winter vacation homework I went to The Taipei Fine Arts Museum with my five classmates to observe the special exhibition entitled “Dirty Yoga” today. The weather was so fine that we all had good mood, and the sunshine made us very excited. Since art appeals to me very much, I was looking forward to this trip. When we entered the art hall, I was attracted by its structure and natural lighting. There were many artists’ works in the exhibition hall. Though I didn’t really understand most of the works, I still considered those were great and original. The artistic works are not only static art pieces but also kinds of mediums to make us think. The artists are full of creativity and imagination that could be seen from their works. I thought the display was interesting and we all marveled at the creative imagination made by the association between art and the daily life.

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